You were watching until a stone was cut out without hands, and it struck the image at its feet of iron and clay and crushed them….And in the days of those kings the God of the heavens will raise up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and its reign will not be left to another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms; and it will stand forever. Daniel 2:34, 44.
These past few days we have been prayerfully studying Daniel 2 and the prophecies concerning the great human image. As frightful as it may be and as great as the human government seems to be today, the destiny of the great human image is to be crushed by a stone cut out without hands (Dan. 2:34-35; 44-45)!
Hallelujah, Christ was cut with no human hand but by God’s hand through His death and resurrection to be this stone! And when He comes, Christ will come with His overcomers, His bride, His increase, His army, and together they will crush the great human image at its toes!
If we see this, we will realize that today in the church age Christ is building up His church to be His bride, and He is looking to gain His overcomers in this age!
When Christ returns, He will marry His overcomers as His bride – they have already been fighting the battle against His enemy for years and have overcome him (because of the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and by not loving their soul life even unto death)!
Praise the Lord! Gain Your overcomers in this age as Your Bride! Lord, gain Your increase, Your army, Your bride, those who overcome Your enemy in this age and will continue to overcome him as they return together with You! Lord, make us these overcomers! We want to come back with You as the corporate smiting stone to crush the great human image! Hallelujah!
Christ is the Stone Cut Without Hands
The stone spoken of in Dan. 2:34-35 is Christ Himself who through His crucifixion was cut by God by being put to death (see Zech. 3:9; Acts 2:23) and in His resurrection He was cut out to be the foundation stone and the corner stone (Isa. 28:16; Matt. 21:42)!
In His resurrection Christ was cut by God as the STONE to three different kinds of peoples: to the church, Christ is the foundation stone and the cornerstone for the building up (see Matt. 21:42); to the unbelieving Jews, Christ is the stumbling stone (Isa. 8:14; Rom. 9:33); and to the totality of the human government, Christ is the crushing stone (Matt. 21:44).
Christ will come as the stone and will crush the image like powder and scatter it like chaff – the wind will blow it away!
What seems real, great, and fearfully big today – the totality of the human government – will be smashed, crushed, and pulverised by Christ with His overcomers coming as the corporate smiting stone! Human government will be terminated and annihilated by Christ at His appearing as the God-cut stone.
The Corporate Smashing Stone – Christ with His Overcomers
When Christ comes as the smiting stone to destroy the totality of human government headed up by Antichrist He will not return alone – He will come with His overcomers (Rev. 17:14; 19:7-8, 11, 14). These overcomers are Christ’s newly-wed bride, His increase and His enlargement (John 3:29-30).
We need to give Christ more ground in our being that He may increase in us through giving Him the preeminence, exalting Him, enjoying Him as our unique pattern, loving Him, praising Him, and calling on Him!
As we give the Stone-Christ the preeminence in us, we will become part of His counterpart His bride, His enlargement! After His wedding, Christ as the Husband will come with His newlywed bride to destroy Antichrist (Rev. 17:14; 19:19).
Antichrist will gather many armies of men to rebel against God and fight directly against Him, and he will even call himself “god”. They will be surprised and shocked when they will see Christ with His overcomers coming to crush them and tread them under His feet in the great wine press!
When Christ will appear as the God-cut stone – together with His overcomers – He as the corporate Christ will strike the ten kings with Antichrist (Rev. 19:11-21)! The great human image will be destroyed by the corporate Christ, Christ with His overcomers, who will strike it from the toes (Dan. 2:35)!
The Overcomers are Lovers

For His coming we must prepare ourselves, love Him, and grow in Him, that at His appearing we may be mature to be raptured and receive the reward.
We need to take the lead to love the Lord with all our heart and never lose our first love for Him! As we love Him, He’s making His home in our heart and He increases in us for the preparation of His bride!
For us to be a part of Christ as the corporate smashing stone, for the clearing up of this earth and for the coming in of His kingdom, we need to be Christ’s lovers and loving seekers today. We need to overcome the loss of the first love spoken of in Rev. 2:4 – never lose your first love!
Give the Lord the preeminence in everything! Allow Him to make His home in your heart! Trust in Him to overcome, and not in your ability or capacity!
We overcome by the work of Christ, by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony declaring JESUS IS LORD!!!, and by not loving our soul life even unto death (Rev. 12:11).
We need to apply the blood. We need to declare the truths in the Bible and sing spiritual songs packed with the truth. And we need to love the Lord to the uttermost, even love Him with our whole heart and mind and soul and strength!
The real fighters are the lovers – when you love someone you will fight for him. When we love the Lord to the uttermost, we will fight for Him and for His interest, being one with Him to destroy His enemy and bring in His kingdom on earth!
Oh, we want to be those who are part of the corporate Christ as the smashing stone to execute Christ’s universal judgement on the aggregate of the human government from Antichrist back to Nimrod, so that man’s government on the earth in the old creation would be finished and God’s dominion over the earth in the millennium and in the new heaven and new earth would be initiated to continue for eternity!
Lord Jesus, we love You. Save us from losing our first love for You. We want to love You with our whole heart and with our whole being. Lord, we give You the preeminence in all things by faith. Make Your home in our heart, and make us Your enlargement, Your increase, Your bride. Lord Jesus, we desire Your return. Come, dear Lord, our beloved Bridegroom! We want to return with You to smash Your enemy and bring in Your kingdom! Lord Jesus, make us Your overcomers in this age!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired from brother Dick Taylor’s speaking in this message and portions in, Life-study of Daniel (msg. 3), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Crystallization-Study of Daniel and Zechariah, week 3 (entitled, The Vision of the Great Image—the Controlling Vision in the Book of Daniel)
- Hymns on this topic:
# Though deep the darkness be / We still would onward go, / Till we the day of rapture greet / And glory ‘round shall glow. / ’Tis there we’ll see the Lord, / And Satan overcome; / The overcomers will rejoice, / Jesus, the Lord has come!
# Overcomers Christ will take, / Those who all for Him forsake, / Those who of first love partake— / Win in time!
# Yes, my life’s just to love You with my whole being. / Yes, my work’s just to love You with my whole being. / Loving You is my pleasure, / Loving You is my service, / Loving You is my motive and also my will. - Pictures credit: Via, Inspiration Unlimited Facebook page, HWMR Daniel and Zechariah Quotes album.
Christ is a stone in three aspects. First, to the believers Christ is the foundation stone in whom they trust. Concerning this aspect of Christ as a stone, Isaiah 28:16 says, “Indeed, I lay a stone in Zion as a foundation, / A tested stone, / A precious cornerstone as a foundation firmly established.” Second, to the unbelieving Jews Christ is the stumbling stone (Isa. 8:14; Rom. 9:33). Regarding this aspect, Matthew 21:44a says, “He who falls on this stone shall be broken to pieces.” Third, to the nations Christ will be the smiting stone. “On whomever it falls, it shall crush him to powder and scatter him like chaff” (Matt. 21:44b). (Life-study of Daniel, pp. 16-17)
Thank you, thank you. What a tremendous blessing this is
I appreciated Christ as a stone in 3 aspects: the foundation stone and cornerstone for the building up of His church; the stumbling stone to the Jews; and the smiting stone to the nations, the aggregate of the human government. I also enjoyed that we need to love Him today. The stone that is cut out without hands is Christ and His overcomers, His bride! May we be those who open to be INFUSED, TRANSFUSED, and SATURATED with Christ the Stone-Savior today! Tell Him we love Him. Let Him infuse Himself as the stone element into our being, TRANSFORMING us and making us the same as He is. His overcomers are those who love Him the most and are filled with the element of the Stone-Savior. Give yourself to love the Lord today! Lord we love You!
Yes, I really enjoyed the message of the "The smashing Stone – Christ with His Overcomers" . I am hoping in the Lord that this type of message will continue spreading in the "Face Book" May the triuned God continue to bless His church to produce overcomers this age and establish His kingdom earth. Amen.
The STONE cut without hands that will strike the image from the toes to the head (Dan 2:34, 7:13-14) is CHRIST. Christ was first CUT BY GOD through crucifixion and in His resurrection He was cut out to be the CORNERSTONE for the BUILDING up of the church and the CRUSHING STONE to DESTROY the totality of human government.
There will be war between Christ and Antichrist (Rev 17:14; 19:11-16, 19-21) With Christ there will be His newly-married bride, composed of the overcomers, and with Antichrist there will be the ten kings with their armies. This war will be a fighting of the EARTH against the HEAVENS, of man against God. Christ will defeat and destroy Antichrist and the ten kings.
OVERCOMERS are those who overcome all the matters revealed in Revelation 1 to 3. I am thankful that God had given us a NEW HEART to LOVE Him and a NEW SPIRIT to enjoy Him. We need to pay a price to love Him whole heartedly, to choose to enjoy Him…. Day by day this precious One is being constituted into our being, making us precious stones for His building…” Daily we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of the testimony and by not loving our soul-life. “O Lord Jesus, supply us”
O Lord make us Your overcomers. Make us part of the corporate smiting stone. Deal with everything that is not of You. Make us Your crazy lovers to be Your fighters – make us Your bridal army to hasten Your coming to smite the great human image.
in this Age the Body of Christ when each member in this Body reach the transformation of becoming the precious stone these are the overcomers that will cooperate to the Head which is Christ and the great human Image will be put to the End. O Lord Jesus thank You that Your shining has no end every time when we come to enjoy Your word You supply us life and endurance..morethan words could not be utter to say thank You sanctified my whole being to undergo with the transformation to be one of Your overcomer to smite the great the human image without hands..