Cooperating with Christ in His Ministry of Intercession by Praying at the Incense Altar

Cooperating with Christ in His Ministry of Intercession by Praying at the Incense Altar [In the picture: Prayer is the way to enter into the Holy of Holies and come forward to the throne of grace so that we can receive mercy and find grace to meet our timely need. ]

We today as the many members of the Body of Christ have the privilege and the responsibility to be one with Our interceding Head, joining into His interceding ministry by praying at the incense altar for what is in God’s heart.

When Christ was on the earth, the disciples were usually falling asleep as He was praying, but after His death and resurrection, His disciples (and we all) became the many members of the Body of Christ on the earth, and now we can join into His interceding ministry!

Christ as the Head of the Body is praying in the heavens, and we as the Body of Christ, the corporate Christ, are praying on the earth (1 Cor. 12:12; Acts 12:5, 12).

We need to cooperate with Christ’s ministry of intercession by coming to the incense altar in our spirit and intercede for others and for the Lord’s interests.

May the Lord really shine on us and show us a clear view of the incense altar so that we may pray one with Him – not prayers for our needs or for anything outwardly, but prayers for God’s move, for God’s purpose, for the Lord’s recovery, for God’s administration, and for God’s dispensing!

Lord, thank You for joining us in our weakness and praying for us as the Spirit! Uplift our view of Your interceding ministry, Lord, and make us those who have a clear view of the incense altar in the universe. Lord, we want to pray one with You in our spirit for what is in Your heart. May Your economy be carried out! May Your divine administration be accomplished!

The Body of Christ Intercedes One With Christ

Christ today is not only the Head but also the Body, the corporate-Christ, the Body-Christ, since after His death and resurrection He regenerated millions of believers to be His many organic members.

The prayer life of Christ is the corporate prayer life of the Body of Christ, and if we are open to the Lord in our time with Him we will realize that we also can enter into Christ’s ministry of intercession today.

Man and God are joined together in prayer at the incense altar, and what the Head is praying in the heavens, the Body is uttering on the earth, and God is adding incense to these prayers. If we pray Christ, if we pray and our prayers are filled with Christ, God will pour out His answers.

Whenever we pray in the spirit, Christ is praying in our praying. We are joined to the Lord as one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17), and we pray in the Lord’s name (John 14:13-14; 15:16; 16:23-24) – we pray in Christ.

When we pray, we enter into fellowship with the Lord and become conscious of the fact that we are truly one spirit with Him adn that He is actually one spirit with us (based on 1 Cor. 6:17).

This is how the Body of Christ intercedes one with Christ – all the members of the Body exercise their spirit and pray in the organic union with Christ the Head, and whatever they pray is the prayer of the Head expressed through them!

When we pray with the exercise of our spirit, Christ is praying in us and we pray in Christ, and God sees our prayers as being part of Christ’s intercession!

What a privilege that we, as parts of the Body-Christ, would cooperate with Christ in His ministry of intercession, carrying out His intercession in our prayers of intercession (Rom. 8:34, 26-27)!

Interceding for God’s Interest and His Purpose

We pray a lot of prayers, and many times we ask God things concerning our family, our well-being, our health, our possessions, our relatives, our work, etc. We do need to bring all things to God and pray for all things, so that we may have an uninterrupted fellowship with Him.

But the prayer at the incense altar, the prayer of intercession, is something else – we intercede not for personal things or outward things but pray for others, for God’s need, for God’s purpose.

If we have a clear view of what the incense altar is and what God needs, we will be revolutionized in our prayer life and we will pray for God’s purpose to be accomplished!

A clear vision of the incense altar will cause us to pray for the executing of God’s purpose, the carrying out of the divine administration, and for the dispensing of God’s supplying grace to all the saints (1 Tim. 2:1; Rom. 8:26-27).

This is what God desires, a group of people who focus on God’s economy, God’s purpose, and the things that He is endeavoring to carry out.

When we come to the incense altar we forget about ourselves and we pray for all the saints, for the church, for the lost ones, for God’s kingdom to come, and for God to gain what He desires. This kind of prayer is what God needs for Him to accomplish what’s on His heart.

He wants His people to join Christ in His intercession at the incense altar to pray for God’s eternal plan, for the Lord’s recovery, for God’s move, for all the churches, and for all the saints.

Oh, that we would tap in, join in, participate, and enter into Christ’s ministry of intercession!

Praying to Motivate God’s Throne

At the incense altar, we don’t pray formal or religious prayers, and we do not pray in a natural way. Rather, we pray intercessory prayers, prayers to intercede for others and for God’s interest on earth.

We need to learn to pray one with Christ in our spirit in such a way that we motivate the throne of God to accomplish what God decided and what He desires!

We need to learn to pray in such a way that we would motivate the throne of grace to dispense God’s life supply as grace to all the needy saints, that all the saints would receive help for the timely need (Heb. 4:16).

We need to learn to pray in such a way that we would motivate the throne of authority to execute the divine administration (see Rev. 8).

I believe that many saints have touched this kind of prayer, but we need to continue to enter into this as a way of life, as a habit. We need to intercede all day long for others, for God’s interest, for His move, for the churches, for the saints to grow in life, and for whatever the Head conveys to us in our oneness with Him!

As we see in Rev. 8, God will gain such people who pray in this way, and He will be happy, satisfied, and delighted to pour out the answer to their prayers!

Oh, may we be those who pray in such a way today! May we be those who offer God prayers of intercession by being one with Him at the incense altar!

Lord, show us a clear vision of the incense altar and the interceding Christ. We want to be one with You in Your prayer of intercession today. Lord, may we learn to pray prayers that motivate the throne of grace to minister life supply to the saints. May we pray in such a way that the throne of authority will execute God’s divine administration on the earth! Lord, fill the earth with interceding saints. Lord, make us a house of prayer, a people who pray, men of prayer, Your intercessors!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from portions in, The Conclusion of the New Testament (msg. 420), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 3 (entitled, Praying at the Incense Altar for the Formation of an Army to Fight for God’s Move on Earth).
  • Further reading on this topic: Life-study of Exodus (msgs. 149, 152).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # By prayer and faith, O may we learn / To labor, Lord, with Thee, / To know the victory is ours / And Thine authority.
    # Teach us to pray! Move on our hearts, O Lord, / Till Thine own passion all our being move! / Teach us! Pray in us, till our prayer shall be / Christ in us praying to the Christ above!
    # Lord, grant me a heavenly, corporate view; / That all of my growth and prayers to You, / Little by little, day by day, / Would cause building up into You.
  • Pictures credit: with permission from, Inspiration Unlimited (facebook page).
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

We need to realize that whenever we pray in the spirit, Christ is praying in our praying. The New Testament speaks of praying in the Lord’s name (John 14:13-14; 15:16; 16:23-24). To pray in the name of the Lord Jesus is to pray in Christ. When we pray in this way, Christ is actually the one praying….He prays in our prayer. In the sight of God, all the proper prayers of the saints and of the churches are prayers of Christ and are included as part of Christ’s intercession. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 4272)

11 years ago

I loved 1Timothy2:1 and Romans 8:26-27; we need to pray with spiritual compassion.

12 years ago

Today we need to learn to pray in such a way as to motivate the throne of grace to dispense God’s life supply as grace to all the needy ones. We need to learn how to pray to motivate the throne of authority to execute the divine administration. If we have this view concerning prayer, our prayer life will be revolutionized.

12 years ago

Whenever we pray in our spirit, Christ is praying in our praying. What God desires is the prayer at the incense altar. At the incense altar, as the center of the divine administration, we should become intercessors, interceding for others and God’s interests. Here we are truly one with the Lord, and will be, in our experience, a real member of Christ, a genuine part of the Body of Christ, the corporate Christ, cooperating with the Lord in His ministry of intercession. We need to learn to pray for the executing of God’s purpose, to pray in a way that motivates the carrying out of the divine administration and the dispensing of God’s life supply as grace. This kind of prayer is the fragrant incense to God. Lord, teach us to pray the prayers at the incense altar! Gain prayers that fulfil Your purpose, satisfy Your hunger, and delight Your heart.

Angel Pyne
Angel Pyne
12 years ago

I'm am deeply impressed that the incense altar is the centre of God's operation in the universe. How many people know that? I've never heard or read about this anywhere in all my life. Wow, the prayer life of Christ is the centre of God's execution of His government on earth and the executing of God's administration is motivated by the prayers offered to Him from the incense altar. The prayer offered at the incense altar governs the universe. You really have to read Revelation 8. It's all there!

Tara Wellesley
Tara Wellesley
12 years ago


Rom 8:26-27 Moreover; in like manner the Spirit also joins in to help us in our weakness, for we do not know for what we should pray as is fitting, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. But He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to God.

‘…when ever we pray in the spirit, Christ is praying in our praying…at the incense alter(Christ’s interceding life), we should become intercessors… Interceding for others & for the Lord’s interests. This kind of prayer is a fragrant incense to God.’

We don’t need to pray in a formal, natural, religious way, but Christ & us praying together the prayers for the executing of God’s purpose, the divine administration, & for the dispensing of God’s supplying grace (1 Tim 2:1).


12 years ago

lord jesus we want to be one with you,we want to have this such prayer. amen

Tom Smith
12 years ago

It's very important for Christ's believers to see the great responsibility we have to cooperate with Him in His heavenly ministry by praying. This kind of prayer is not the common prayer that most people pray for their own needs and the needs of those they love. It is much higher than this. It is the prayer that matched Christ's heavenly ministry on the throne and affords Him the human agreement, cooperation that He is seeking. May our vision of prayer be uplifted to this highest level where we give God the human cooperation He requires to execute His eternal will, and to carry out His ultimate move to end this age. What a great work has been committed to us!

Annie Ting
Annie Ting
12 years ago

I enjoy that we need to LEARN to pray in such a way as to motivate the throne of grace to dispense God's lie supply as grace to all the needy ones,and also LEARN how to pray to motivate the throne of authority to execute the divine administration. We all need to put these truths into PRACTICE. O Lord, make us men (being) of prayer with a life of prayer who are absolutely one wity You to cooperate with You for the carrying out of Your divine administration/economy on this earth.

Katherine Ko
Katherine Ko
12 years ago

Thousands and thousands of prayers are offered to God by Christians, but there is very little execution of God's purpose… very little dispensing of the supplying grace of God. Today we need to learn to pray in such a way as to motivate the throne of grace to dispense God's life supply as grace to all the needy ones. We need to learn to pray to motivate the throne of authority to execute the divine administration. If we have this view concerning prayer, our prayer life will be revolutionized. We need to become intercessors praying for others and for the Lord's interests. As we pray in this way, we know that we are truly one with the Lord. This kind of prayer is a fragrant incense to God. This kind of prayer fulfills God's purpose, satisfies His hunger, and delights His heart. Amen!

12 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus, make us a house of prayer Lord. Make us Your warriors, Your mighty army to pray the prayers with and in You that will turn the age Lord. Make us those who fully co-operate with You Lord. Remove all obstacles from our lives, all things and matters that hinder our prayer life Lord.

Lina Mavani on Faceb
12 years ago

Lord infuse yrself in me so yhat i could lean by yr precious words.

11 years ago

Hebrews 7:25 says that He ever lives, He is able to save, and He intercedes for us. This is wonderful. But this verse also mentions our cooperation – "those who come forward to God through Him." Since He is now interceding, it seems that to come forward to Him is to come to Him at the incense altar, which matches the subject of this post.

11 years ago

II Chr. 7:14

If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wichked ways: then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins, and heal their land.

To me prayer, is seeking God for divine intervention. Repenting from our sins, ask God to cleanse us, change us, that we would be more like Him. Gods draws us closer to Him as well seek His face, intercessery prayer, and pray and allow the Holy Spirit to prayer God perfect will through us. In order to do that we must cleanse ours from the sins of this world. Humble and ask God us and give His desires. When we become intercessors we are standing in the gap making up the hedge, and prayer Gods will for those who can not prayer for themselves. We are infact being use by the Spirit of God [Holy Spirit] to draw people into the light of Gods truth that Jesus died and shed His blood for their sins. To pull from the clutches to the devil world into the kindom of God. Holy Spirit draws people from darkness into Gods marvelish light. He havs called all saint to pray and interceed and stand in the gap. In order to interceed one must surrender your will to do God will and be filled with the Holy Spirit, who does the praying through you the perfect will of God. The Holy is gift who show all truth. He is our guide, our comfort, our teacher, He is the Spirith. He show what the father and Lord would have us to pray for. God the Father the Son and the Spirit work together as one. If you Holy Spirit you should God the Fathe in the Name of Jesus to Give Him to you. You must invite Him in He is good gift. He will assit you in magnifying God, and praying Gods will for His kingdom.

May this be a blessing to you.

Stefan Misaras (agod
11 years ago

Janesse, thank you for taking your time to comment on this blog post. We need to humble ourselves before the Lord so that He may forgive our sins, wash us, cleanse us, and shine on us. Also, He wants us to take a further step – not only to be reconciled to God initially (from sins) but also be reconciled further – from the flesh, all the way into God Himself!

God really desires a personal, intimate, organic relationship with man. And in this relationship, in this fellowship, we can see what is in God's heart. God doesn't want only to save sinners or forgive the sinning ones. What He desires is man to cooperate with Him in His great enterprise and work today. Christ is now interceding in the heavens, and we on earth as His people can cooperate with Him by praying at the incense altar!

This really is a step forward, a step deeper into God, into His heart and His purpose. May we really see this. May we not hinder God in what He desires to do but rather cooperate with Him through our prayer….

Dominic Alfonso
Dominic Alfonso
7 years ago

Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ
Greeting to you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ
I am Dominic Alfonso , from Karachi Pakistan , Believer in Christ , Requesting you for prayer Request in Urgent manner
In middle of financial crises , facing every year from May to October , you can say it’s the same every year , I face this problem , I lose all my tuitions and end up with all my savings ,
I have felt every year I send emails to you my brother and sisters in Christ ,for this reason and the cloud of darkness fades away but as soon as it month of May it stars happening ,
But this year every time I had tried to write to you something or the other comes up that distracts me from writing , right now I totally depressed , in middle of nowhere to turn but to God and you friends who can pray for me , and stand with me in prayer in unity that this problem may finish and I may get nice tuitions that I may be able to feed my family and pay the rent of the house and do other things
The root of these crises lies in my past where my mother who was a non believer, or you can say a pagan , and I had accepted Christ as my personal savior.
That which my mother didn’t like and had disowned me from her life and from all the Property, and started doing black magic to me, (which she had said that she will do for me, for leaving catholic church ) From that day of the month of May 1994 till now every year its May to October , this thing is in full control of me .
I know that this is Bondage of my past which gets activated every year in the month of May and remains till October and so on some times , this only breaks down when I pass prayer request to brothers and sisters like who always stand with me in faith and pray
I am rally thank full to you friends in Christ who always pray for me ,
And also pray for my family as well.
Dominic Alfonso