contact the Lord whenever you have a spare moment! (sharing from the yp conference in Poland)

Dear saints, in this past winter young people’s conference in Lipowiec, Poland, we got into the subject of the very beginning of the book of Genesis. Gen 1:1 says,

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Who was in the beginning? God! In the beginning of everything there is God. The question is who is in the first place of every single matter of our life. Is it God or is it us? “Lord, be the beginning of everything in my life

If we eat God we become one with Him, if we eat the world we become the world(the dust). The snake(Rev 12) eats the dust (the world) if we keep on receiving the world we will eventually be eaten by Satan. But if we keep being filled by Christ, we become the stones for God’s building, on which Satan “will break his teeth”!

Saints, inside of us there is Someone who speaks to us all the time, and He tells us what to do and what not to do – we need to obey Him! Otherwise, we will loose the way and stray! How to make sure we are on the way and we can hear the Lord Jesus in us? I enjoyed these few simple ways:

  • We need to spend time each morning to have morning revival;
  • We need to spend at least 7 minutes with the Lord;
  • We need to read the Bible;
  • We need to meet with the saints

Let us contact the Lord whenever we have a spare moment! And then we will become those crazy loving Him! [sharing from the recent young people’s conference in Lipowiec, Poland, by sister Agata O.]

Lord, we want to look at You everyday, give You the preeminence, and be filled by You. Each day we want to spend time gazing at You and getting to know You directly. Lord, make us precious stones for the New Jerusalem!

[Read this portion also in Spanish / Puede leer esta porción también en español, ¡Contactemos al Señor siempre que tengamos un momento libre! (De la conferencia de jóvenes en Polonia)]

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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A sister in the Lord
A sister in the Lord
14 years ago

Amen Lord be the beginning of everything in our life.
Make us crazy lovers of You.
We choose to be filled by You and to fallow You to become precious stones for Your building.