After passing through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, death, and resurrection, Christ became a life-giving Spirit, and He came to breathe Himself as the consummated Spirit, the holy breath, into the disciples; it is as the Spirit that He can live in us and we can live by Him and do all things in Him. Hallelujah!
God’s desire from the beginning to the end of the Bible is to be enjoyed by man in the way of life so that man would receive God’s life, grow in His life, and become the same as Christ in God’s life for God to gain a corporate expression on the earth.
This is why, right after God created man in His image and according to His likeness, He put man in front of the tree of life. This is at the beginning of the Bible.
Then at the end of the Bible, we see the tree of life again in the New Jerusalem, and the whole Bible ends with the Spirit and the bride in oneness calling for all those who are thirsty to come and drink.
God wants to be enjoyed by man so that man would partake of His life and nature and become one with God in every possible way.
But how can God, who dwells in unapproachable light, be joined to man?
How can we as human beings receive or have God’s life, when He is almighty, infinite, and great, while we are sinful, fallen, and full of problems?
God had to do something; He had to become a man. In His essence, God can never change; He is love, light, holiness, and righteousness, and He is the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
But in His economy God took the step of being incarnated; John 1:1 and 14 tell us that God became a man, that is, the Word (who is God) became flesh. Wow!
Through incarnation, God became a man, and then He lived a normal and perfect human life, at the end of which He died on the cross to redeem us and then, after three days, He resurrected to become a life-giving Spirit.
Through these two steps of incarnation and resurrection, God had two becomings; He became a man, and then He became a life-giving Spirit.
God in His essence can never become something nor does He have any need to improve or perfect Himself.
But in His economy, in order for Him to accomplish His heart’s desire, He became a man, and then He became the life-giving Spirit so that, as the Spirit, He would come into man and be man’s life and everything. Wow!
1 Cor. 15:45 clearly tells us that, just as the first man, Adam, became a living soul, so Christ as the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit. Praise the Lord, today Christ is the life-giving Spirit!
Christ Breathed Himself as the Consummated Spirit, the Holy Breath, in us in His resurrection
If we read the Bible with the glasses of God’s economy on by having the clear view that God has an eternal economy and all He does is to accomplish His heart’s desire, we will see that, in His economy, God became a man and then He became the Spirit who gives life.
1 Cor. 15:45 says that Christ, the last Adam, became a life-giving Spirit. Our human mind is too limited and narrow to comprehend how could the infinite God become flesh like us, and we can never understand how a man became the Spirit who gives life. Wow!
The Lord Jesus was transfigured in His resurrection; He was a man in the flesh, but through resurrection, He became a life-giving Spirit, who includes His humanity but is now compounded and filled with many riches!
This Spirit can now be received and enjoyed by man. In the evening of the day of His resurrection, Christ came to His disciples and breathed into them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:22). Wow!
This Man, Jesus Christ, is now no longer only in the flesh – He is now a life-breathing Spirit, the Holy Spirit who gives life and who is breathed into us, His disciples!
Christ came in His resurrection and breathed Himself as the consummated Spirit, the holy breath, into us!
The consummated Spirit was breathed as the holy breath into the disciples by the Son in resurrection.
He wanted to do this since He became a man, actually, even before the creation of the world; He wanted to breathe Himself into man, to dispense Himself into man, and now in His resurrection, He can do it! Hallelujah!
He prophesied concerning this in the Old Testament through the prophets, He promised this would happen in John 14-17 when He said that He would not leave His disciples as orphans but will return to them as another Comforter to be not just with them but in them.
He said that on that day – referring to the day of His resurrection – the disciples with subjectively and intimately know that the Son is in the Father, the Son as the Spirit is in us, and we are in the Son (John 17:20-21). Wow!
Now in His resurrection, Christ did just that: He breathed the consummated Spirit into His disciples to impart Himself into them as their life and everything.
The Gospel of John reveals that Christ became flesh to be the Lamb of God (John 1:29) and then in resurrection, He became the life-giving Spirit (20:22). Hallelujah!
Now in His resurrection, Christ breathed Himself as the consummated Spirit into us, His disciples.
Whenever we call on the name of the Lord, we receive the holy breath.
When we received the Lord initially, the holy breath came into us, for Christ as the consummated Spirit was breathed into us. Amazing!
Christ as the eternal Word of God is the eternal God (John 1:1); as such a One, he passed through a long process and eventually became the breath, the heavenly pneuma, so that He might get into His believers.
How can Christ get into us? Yes, it is by our faith in Him, but it is by Him being the life-giving Spirit, the holy breath, that He can come into our spirit!
In order for Him to accomplish God’s purpose, Christ took two steps.
First, He was incarnated to be a man in the flesh (John 1:14) so that He can be the Lamb of God to accomplish redemption for man (v. 29), to declare God to man (v. 18), and to manifest the Father to His believers (14:9-11).
Second, Christ took the step of death and resurrection to be transfigured into the Spirit so that He may impart Himself into us, His believers, to be our life and our everything. Hallelujah!
Through these two steps, Christ accomplished God’s purpose in redemption and impartation of life into man, and now He as the eternal Word is the life-giving Spirit to impart all the riches of His being into us.
Lord Jesus, thank You for becoming the life-giving Spirit to come and breathe Yourself into us as the consummated Spirit, the holy breath! Wow, God Himself became a man, and He became the Spirit who gives life so that He can dispense Himself as life into us! Amen, Lord, we open to Your divine dispensing today. We turn to You and we believe into You. We breathe You in as the holy breath. Hallelujah, our God today is the consummated Spirit, the holy breath for us to breathe in and be filled with! Yes, Lord, we want to be filled with You! Fill us with life! We apply Your precious blood, the blood of the pure and spotless Lamb of God, and we come forward to just enjoy You and partake of You! Keep us breathing You in today. You are our very breath. We give ourselves to You and we open to You. Keep our whole being open to You today so that we may be an open vessel to be filled with You as our life and our everything! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ who has become the life-giving Spirit coming to dwell in our spirit!
It is as the Spirit that Christ can Live in us and Enable us to Live by Him and Abide in Him
Our Christian life is quite miserable and sad if we do not know and experience the fact that Christ has become the life-giving Spirit.
We Christians are not people who merely believe in what the Bible says and try our best to do what the Bible tells us to do.
Rather, we are human beings who have been saved by the Lord and who have received Christ as the life-giving Spirit into our spirit, and now we live a life under the divine dispensing of God in Christ as the Spirit.
We Christians believe that Christ came in the flesh – God was incarnated in the flesh, and then He went through death and resurrection to become a life-giving Spirit.
Christ as the last Adam in the flesh went through the process of death and resurrection to become a life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45).
When Christ was on earth, He embodied God, for the fullness of the Godhead was pleased to dwell in Him.
When others saw Christ, they saw God.
However, Christ did not remain in the flesh: He continued to go through the processes of death and resurrection to become a life-giving Spirit.
We believe in the incarnated Christ and we receive the consummated Spirit, whom Christ became after His resurrection.
It is as the Spirit that Christ can live in us; if He were not the Spirit, we cannot live Christ or express Him.
It is as the Spirit that we can receive Christ as the living waters to flow in and out of our innermost being (John 7:38-39).
It is as the Spirit that Christ came back to His disciples to enter into them as their Comforter, and He began to abide in them (John 14:16-17).
This is the beginning of our Christian life: receiving Christ as the Spirit into our spirit so that we may be regenerated by the consummated Spirit, the holy breath.
It is as the Spirit that Christ can live in us today and that He can enable us to live Him by eating Him to live because of Him (John 14:19).
How can Christ live in us and how can we live Christ? It is because Christ is the Spirit who gives life, and He lives and dwells in our spirit.
It is as the Spirit that Christ can abide in us, His disciples, and He can enable us to abide in Him (v. 20; 15:4-5).
How can we abide in the Lord? It is by Him being the Spirit in our spirit; when we’re in our mingled spirit, we abide in the Lord.
It is as the Spirit that Christ can come with the Father to us, His lovers, and make an abode with us (14:23).
When we come to the Lord in His word and exercise our spirit to partake of His riches and exercise our heart to love Him, the Father and the Son come to make an abode with us by means of the Spirit who gives life in our spirit. Hallelujah!
It is as the Spirit that Christ can cause all that He is and has to be fully realized and enjoyed by us, His disciples (16:13-16).
Christ is no longer with us physically, in the flesh, but He is with us spiritually, as the Spirit, and as the Spirit He guides us into the reality, enjoyment, and experience of all that He is, all that He has, and all that He has accomplished and attained.
He is the Spirit of reality guiding us into all the reality of what He is and has.
It is as the Spirit that Christ today comes to meet with us, His brothers, as the church, and He declares the Father’s name to us and praises God in our midst (Heb. 2:11-12).
Hallelujah, when we meet together as the church, Christ is among us as the Spirit, declaring God’s name to us and causing His presence to be manifested among us.
It is as the Spirit that Christ can send us, His disciples, with His commission, and He sends us with Himself as our life and everything in the same way that the Father sent Him (John 20:21).
Praise the Lord for Christ as the Spirit – Christ as the consummated Spirit in our spirit and among us today!
Today we are qualified to represent Him with His authority in the fellowship of His Body (v. 23) for the carrying out of His commission!
Everything in our Christian life and experience and everything in the church life hinges on Christ being the Spirit who gives life.
Apart from Christ being the consummated Spirit, the holy breath, we cannot live the Christian life, we cannot enjoy Christ, we cannot abide in God, and we cannot go out with His commission to disciple all the nations.
May we practice being in our mingled spirit to enjoy the consummated Spirit with our spirit so that we may live Christ, enjoy Christ, express Christ, abide in Christ, know Christ, speak Christ, see Christ, and become Christ!
Lord Jesus, we want to enjoy You as the consummated Spirit today in our Christian life. Hallelujah, Christ as the consummated Spirit was breathed into us, and it is as the Spirit that He can live in us and enable us to live by Him and with Him! Praise the Lord for Christ as the life-giving Spirit with and in our spirit! We exercise our spirit today, dear Lord, to enjoy and partake of all that You are in spirit. Guide us as the Spirit into all the reality of what God in Christ is, has, and has accomplished. We exercise our spirit to be able to abide in Christ and have Christ abide in us. Hallelujah, it is as the Spirit that Christ can abide in us, make an abode with us, meet with us, declare the Father to us, and commission us with His great commission! Oh Lord, we love You as the Spirit! What a wonderful Spirit we have in our spirit! Wow, the Triune God has come to dwell in us as the wonderful, life-giving Spirit in us! Amen, Lord, keep us turning to our spirit so that we may enjoy You as the consummated Spirit today!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother James Lee in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of John, pp. 531-536, by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (2024 July Semiannual Training), week 8, Christ as the Feast of Tabernacles and as the Spirit Flowing out of the Believers as Rivers of Living Water.
- Similar articles on this topic:
– The Divine and Mystical Realm of the Consummated Spirit and the Pneumatic Christ, message 3 in, The Divine and Mystical realm (video message via youtube).
– The Triune God’s Dispensing, Mingling, and Expression, Now to New Jerusalem, via, New Jerusalem blog.
– The Spirit – the consummated Spirit of the processed and consummated Triune God as the consummation of the Triune God, a portion from, The Christian Life, Chapter 17, by Witness Lee.
– God is Using Nazarites in These Last Days (ministry portions), via, 21st Century Nazarites.
– Abiding in Christ to maintain our organic union with Him, article by Ed Marks in, Affirmation and Critique.
– The All-inclusive Indwelling Spirit— the Consummation of the Processed and Consummated Triune God, via, LSM Webcast.
– RECEIVE! We need content! We need to receive the Spirit of life essentially! Although there are two aspects of the Spirit, we firstly need to experience and enjoy the Spirit essentially as breath and as water. A portion from, Living to Him.
– The Spirit being the consummation of the Triune God, a portion from, A General Outline of God’s Economy and the Proper Living of a God-Man, Chapter 2, by Witness Lee.
– God’s Purpose is Accomplished by His Life in Us, via, New Jerusalem blog.
– The only one who can be a Christian – the processed and consummated Triune God living in us as the consummated Spirit, a portion from, Life-Study of Job, Chapter 19, by Witness Lee.
– Prayer—Our Spiritual Breathing, via, Bibles for America.
– What miracle! What mystery! New song via,
– What does “the Spirit was not yet” in John 7:39 refer to? More via, Holding to Truth in Love.
– The breath, a portion from, Conclusion of the New Testament, The (Msgs. 079-098), Chapter 3, by Witness Lee.
– The processed and consummated Triune God, article by Kerry S. Robichaux in, Affirmation and Critique.
– Biblical and Ministry Words That We Love: Incorporation, via, Having this Ministry. - Hymns on this topic:
– Now the Triune God has come to dwell within / As the wonderful Spirit in us. / We are mingled with the Lord, we’re one with Him / As the life-giving Spirit in us. / Oh, He’s the wonderful Spirit in us, / He’s the wonderful Spirit in us! / God is in the Son, the Son’s the Spirit now— / He’s the wonderful Spirit in us! (Hymns #1113 stanza 1 and chorus)
– The Spirit today is the air that we breathe; / Our spirits rejoice in this living inflow. / For just as our body the breath does receive, / So also in spirit to live it is so. / The Spirit today is the air that we breathe; / What thing more important than breathing to do? / For breathing each moment, new life we receive, / And God’s living freshness is constant and new. (Hymns #1114, stanzas 1-2)
– The Holy Spirit is today / The Spirit of the life divine; / He quickens us and gives us life, / And makes us fit for God’s design. / As Spirit of the life divine, / Thru us abundant fruit He bears; / Expressing God-like attributes, / To others Christ in life He shares. / The Spirit ever giving life / Transforms me thus with life divine; / Renewing all my inward parts, / In life He makes Christ’s image mine. (Hymns #244 stanzas 1, 6-7)
John 20:22, footnote 1, Recovery Version Bible
Life-study of John, 2nd ed. pp. 535-536, by Witness Lee
Hallelujah, in His resurrection Christ became the life-giving Spirit, and as the Spirit who gives life, He is everything to us!
He breathed Himself into us to be our life, and He dwells in us, He lives in us, He causes us to abide in Him, and He is our everything for our Christian life.
Through the steps of incarnation and resurrection, Christ was transformed into another form: the Spirit who gives life, and this One is in us today!
Oh Lord Jesus, thank you we can breathe you in so that we can receive you as the life-giving spirit. We want to breathe you in more and more every day
Praise the Lord who went through such a process to become a Life-giving Spirit to impart Himself as life to and everything to us.
He breathed Himself into us to be our comforter, to abide in us, to meet with us as the church to praise the Father and to send us out to carry His commission!
Aaaaameeen! Lord Jesus keep us breathing You today!
Praise the Lord! 🙌🙋🏼
Through His incarnation as flesh He accomplished God’s redemption, through His resurrection he became the Spirit which is everything to us.
The Spirit is the last Adam today for our enjoyment! Hallelujah for the Spirit!
For the accomplishment of His eternal purpose, the Lord took two steps:
Hallelujah, the Spirit is the realisation of Jesus and all that He is.
As the Spirit, the Lord is able to cause all that He is and has to be fully realised by us. How poor is Christianity.
May the Father’s mercy be upon us so that we will have a spirit of wisdom & revelation, and the eyes of our heart be enlightened to see how vast is the Lord-Spirit.
We can enjoy & experience His inexhaustible riches for eternity. To Him be the glory forever & ever.
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Amen,Praise the Lord for his transformation by becoming the life give Spirit. How we need the Spirit today.