Considering what the Lord wants to Do in God’s Move today in this World Situation

Isaiah 11:9 ... For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah, As water covers the sea.Both human history and the history of the church show us that the world situation has been and is an indicator of God’s move on earth, and today as we see the many changes in the world situation, we need to wake up and consider what the Lord wants to do and how these changes concern us.

We need to realize that God moves by His speaking, and in His recovery the Lord has brought us on to see the completing ministry of Paul and the deeper meaning of the word of God so that we may enjoy and participate in God’s economy, His dispensing, for Him to gain a corporate expression on earth.

The spreading of the divine truths of the Lord’s recovery is a preparation for the Lord’s coming back to bring in the recovery and restoration – not only to Israel but also to the entire creation.

We are commissioned by the Lord to go forth and disciple all the nations, preaching the complete gospel – the gospel of the kingdom – in all inhabited earth for a testimony to all, and then the end will come (Matt. 24:14; 28:19).

Therefore, we in the church life in the Lord’s recovery need to spread the translated, interpreted, and understood divine truths for the Lord’s recovery and restoration. We need to speak the truth, spread the high truth, and preach the gospel of the kingdom until the spreading of the divine truths will bring in the Lord’s restoration.

May the Lord save us from being inadequate in the application of the truths and slow in the spreading of the truths; may we be those who see God’s move today in this world situation, rise up to cooperate with the Lord, and spread the divine truths for the hastening of the Lord’s return.

May we be those who have the application and experience of the truth in our life, subjectively experiencing the truth, and may we pray for and participate in the spreading of the truth – especially in Europe, so that the Lord would gain shining lampstands in all the major cities for His expression.

We are not called by God merely to evangelize the world; we are called to preach the gospel and disciple the nations, teaching them everything that the Lord has taught us in His word and through the ministry, so that the present age may be consummated (Matt. 28:19-20).

Human History and the Church History show that the World Situation is an Indicator of God’s Move

Dan. 4:26 ...Your kingdom will be assured to you after you have come to know that the heavens do rule.Some people say that the Bible is the history of the Jewish people, but the reality is that the Bible is the history of God in man, the history of the carrying out of God’s economy in man.

Israel had very much to do with the carrying out of God’s economy, for they are the physical people called and chosen by God for His move on earth; however, they have rejected the Lord, and now whoever believes into the Lord Jesus is saved and brought into the church, which is the Body of Christ, the means by which God can move and be expressed today.

The world situation has always an indicator of the Lord’s move on earth; whether it was wars, peace, important treaties being signed, and particular people being on the throne or being dethroned, God has been moving in the world history.

God’s interest is in His economy to be carried out by Him on earth, and for this He arranges the world situation in a sovereign way for His purpose to be carried out.

He raises up nations, allows empires to be set up, raises up leaders, and then He puts down nations or dismisses leaders – everything is under His sovereignty. No one can hinder Him or stop His doing.

In Daniel we see king Nebuchadnezzar whom the Lord raised and kept on the throne, and He taught him that the heavens rule (see Dan. 4:26). However, this king was filled with pride, so the Lord had to humble him and bring him to the realization that God is on the throne, and He gives the kingdom to whomever He wants (see Dan. 4:35; 7:2-14).

It is a historical fact that the world situation has always been the indicator of God’s move on earth. The Bible is a history of God’s economy. Israel has been the center of the carrying out of God’s economy on earth. God is not interested merely in the history of the Jews. His interest is in His economy which is being carried out by Him on earth. The carrying out of His economy has much to do with the world situation. The history of the church also shows us that the world situation is the indicator of God’s move on earth (Rev. 2—3). Witness LeeThe history of the church also shows us that the world situation is the indicator of God’s move on earth – see Rev. 2-3, and read Watchman Nee’s, The Orthodoxy of the Church. There is a journey that the church goes through, which is prophesied in Rev. 2-3 and is wrapped up with the world history.

Today we need to know the situation and condition in the Catholic church, the Protestant churches, the Brethren, the Pentecostal movement, and the free groups, and we will realize that all this is an indicator of God’s move on earth.

If we see that both the human history and the church history show us that the world situation is the indicator of God’s move on earth, we will realize that today in this age we need to cooperate with the Lord for His move.

There’s desolation today everywhere, and there’s famine among God’s people; people are being taught what they want to hear, nobody speaks the word of righteousness, and the gospel preached is low in quality and standard.

Therefore, we need to be one with the Lord to get into the truth, be constituted with the truth, and speak the truth to minister Christ to God’s people and to all the seeking ones, so that the knowledge of God would fill the earth as water covers the sea.

Lord Jesus, grant us to realize that the world situation is the indicator of God’s move on earth. May we clearly see that the history of the church shows us that the world situation is the indicator of God’s move on earth. Lord, open our eyes to see Your move – the particular move of God in this age, even as He moved throughout history. We want to be one with You, Lord, for Your move! We praise You, Lord, for You are sovereignly arranging all things and all events for Your economy to be carried out on earth through the church!

Considering what the Lord wants to Do in God’s Move today in this World Situation

Because of the present situation in the world, there needs to be an appropriate direction for the Lord’s move in His recovery today. We should not think that the present changes in the world situation are meaningless. The Lord is not only the Creator of the universe but also the Ruler of the entire world....When we see the many changes in today’s world situation, we have to wake up. Our eyes need to be opened. We should exercise our spirit to say, “Lord, what do You mean in all of these changes, and what concerns us in all of these changes?” W. Lee, The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord's Move, pp. 7-8 The world history is fascinating yet meaningless without seeing that God has an economy, and He arranges all things to carry out His economy on earth through His people.

The people of Israel has been the center of the carrying out of God’s economy on earth in the Biblical times, but in the New Testament we see that God chose another group of people: the church, God’s spiritual people, for the carrying out His economy.

Later, the Lord used the country of Germany with Martin Luther to recover the truth of justification and put the translated word of God into the hands of the people. Following that, God used England to both expound the deeper meaning of God’s word through the Brethren, and to propagate the truth of the gospel.

Then, this last century the Lord started to use the United States of America, a country under constitution and with freedom of speech, to both release the truth and bring in the high peak truth (with brother Lee) and to spread the recovery to all the earth.

The Lord always moves in the world situation, and He chooses whichever country He wants to carry out His present move. There are many changes in the recent years in the world situation, and we need to ask before the Lord what is the direction of the Lord’s move in His recovery today, and how can we cooperate with the Lord.

In the church life we are practicing the God-ordained way to meet and to serve, learning to enjoy Christ, experience Christ, live Christ, and prophesy to minister Christ for the building up of the church.

Outwardly many events are happening, and inwardly we learn to cooperate with the Lord’s inward working. We need to realize that the present changes in the world situation are not meaningless; rather, our Lord who is our life and life supply is also the Ruler of the entire world, and He arranges the world situation with the world events to carry out His economy in this age.

The rule of heavens is on earth, and when we are under God’s rule, the kingdom is ours (Dan. 4:26). Whatever happens in the world situation is of the Lord, and we need to exercise our spirit and ask the Lord, Lord, what You mean in all these changes? What concerns us in these changes? How can we cooperate with You for Your move in the current world situation?

In God’s sovereignty, the nation of Israel has been reformed, Jerusalem belongs to Israel, and there are many preparations for the rebuilding of the temple.

However, the church needs to be built up, the gospel needs to be spread, and the truth needs to be propagated so that the world situation may move toward the end while the inward move of God would match it.

May we be those who cooperate with the Lord in today’s world situation for His move to be furthered in Europe and all over the earth.

Lord Jesus, what do You want us to do to cooperate with You in the midst of all the recent changes in the world situation? We know that the world situation is the indicator of God’s move on earth: Lord, what do You mean in all these changes, and what concerns us? We want to give You our best cooperation for the preaching of the gospel, the spreading of the truth, and the furtherance of Your move in Europe so that the outward world situation would match Your inward move in man, and then the end would come! Come, Lord Jesus!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by Minoru C. for this week, and portions from, The World Situation and God’s Move, ch. 1, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Move, msg. 3 (week 3), Spreading the Divine Truths and Seeing a Vision of the World’s Ultimate Situation, God’s Ultimate Move, and the Lord’s Ultimate Recovery.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Lord Jesus, we are Your increase, / The church, the kingdom, now we see; / Lord, may we in Your kingdom live, / For Your economy. / May Your recovery, / Forward march, spread far and wide. / Your lampstands shining forth / In every city bright. / Nor ill nor hardship do we fear, / For Lord, You stand beside. (Song on spreading the Lord’s recovery)
    # The harvest’s ripe! We are preaching the full gospel now! / The fields are white! We are preaching the full gospel now! / For this men search— / Christ and the church! / Let us reap the harvest, preaching the full gospel now! (Hymns #1294)
    # Raise up some to meet Your need, some Nazarites, / Prophets, priests, and judges, and men of prayer, / Speaking forth Your word, with Your authority, / A photo of Your heart for Your move. (Song on cooperating with God for His move)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
7 years ago

While we have been changing in recent years in order to practice the church life according to the God-ordained way, the world has also been changing. Because of the present situation in the world, there needs to be an appropriate direction for the Lord’s move in His recovery today. We should not think that the present changes in the world situation are meaningless. The Lord is not only the Creator of the universe but also the Ruler of the entire world.

Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, learned this lesson. He came to know that he was not the ruler of the earth but that the unique God, the One in the heavens, is (Dan. 4:28-37). There is the rule of the heavens on earth. Whatever happens in the world situation must be something of the Lord. When we see the many changes in today’s world situation, we have to wake up. Our eyes need to be opened. We should exercise our spirit to say, “Lord, what do You mean in all of these changes, and what concerns us in all of these changes?” (The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move,” pp. 7-8)

Mariza S.
Mariza S.
7 years ago


Jad A.
Jad A.
7 years ago


Helen M.
Helen M.
7 years ago

Amen the heavens rule

Z. T.
Z. T.
7 years ago

Amen. We praise You Lord Jesus !

Joy GT
Joy GT
7 years ago


Larry S.
Larry S.
7 years ago

Lord Jesus wake us up to see the world’s situation and Your present move. We want to cooperate with you by spreading the truth in Your word.

L. S.
L. S.
7 years ago

Amen the Lord desires all men to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:4

Juliet C.
Juliet C.
7 years ago

Hallelujah! We participate in Your move to carry out God’s economy and purpose on earth.Amen