We’re Commissioned to bring others into the Enjoyment of the All-inclusive Christ

Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light. Col. 1:12

As those who have seen a vision of God’s eternal economy and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ, we are commissioned to bring others into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ today.

Our vision of Christ, our enjoyment and experience of Christ, and our being converted from anything other than Christ to Him, will commission us to act, serve the Lord, and bring others also into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ we have enjoyed.

Just as Paul received a vision and was captured by it, not being able to be disobedient to it even at the price of his life, so our seeing the heavenly vision of God’s eternal economy will commission us and supply us to bring others into the enjoyment of Christ.

Acts 26:18, a verse almost at the end of the book of Acts, shows the vision that Paul received from God and the commission he was entrusted by Him.

He was testifying before the king that he could not be disobedient to the heavenly vision, for he was commissioned by the Lord to open others’ eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Christ.

This is our commission also.

First, we need to be those who have our eyes opened, those who are fully turned from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, and those who enjoy and receive forgiveness of sins.

We need to come to the Lord as we are and just open to Him; He will shine on us, He will enlighten the eyes of our heart, and we will see His light. In His light we see light.

We can ask the Lord to turn us from darkness to light, even to eliminate anything dark in our being.

We can tell Him to deliver us from the authority of Satan to bring us under God’s authority; in any part of our being, any aspect of our living, and any detail related to us, we need to be turned from Satan to God and from darkness to light.

When we are turned to God from anything else, when we’re turned from Satan to God, from darkness to light, we will receive forgiveness of sins.

The Lord’s light exposes any darkness, any sin and trespass, and we just confess them.

Under the Lord’s light, we confess our sins, trespasses, and mistakes, and we ask the Lord to forgive us.

His precious blood cleanses us from every sin, and we receive the forgiveness of our sins.

Then, we can enjoy Christ as our inheritance. Hallelujah, Christ is our portion – He’s our inheritance, and we can enjoy Him together with the saints in the light!

He is all-inclusive, He’s the reality of the good land, and we can enjoy Him as our portion together with the saints in the light.

As we do this, as we enjoy the all-inclusive Christ and partake of His riches both personally and together with the saints, we will be commissioned to bring others also into the enjoyment of this rich, all-inclusive Christ.

We’re Commissioned to bring others into the Enjoyment of the All-Inclusive Christ as their Portion to be Sanctified Dispositionally

To open their eyes, to turn [them] from darkness to light and [from] the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me. Acts 26:18

Col. 1:12 says that Christ is our portion, even our allotted portion, as saints in the light, and the Father has qualified us for a share of this allotted portion.

Acts 26:18 speaks of the “inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me”; this inheritance is our allotted portion, the all-inclusive Christ.

As believers in Christ, we have a portion of the all-inclusive Christ allotted to us by God, and this is the inheritance we enjoy together with those who have been sanctified by faith in the Lord.

We are those being sanctified by God, and Christ is our portion both personally and corporately, with the saints.

The book of Colossians shows us that God gave the all-inclusive Christ to be our portion for our enjoyment.

God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Cor. 1:9 And having the same spirit of faith according to that which is written, "I believed, therefore I spoke," we also believe, therefore we also speak. 2 Cor. 4:13Our Christ is all-inclusive, and in Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:3).

In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily (v. 9).

When we enjoy Christ as our portion of inheritance, when we enjoy the Triune God with all He has, all He has done, and all He will do for us, we will desire to bring others also into this portion of enjoyment.

The Christ we enjoy, experience, and partake of commissions us to bring others into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ as their portion.

If we really see Christ and are governed by a vision of God’s eternal economy, we will be converted from anything else to Christ, and what we see and experience will produce or create a commission for us.

We will have a governing vision, and this vision will cause us to act, to work for Christ, to serve Christ, and to do things according to what we have seen of Him.

This is what the apostle Paul did; his vision of Christ and of God’s economy, together with his experience of Christ commissioned him to bring many others into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ as their portion.

If we today take Christ as our life and center, if we daily enjoy Christ and partake of His riches in our mingled spirit, there will be no need for others to tell us to do this or that – we will be commissioned by the Lord to minister Christ to others.

If we really see a vision of God’s eternal economy and are converted from all things other than Christ to Him, something within us will energize us to carry out God’s plan.

There will not be any need for the elders or the responsible brothers to encourage us to do something in the church or for the Lord; we will simply contact others to minister Christ to them.

Our seeing the vision of God’s economy and being converted to Christ to enjoy Him and partake of His riches will commission us to fellowship with others about the Christ we know and enjoy.

The heavenly vision we see produces a commission and a ministry in us.

The more we contact the Lord day by day in prayer, the more we will be burdened for the unbelievers around us.

We will be eager to speak of the Christ we have enjoyed and experienced.

It will be easy for us to preach the gospel, and our preaching of the gospel will not merely be an outward work for us but something that is being worked out from within us.

And when we contact people, we won’t give them doctrines or biblical teachings; we will not teach them forms, regulations, creeds, or doctrines from the Bible.

Rather, we will bring to them the living person of Jesus Christ.

This is our experience many times; as we enjoy the Lord in the morning, we are filled with Him, and we are eager to share with others concerning the Christ we have enjoyed and touched.

We will not give them something of religion: we will simply give them something of the living person of Christ who has been enjoyed by us and even introduced into us.

We enjoy the pneumatic Christ as the pledge of our inheritance (Eph. 1:14) among those who have been sanctified by faith in Christ (2 Tim. 2:22).

When we contact other believers, we will fellowship with them about the Christ whom we know. Our commission and ministry come out of the heavenly vision. The more that you contact the Lord in prayer, the more you will be burdened for so many unbelievers. As a result of your inward burden for those who do not know Christ, who do not have Christ, it will be easy for you to preach the gospel. Preaching the gospel will not merely be an outward work for you but something being worked out from within you. Then when you contact people, you are not going to bring them some doctrines, forms, regulations, or creeds. You are not bringing a religion to them, but you are bringing the living person of Christ to them. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1964, vol. 1, “A Young Man in God’s Plan,” pp. 163-166As we do this, as we enjoy the Lord, we will desire to bring people into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ in the church life so that they may enjoy Christ as we do and be sanctified dispositionally with the holy nature of God through the exercise of their spirit (Heb. 2:10-11; 1 Cor. 1:9; 2 Cor. 4:13).

We may meet another brother in the Lord and tell him about the Lord living in us (Col. 1:27; 2 Cor. 13:5); we will not only share the doctrine of the indwelling Christ with him but we will share something of our experience of Christ.

He may not respond right away, but he will consider it in the next few days and may come back to us to find out more about what it means to have Christ within him.

Our commission depends on our seeing of the eternal economy of God and our experience of Christ.

The more we experience Christ and see Him, the more we’re inwardly energised and impelled to serve the Lord by ministering Him to others.

May we be those who have Christ as our everything in our daily life.

He’s our knowledge, teaching, regulation, form, gifts, power, weight, riches, and everything that is positive.

Our whole Christian life is a matter of enjoying this Christ and partaking of His riches in spirit by exercising our spirit to contact Him.

As we enjoy Him and see a vision of Him, we’re commissioned to bring others into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ in the church life so that they may be sanctified in their very disposition for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Lord Jesus, grant us to see a clear vision of God’s economy and be converted from anything other than Christ to Christ Himself in our experience. Amen, Lord Jesus, we love You. We open to You. We want to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as our God-allotted portion together with the saints in the light. Hallelujah, we have a portion of inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Christ. Amen, Lord, we open to You to just enjoy You, partake of Your riches, and experience You. May our vision of Christ and of God’s economy become our commission to also bring others into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ in the church life. Oh Lord, we love You so much that we want to tell others about You also! Your preciousness and the heavenly vision You showed us impel us and energize us to serve You in ministering You to others!

We’re being Sanctified for the Divine Sonship until we become the Holy City, New Jerusalem

And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband...And he carried me away in spirit onto a great and high mountain and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God...He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be God to him, and he will be a son to Me. Rev. 21:2, 10, 7We thank and praise the Lord that He has revealed to us the heavenly vision of God’s economy, which is that God became man to make man God in life and nature but not in the Godhead for Him to gain a corporate expression and a counterpart.

It is the Lord’s mercy that He has unveiled us and revealed to us the heavenly vision of His divine economy; however, today we need to cooperate with the Lord in His economy.

As those who see something of God’s eternal economy, we want to cooperate with Him for Him to gain what He is after in us and through us.

The Bible reveals that God wants to make us the same as He is in life and nature but not in the Godhead.

He predestinated us unto sonship and He chose us to be holy.

Even before we were born, we were predestinated by God to be His sons and he chose us to be holy.

For us to be His sons is for us to partake of His life and be the same as He is in life.

For us to be holy is for us to partake of His holy nature and become the same as He is in His nature.

Even before we were born, God chose us to be the same as He is in His nature and He predestinated us to be the same as He is in His life.

Then, when we received the Lord as our life and Savior, we received His life and nature into us.

Now we are in the process of being sanctified for the divine sonship; God is dispensing His holy element into our being to make us holy, even the same as He is in life and nature.

Day by day we are in the process of the divine sanctification; as we open to the Lord, contact Him, fellowship with Him, and read His word and meet with the saints, the Lord is infusing us with His life and nature to make us holy unto sonship.

Our being sanctified for the divine sonship ultimately consummates in the New Jerusalem as the holy city (Rev. 21:2, 10) and the aggregate of the divine sonship (v. 7).

...Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will tabernacle with them, and they will be His peoples, and God Himself will be with them [and be] their God...And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. Having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, as clear as crystal. Rev. 21:3, 22, 11Today we are in the process of being sanctified unto sonship until we become the holy city, New Jerusalem.

This city is the ultimate consummation of God becoming man in the flesh so that man might become God in the Spirit to gain a great, corporate God-man (vv. 3, 22) for the corporate expression and glory of the Triune God (vv. 11, 23).

We are becoming the holy city, New Jerusalem, where we all are sons of God in full. Hallelujah!

God’s sanctification spans from eternity past, when He chose us and predestinated us, to eternity future, when we will be the holy city, New Jerusalem.

In between the two eternities span the age of time; in this age, we need to cooperate with the Lord by having the Spirit’s speaking daily.

We need to hear the Lord’s voice, listen to His voice, and allow Him to wash us, cleanse us, and sanctify us by His speaking.

As He speaks to us, He infuses His element into us, and we see the heavenly vision of God’s economy; this seeing and experience of Christ becomes our commission to bring others into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ for them to also be sanctified dispositionally with God’s holy nature through the exercise of their spirit.

May we remain open to the Lord, seeking to have His speaking, and may we heed His word, live under the heavenly vision of God’s eternal economy, and carry out our divine commission.

Thank You, Lord, for choosing us and predestinating us to be sanctified unto sonship. We open to You today: speak to us. Speak to us Your living word. Wash us and cleanse by Your living word. Amen, Lord, we want to be sonnized little by little, day by day. May we have an ear to hear the Spirit’s speaking so that we may be prepared and beautified as the bride of Christ. Lord, cause us to hear Your voice. Speak to us daily, even moment-by-moment, that we may become sons of God in full, consummating in the New Jerusalem. Amen, Lord Jesus, gain the New Jerusalem as the holy city and the aggregate of the divine sonship! Gain the ultimate consummation of God becoming man in the flesh so that man might become God in the Spirit – the New Jerusalem! Praise the Lord, we’re in the process of being sanctified unto sonship until we become the holy city, New Jerusalem!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by the brothers in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1975-1976, vol. 3, “Young People’s Training,” chs. 1, 3-4, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Living and Serving According to God’s Economy Concerning the Church (2023 fall ITERO), week 1, entitled, Living and Serving According to the Heavenly Vision of God’s Economy.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    What is the All-inclusive Christ? Article via, LSM Radio Newsletters.
    How to labor on Christ and Exibiting Christ, a portion from, The All-inclusive Christ, Chapter 15.
    The all-inclusive Christ in 1 Corinthians, article by Ed Marks in, Affirmation and Critique.
    The contents of our commission, a portion from, A Young Man in God’s Plan, Chapter 4, by Witness Lee.
    Our Need to Labor on the All-inclusive Christ, video message by brother R. K.
    Sanctification – the process of God’s organic salvation, article by Ed Marks in, Affirmation and Critique.
    Sanctified in Christ Jesus for the Holy City, article via, New Jerusalem blog.
    Quotes on, the all-inclusive Christ, via, the All-Inclusive Christ website.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – God has called us for His purpose, / His economy so glorious, / For which He was fully processed; / Consummated now is He! / As the Spirit, He indwells us; / As our God allotted portion, / Working out His full salvation, / Making us the same as He is. / Oh, may a clear, controlling vision of / The Lord’s economy direct my heart, / And burn in me until my spirit’s wholly set afire! / With spirit strong and active we’ll press on / To consummate God’s goal— / New Jerusalem, Hallelujah! (Song on, God has called us for His purpose, stanza 1 and chorus)
    – In our daily life and all we are and do and think and say, / How we need a deeper mingling just to gain the Lord each day; / Lord, we give ourselves completely just to take the mingled way. / Yes, mingling is the way. / From the fruit of daily living, New Jerusalem we’ll see, / It’s the ultimate in mingling—it’s divine humanity. / And what joy that we can share it all, and share it corporately. / Yes, mingling is the way. (Hymns #1199 stanzas 5-6)
    – Behold the New Jerusalem descends from God. / The Triune God Himself in His intrinsic essence / Now consummately dwells in us and we in Him. / Behold the New Jerusalem descends from God. / Illumined by the light of life we walk the way— / Of life, and eat the tree of life and drink the river. / And thus enjoying God fore’er, we’re one with Him, / As the very processed Triune God dispenses Himself to us. (Hymns #1348)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
1 year ago

It may be that you would fellowship with another Christian brother about Christ being in the believers (Col. 1:27; 2 Cor. 13:5). He may say that he knows this. Then you can ask him, “What is your experience of Christ as life?” If you are so living in the spirit, what you say to him will impart Christ and will have an impact. The Holy Spirit will honor what you say…After his contact with you, he may wonder for days what it means to have Christ within him. He will desire to get back in touch with you to find out what it means to have Christ within him…You are going to bring Christ to people, and this commission depends on your seeing. Because you have experienced the Lord and seen Him, you have something within you energizing and operating to impel you to serve the Lord in ministering Him to others. The Lord wants to recover Christ Himself to be realized by us as everything. Christ Himself is our knowledge, our teaching, our regulation, our form, our gifts, our power, our weight, and our riches. If you have Christ, you have everything. The Christian life is not a matter of religion, of teachings, of forms, of regulations, or of gifts, but a matter of Christ Himself.

Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1964, vol. 1, “A Young Man in God’s Plan,” pp. 163-166

Stefan M.
1 year ago

Dear brother, it is so good to know, enjoy, and experience Christ as our portion; He is our life in a very subjective way.

When we see a vision of Christ and are converted from all other things to Him, we will be commissioned by the Lord to also bring others into the enjoyment of this wonderful One.

We will then serve Christ and work for Him according to what we have seen of Him. Our speaking to them will cause them to have a hunger for a deeper experience of Christ.

Lord Jesus, we want to know You, enjoy You, and experience You as the all-inclusive Christ. Flow through us, Lord, into so many others to bring them into a deeper and higher experience of Christ!

Mario V.
Mario V.
1 year ago


Praise the Father for qualifying to have a share of this all inclusive Christ, the reality of all the positive things in the universe, who desires to be everything to us in our being and in our experience.

May the Lord increase the level of our receiving, eating, and enjoyment. May we receive the Lord’s renewed training of us.

Oh Lord Jesus ….

Richard C.
Richard C.
1 year ago

Dear brother, the more we have seen and experienced of the all inclusive, pneumatic Christ to be everything to us, the more we will have the inward burden and way to the preach the gospel with impact to unbelievers.

This requires we spend more time in prayer to contact the Lord to receive such a fresh vision for such a commission to gain such ones.

O Lord Jesus! Amen. Lord flow through us so You can be ministered to others!

1 year ago

Lord, go deeper into us, go deeper every day, take out the mud that is still in us and give us more of your stone nature, so that we may be precious stones for Your building.

Nick H.
Nick H.
1 year ago

Amen dear brother. We do need to see a vision of Christ.

May we seek to be fully converted from other things and fully focus ourselves in Him.

This is our commission from the Lord,so we must be those who fully serve our Christ and work for Him, according to what we have seen and continually see of Him. 

Lord today when I contact them as they are believers, I must use this opportunity, as You need me to fellowship with them, about the Christ whom I know and love. Hallelujah. Thank you Lord. 

Jon H.
Jon H.
1 year ago

Amen! Lord more flowing today! We open ourselves ✨

K. P.
K. P.
1 year ago

Col. 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light.

Acts 26:18 …That they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.

Praise the Lord! 🙋🏽😃 Amen! 🙏

Larry S.
Larry S.
1 year ago

Thank you Father God for our allotted portion of Christ.

Oh Lord Jesus, remind us to persevere in prayer for those who are in darkness.