And as for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away, but an extension of life was given to them for a season and a time (Daniel 7:12).
We need to be clear what age we live in today. In the history class as we grew up we might have been taught about many empires and many peoples, but in God’s eyes there are only four empires that represent the entire human government throughout history.
These four empires are the Babylonian empire, the Medo-Persian empire, the Grecian empire, and the Roman empire. Though the first three ended a while ago, they still exist in their essence, culture, and influence (see Dan. 7:12, an extension of life was given to them).
Today we are right at the end of the human history, in a situation where everything is getting ready for the resurrection of the Roman empire with its last Caesar, Antichrist. Especially in Europe, the whole political, economical, and social situation is being prepared for the Antichrist to come.
Social unrest, unstable political situation, economical problems, countries failing to take care of themselves, and the European Union becoming more strong together – so many things are happening to make it necessary for the Roman empire to be resurrected and a charismatic, powerful, and strong leader to be manifested.
Lord, before the Antichrist comes as the last Caesar of the resurrected Roman empire, produce Your overcomers! Here in Europe, Lord, we want to stand for You. We refuse to worship any idols, and we would not be bribed or drugged by the god of this age through the kosmos, the world. We love You, Lord, and we give ourselves to You to be the people You need on earth to bring You back! Come, dear Lord Jesus!
Being Clear About the Age We Are in Today
If we are clear about what age we live in today, we will see what kind of people we need to be and what kind of work we need to do to cooperate with the Lord for His final move, His move at the end of the age of the church.
The aggregate of the human empires and governments is about to be consummated and concluded with Antichrist and his ten kings, who are very soon to be manifested. Who will cooperate with the Lord for His ultimate move today? Who will be an overcomer answering the Lord’s call?
Christianity as a whole is degraded, and ever since Constantine the Great joined the church to the world the Catholic church has become the spiritual Great Babylon (Rev. 17:5). When Antichrist comes, he will rule over the political and commercial outward Great Babylon.
As we see the prophecies being fulfilled and the entire world situation being aligned to what the Bible describes as being very close to the last week in this age, we need to be full of desire for the Lord’s second coming! Our cry from deep within is now not only,
We love You, Lord Jesus! but all the more, Come, Lord Jesus! Prepare us, produce us, gain us, transform us, renew us, conform us, and glorify us that we may match You in Your desire to return!
Human Government is About to End!

And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth (Daniel 2:35b).
As believers in Christ today we respect and obey the human government and the authorities set up by God to rule over us, and we pray on their behalf.
But the human government as started by Nimrod in Babel and continued by the following governments is about to end – Christ will soon return as the stone cut without hands to smash the great image and bring in the kingdom of God!
Today we still live in the Roman empire with a mixture of cultures from the Babylonian empire, the Medo-Persian empire, and the Grecian empire. Soon, Antichrist as the last Caesar of the resurrected Roman empire will rise up and will rule over both the political and the religious Babylon (see Rev. 17-19).
The head of the great image in Daniel 2 is Babylon, and the entire human image is Babylon – it starts with and it ends with Babylon. God sounds a call in Rev. 18:4, Come Out of Her, My People!
We need to be delivered of any trace and influence of Babylon – any commercial mind, religious thought, and any mixture of things of God with things of men to make them “more palatable” for others.
We need to be recovered to God’s original intention, having a clear view of what will happen in the end times, and standing on the Lord’s side!
Christ will return with His overcomers to smash and crush the human government, and He will bring in the eternal kingdom of God on the earth! We are here for this, for the Lord’s return, for the kingdom of God, for the New Jerusalem!
Lord Jesus, make us those who are prepared and ready for Your return. Even as we obey the authorities You set to rule over us, our desire is for You to come with Your kingdom! Come, Lord Jesus! Rise up in us, and infuse us with a desire for Your return. May we see the deplorable state of mankind, the degraded state of Christianity, the idolatry and rebelliousness of the human government, and the fornication of the Catholic church with the merchants of this world. Lord, open our eyes to see, and make us those who stand for You, stand with You, and bring You back soon! Dear Lord Jesus, come!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired from brother Dick Taylor’s speaking in this message and portions in, Life-study of Daniel (msg. 4), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Crystallization-Study of Daniel and Zechariah, week 3 (entitled, The Vision of the Great Image—the Controlling Vision in the Book of Daniel).
- Hymns on this topic:
# Lord, how long, dear Bridegroom, / ’Til You come, Lord, how soon? / Don’t delay for that coming day, coming day.
# Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, / All I have I give to Thee; / Who like Thee—so fair and comely?
# Not alone, O Lord, do I adore Thee, / But with all the saints as Thy dear Bride; / Quickly come, our love is waiting for Thee; / Jesus Lord, Thou wilt be satisfied. - Pictures credit: Via, Inspiration Unlimited Facebook page, HWMR Daniel and Zechariah Quotes album.
At the beginning of the great tribulation (Matt. 24:21) the form and appearance of the Roman Empire will be restored under Antichrist. According to the books of Daniel and Revelation, the last Caesar of the Roman Empire will be Antichrist, who will be supported by ten kings (Rev. 17:10-12 and footnotes). Thus, the aggregate of human empires that began with Nimrod at Babel will consummate with Antichrist and his ten kings. (Dan. 2:32, footnote 1)
Oh Lord Jesus, we realize more and more by looking at the world, the Roman Empire and the degradation of the church Your eminent return. Lord Jesus, gain what You are after in Your universal body, Your overcomers, Your surrendered ones. Oh Lord Jesus let us be those who do not love our soul lives even unto death those who will be the pillars in the temple of God. Cause us to be those who stand with You and for You and bring You back!
In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (2:31-45) human government on the earth was signified by a great human image full of glory and splendor. In the vision of God’s prophet Daniel in chapter 7, the heads of human government and the governments themselves are signified by wild beasts…
Today in what part of the human image are we? According to the world situation, we are at the feet of the image, very close to the ten toes…The whole earth is now ready for the restoration of the Roman Empire and the appearing of the ten toes. The fourth beast in Daniel’s vision (Dan 7:7-8, 19-21) will be the Antichrist in Revelation 13 who will restore the Roman Empire and ten kings, and he will wage war against the saints (7:21). Yes, the whole earth is getting ready, but are we ready? We have to get ready, everyday, by eating, drinking, (and read Revelation) by loving the Lord and by not loving the world and the things in it…We have to become lovely to Christ for marrying Him and terrible to Satan for destroying him. Christ will come as the STONE with His OVERCOMERS to crush the empire of Antichrist, “Babylon the Great” and usher in the eternal kingdom of God upon the earth. “O Lord, make us ready.”
O Lord make us ready…Let your Body be built up and your Bride be produce for your return….amen
Daniel.2:35 then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the selver, and the gold, broken to pieces together,and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors, and the wind carried them away, that no place was found foe them; and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. 47, the king answered into Daniel, and said of a Truth it is that your God is a GOD of gods and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldest reveal this secret. Praise God, the God of Daniel is the GOD of gods and a Lord of Kings Hallelujah that it is already revealed to us what age we are now in. thank You O God that in this age You take the veil in us to see the vision of what has been spoken about the dreamed of king Nebuchadnezzar. through Your precious consecrated one Daniel, You reveal to us the secret to turn this age. o thank You O Lord that You raise us through the Building of Your Body, cause us O God each one of the member in Your Body a Nazarites voluntarily consecrated and absolutely sanctified.to turn this age to Your kingdom not only in a spiritual realm but also in physical realm..
The Bible describes as being very close to the last week in this age,we need to be full of desire for the Lord's second coming.