The Christian Life is a Matter of the Spirit – the Compound Spirit in our spirit

...the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:19

As believers in Christ, we need to see the intrinsic significance and revelation of the Spirit as the reality of the compound ointment as the holy anointing oil, for we can have the Christian life only in the Spirit, by the Spirit, and it is only the Spirit who can live the Christian life.

This week we come to week 3 on, The Christian life; the topic for this week is, The Intrinsic Significance and Revelation of the Compound Ointment as the Holy Anointing Oil— a Full Type of the Compound, All-inclusive Spirit of the Processed Triune God.

When we speak of the Christian life, we may think that we need to talk about what activities we should do, what doctrines we should know, and what practices we should take care of.

However, one of the most important matters in our Christian life is the Spirit, the compound Spirit, who is everything to us.

Regarding the matter of the Spirit, much has been lost, misunderstood and misaimed throughout history.

Even more, not one of today’s theologies – including the Nicene Creed – stresses or emphasizes the matter of the Spirit, in particular that

  1. the Spirit who gives life was not yet before the glorification of Christ,
  2. the last Adam – Christ in the flesh – became a life-giving Spirit, the Lord is the Spirit,
  3. the compound Spirit,
  4. the Spirit of life, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, Christ Himself, and the indwelling Spirit in Rom. 8 all refer to the compound Spirit who gives life,
  5. and the seven Spirits, the sevenfold Spirit of God.

There are many denominations, assemblies, and so-called churches, but they are all held back by the imperfect and unscriptural theology from the central revelation of God, and they come short of the completion of God’s eternal economy because of their missing, negligence, and opposition to these aspects of the Spirit.

But praise the Lord, in the church life in the Lord’s recovery we are coming back to the divine revelation in God’s word concerning the Spirit, and we are being recovered back to what God intends for us to know, enjoy, and experience of the Spirit so that the Spirit would live in us the Christian life.

We believers in Christ are God-men, real Christians who aspire to be the Lord’s overcomers for Him to accomplish His eternal economy concerning the church issuing in the Body of Christ and consummating in the New Jerusalem. Praise the Lord!

We are so blessed to know the matter of such a Spirit of God. Due to the degradation of the church and the work of the enemy over the last two thousand years, the matter of the Spirit has been neglected, misunderstood, misapplied, and ignored overall.

But we need to come back to the matter of the Spirit for it is only the Spirit who can live the Christian life, and it is only the Spirit who in us can fulfill God’s eternal economy.

The Christian Life is a Matter of the Spirit: only the Spirit can Live the Christian Life and Fulfill God’s Purpose

Now on the last day, the great [day] of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes into Me, as the Scripture said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. But this He said concerning the Spirit, whom those who believed into Him were about to receive; for [the] Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. John 7:37-39The vision and revelation concerning the Spirit have been neglected in Christianity, but today in the church life we have a complete vision of what the Spirit is.

The Spirit today is the all-inclusive Spirit, the compound Spirit, even the sevenfold intensified Spirit of God, without which God’s economy cannot be fulfilled.

Without the Spirit, there is no genuine Christian life.

How can we live the Christian life without the Spirit?

The truth concerning the Spirit, in particular the truth concerning the compound Spirit typified by the holy anointing oil in Exodus 30, needs to be transfused into our being.

The Christian life is altogether a matter of the Spirit. If there is no Spirit, there is no Christian life.

If there is no Spirit, we cannot be Christians and we cannot live the Christian life.

There’s no Christian life if Christ is not the Spirit, the compound Spirit, the all-inclusive Spirit, even the sevenfold intensified Spirit.

This Spirit is not just the Spirit of God in Genesis 1; it is the Spirit at the end of the Bible, in Rev. 22:17 where we see the Spirit and the Bride.

May all the veils from our eyes be removed so that we may see the Spirit, enjoy the Spirit, exercise our spirit to be one with the Spirit, and do all things in the mingled spirit today so that we may live the proper Christian life.

Without the Spirit, we are through with God; we cannot be Christian nor can we live a proper Christian life without the Spirit.

Today in Christianity the person and work of the Spirit in theological terms remain a mystery, even something that is not understandable, something quite strange and funny to many Christians, who even call the Holy Spirit as, the Holy Ghost. Oh, Lord Jesus!

If we want to have the Christian life in a full and adequate way, we need to know the Spirit, enjoy the Spirit, partake of the riches in the Spirit, even be mingled with the Spirit and experience the Spirit so that the Spirit in us may live the Christian life.

We can even say that the fact that Christ became the Spirit is greater than the creation of the universe.

The universe with all the wonderful and amazing things in it is so great, but the fact that Christ became the Spirit for Him to enter into us and live in us is even greater than this.

God became the Spirit after a long process to reach us, to be joined to us, to make us one with Him, and to live in us – this is the greatest thing in the universe.

God who created all things was incarnated to be a man and went through many processes so that He can become an ointment, the compound Spirit, to be applied to us, to be mingled with us, and to do all things in us.

He is the compound Spirit as the reality of the compound ointment as the holy anointing oil in Exo. 30, and He is applied to our being day by day to be everything to us and to us for us to live a proper Christian life.

The Christian life is a matter of the Spirit.

The Christian life is the acting, moving, working, and speaking of the consummated God who is typified by the compound ointment.

The Christian life is not what we do or say in our daily life; it is the Spirit in us doing all things and speaking all things.

If in our life there is the acting, moving, working, and speaking of the consummated, compounded God, the compound Spirit, we are bona fide Christians who live a genuine Christian life.

Without the Spirit, we cannot experience or enjoy anything of God in His economy.

Without the Spirit with our spirit there’s no way for us to be a Christian, nor is there any way for us to know, enjoy, and experience anything of God in His economy.

So also it is written, "The first man, Adam, became a living soul"; the last Adam [became] a life-giving Spirit. 1 Cor. 15:45 And the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Cor. 3:17Without the Spirit, we cannot know or enjoy God the Father, God the Son, or God the Spirit.

Without the Spirit, we cannot be regenerated, nor can we be sanctified, renewed, transformed, conformed, and glorified.

Without the Spirit, we cannot see, enjoy, and partake of all that Christ has done for us.

Without the Spirit, though God has a complete and wonderful salvation, it means nothing to us, for the Christian life is a matter of the Spirit.

Without the Spirit, there’s no regeneration, no renewing, no sanctification, no transformation, no information, and no glorification.

Every positive thing in this universe in the economy of God is compounded in the Spirit, the compound Spirit, and everything God wants to apply to us, give to us, and be to us is also in the Spirit.

Everything that has to do with the work of God, the central work of God according to His economy, is possible and real to us in the Spirit and by means of the Spirit.

May we realize that even we ourselves cannot live the Christian life without the Spirit, for only the Spirit can live the Christian life and only the Spirit can be a proper Christian.

May we open to the Lord and ask Him to unveil us to see the Spirit, be in our spirit joined to the Spirit, and live the Christian life in the Spirit and according to the Spirit.

Lord Jesus, unveil us to see that the Christian life is a matter of the Spirit and in the spirit. Save us from trying harder to please You or doing many things to fulfil what You require of us. May we see the Spirit, enjoy the Spirit, live according to the Spirit, and do all things in the spirit. Hallelujah, God became a man, went through human living, death, and resurrection, and He became a life-giving Spirit, even a compound Spirit! Praise the Lord, the compound Spirit who was not yet before Christ’s glorification is now in us, joined to us, even mingled with us in our spirit! Amen, Lord, we exercise our spirit to contact You, enjoy You, and partake of all that You are. We exercise to be one spirit with You and live in spirit so that we can be proper Christians having a proper and genuine Christian life. Oh Lord, may we pay attention to the Spirit with our spirit so that we may be regenerated, renewed, sanctified, transformed, conformed, and glorified!

Enjoy and Experience the Compound Spirit according to its Significance and Ingredients

To know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. Phil. 3:10

In Exo. 30:22-25 we see that God commanded Moses to make a particular kind of ointment, a holy anointing oil, with which he was to anoint the priests, the tabernacle, and everything related to the tabernacle.

This holy anointing oil, a compound ointment of olive oil and four spices, “compounded according to the work of a compounder,” is a full type of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Exo. 30:22- 25; 1 Cor. 15:45b; John 7:37-39; Phil. 1:19).

After the children of Israel left Egypt, ate the manna in the wilderness, drank the water from the rock that followed them, and journeyed toward the good land, they were brought to the mountain of God where God gave them the law (a picture of Himself) and the revelation of the tabernacle, the building of God.

Part of the tabernacle and the priesthood was the revelation of the ointment, which is a full type of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

You also take the finest spices: of flowing myrrh five hundred [shekels,] and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, two hundred fifty [shekels,] and of fragrant calamus two hundred fifty [shekels,] And of cassia five hundred [shekels,] according to the shekel of the sanctuary, and a hin of olive oil. And you shall make it a holy anointing oil, a fragrant ointment compounded according to the work of a compounder; it shall be a holy anointing oil. Exo. 30:23-25This Spirit is the compound, all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit of the processed Triune God whom Christ became through His death and resurrection.

We need to see the significance of the ingredients of the compound anointing oil and enjoy and experience the compound Spirit according to their application in our Christian life.

First, there is the flowing myrrh, a spice used in burial (John 19:39), signifying the precious death of Christ (Rom. 6:3).

In John 19 we see that myrrh was used to anoint the Lord’s body in His death for His burial.

It signifies the precious death of Christ. All death in this universe is ugly and terrible, full of suffering and pain, but the death of Christ is precious and sweet.

Myrrh was also used as a painkiller to reduce the suffering of death; when the Lord Jesus was being crucified, He was offered wine mixed with myrrh to reduce His pain (Mark 15:23).

Of course, the Lord did not take this drink, for He suffered death on our behalf without any pain reducer.

Today we appreciate painkillers when we need relief; imagine how much pain relief the Lord needed on the cross.

Myrrh can also be used for healing the body when it gives off the wrong kind of secretion; in our human life there are many wrong secretions, but the Lord’s death on the cross corrects this problem. Amen!

We all agree that many not-so-good things or secretions come from our flesh, from our natural man, and from our fallen being.

The Lord’s death as an element in the Spirit has the ability to correct this problem.

The second ingredient in the compound ointment is fragrant cinnamon, signifying the sweetness and effectiveness of the death of Christ (Rom. 8:13).

The death of Christ is precious and sweet. We may think that life is sweet, but the Lord’s death was sweet.

Cinnamon was prescribed to stimulate a weak heart.

The Christian life is a matter of the Spirit, when we turn to our spirit and enjoy the Spirit, we are crucified, all the bad things are put to death, and at the same time, there is a stimulant for our heart.

On one hand, we are put to death, on the other hand, we are kept alive by the Spirit; while we are dying, we are living, for we’re stimulated to live in the new man, in the new creation!

When we apply the Lord’s death in the Spirit to our inner being, our heart is stimulated to make us happy and joyful in the Lord (Phil. 4:4; Neh. 8:10).

Paul experienced the Lord in His death, for he was in prison, even in dungeon, far away from the saints, but he was encouraging the saints to rejoice in the Lord.

No matter where we are, we can enjoy the significance and application of the Spirit, the compound Spirit, and we can be made joyful, for Christ stimulates us, enlivens us, and makes us happy in the Lord.

Or are you ignorant that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Rom. 6:3 For if you live according to the flesh, you must die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the practices of the body, you will live. Rom. 8:13 And raised [us] up together with [Him] and seated [us] together with [Him] in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus. Eph. 2:6 If therefore you were raised together with Christ, seek the things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Col. 3:1The fragrant calamus is the third item in the holy anointing oil; it is from a reed that grows upward in a marsh or muddy places, and it signifies the precious resurrection of Christ (Eph. 2:6; Col. 3:1; 1 Pet. 1:3).

This calamus shoots forth, going upward, overcoming the marks and muddiness.

The resurrection of Christ is an ingredient that has been compounded in the Spirit of God to be our enjoyment and experience today.

When we feel we are in a muddy situation when we’re down and depressed, we can enjoy the compound Spirit, and there’s an element in this Spirit that will shoot up, causing us to overcome all kinds of death and and deadly situations.

Cassia, the fourth ingredient in the compound ointment, was used in ancient times to repel insects and snakes; it signifies the repelling power of Christ’s resurrection (Phil. 3:10).

Cassia repels all evil “insects” and especially the old serpent, the devil. Amen!

As we enjoy and experience Christ as the Spirit, the compound Spirit, He repels the devil in us, and anything that bothers us and “bites” us is repelled.

The final ingredient is olive oil, the base of the compound ointment; it signifies the Spirit of God as the base of the compound Spirit (Gen. 1:2).

The Spirit of God is the base, but this Spirit is not just the Spirit containing God and all that He is, but it is compounded: it has Christ’s humanity, human living, crucifixion, death with its preciousness and effectiveness, and resurrection with its power and repelling strength.

Everything we need is in the compound Spirit, and this Spirit is everything to us in our Christian life.

Lord Jesus, unveil us to see how the Spirit of Jesus Christ is the reality of the compound ointment, the holy anointing oil, for us to enjoy and experience in our Christian life today. Hallelujah, the Christian life is a matter of the Spirit, and when we exercise our spirit to contact the Lord as the Spirit, we enjoy and experience His death and resurrection with their sweetness, effectiveness, and power! Amen, Lord, we exercise our spirit to contact You today. Apply the sweetness of Your death to our being. Heal us by Your death and correct any problems that come out of our natural man by the sweetness of Your death. Stimulate our heart and empower us to live the Christian life as we contact You as the Spirit. Be the resurrection life in us with its power causing us to not remain in any death but grow in resurrection. Amen, Lord, we exercise our spirit to enjoy not just the Spirit of God but even more, the repelling power of Christ’s resurrection! Hallelujah for the compound Spirit with our spirit for us to live a proper and genuine Christian life today!

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References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Minoru Chen in the message for this week, Life-study of Exodus, msg. 157 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Christian Life (2024 Memorial Day Blending Conference), week 3, The Intrinsic Significance and Revelation of the Compound Ointment as the Holy Anointing Oil— a Full Type of the Compound, All-inclusive Spirit of the Processed Triune God.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    The relationship between the teaching of the anointing and the anointing, newsletter via, Church in Regina.
    The Spirit being also the compound Spirit, a portion from, A General Outline of God’s Economy and the Proper Living of a God-Man, Chapter 2, by Witness Lee.
    The compound Spirit, article by Ed Marks in, Affirmation and Critique.
    Sufferings and Transformation for New Jerusalem, via, New Jerusalem blog.
    The compounded Spirit, a portion from, Lesson Book, Level 3: Two Spirits—Two Spirits – the Divine Spirit and the Human Spirit, Chapter 3, by Witness Lee.
    Apply the Compound Spirit as the Compound Ointment, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    Articles of enjoyment on, The compound Spirit, via, Bible study radio.
    The compound Spirit, a vital group tract via, LSM.
    How to Receive the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit, via, Bibles for America blog.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – Christ to me is so subjective, / In my spirit dwelleth He; / Christ to me is all-inclusive, / As the Spirit one with me. / So subjective is my Christ to me! / Real in me, and rich and sweet! / All-inclusive is my Christ to me! / All my needs He fully meets. (Hymns #537 stanza 1 and chorus)
    – The Spirit of Jesus has / All elements human, divine, / The living of man in Him / And glory of God combine. / The suff’ring of human life, / Effectiveness of His death, / His rising and reigning too / Are all in the Spirit’s breath. (Hymns #242 stanzas 3-4)
    – Pure myrrh and cinnamon, / Calamus and cassia— / These are Thy elements, / Jesus my Lord! / In olive oil they’re blent / In wondrous measurement— / O what an ointment this, / Anointing us! / Four-in-one mingled, / Compounded Spirit, / Sweet with Christ’s suffering death, / Full of the fragrance / Of resurrection— / O what an ointment flows / In spirit, Lord! (Hymns #1116 stanza 1)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
6 months ago

Myrrh comes from an aromatic tree. This tree drops its juice either as a result of being cut or through some kind of natural opening or incision. In ancient times, this juice was used to reduce the suffering of death.

When the Lord Jesus was being crucified, He was offered wine mixed with myrrh to reduce His pain. However, He refused to take it. No doubt, the myrrh in Exodus 30 is a symbol of the Lord’s death. The aromatic liquid of myrrh not only reduces pain but also can be used for healing the body when it gives off the wrong kind of secretion…In our human life there are many wrong secretions, but the Lord’s death on the cross corrects this problem.

Olive oil is produced by the pressing of olives. The olive oil signifies the Spirit of God, through the pressure of Christ’s death, flowing out. The Spirit of God, signified by the olive oil, is no longer merely oil, but now it is oil compounded with certain ingredients.

Regarding this, John 7:39 says, “But this He said concerning the Spirit, whom those who believed into Him were about to receive; for the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.” This means that before the Lord’s glorification, the compound Spirit was not yet. It was after Christ’s resurrection that the compounding, or the blending, of such a Spirit was completed.

(Life-study of Exodus, pp. 1688-1689)

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
6 months ago

The Christian life is altogether a matter of the Spirit, for without the Spirit we cannot enjoy or experience God and His organic salvation!

No Spirit, no Christian life! And this Spirit is a compound Spirit, an all-inclusive, life-giving, compound Spirit!

In the Spirit we have Christ’s incarnation, human living, humanity, death, resurrection, and all their effectiveness and power.

We simply need to exercise our spirit and contact the Lord, and we experience the sweetness and effectiveness of His death, and the power and effectiveness of His resurrection!

Amen, Hallelujah for such a Spirit with our spirit for us to live the proper Christian life!

A. D.
A. D.
6 months ago

Amen brother, we need to apply this holy anointing oil to our whole being. From our head to our beard, even to the hem of our garment!

Phil H.
Phil H.
6 months ago

Amen. Those who are joined to the Lord is one spirit 🙏

Christian A.
Christian A.
6 months ago

Amen brother.

In the compound ointment we have the number four blended with the number one.

This signifies humanity blended with divinity.

The subjective experience of this is only to be found in the Spirit.

If we would experience the Lord’s death & resurrection, we need to be in the Spirit within our spirit.

We need to live the blended life.

Moh S.
Moh S.
6 months ago

Amen! Lord Jesus keep us enjoying You as the all-inclusive, life-giving, Compound Spirit today!!

K. P.
K. P.
6 months ago

The Intrinsic Significance and Revelation of the Compound Ointment as the Holy Anointing Oil—a Full Type of the Compound, All-inclusive Spirit of the Processed Triune God.

Morning Nourishment

Exo. 30:23-25 You also take the finest spices: of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, two hundred fifty shekels, and of fragrant calamus two hundred fifty shekels, and of cassia five hundred shekels…, and a hin of olive oil. And you shall make it a holy anointing oil, a fragrant ointment compounded…

Praise the Lord! 🙌😃

Richard C.
Richard C.
6 months ago

In the compound, holy anointing oil we see a picture of the precious death and resurrection of Christ, who became the Life-giving Spirit, the Spirit of the processed and consummated Triune God.

As the real myrrh, cinnamon, calamus and cassia He is able to withstand any situation and any kind of environment.

He can reduce the pain of death, correct the wrong secretions, stimulate a weak heart to make us happy and joyful in the Lord, repelling all the attacks of the enemy.

Praise the Lord for the All-Inclusive Spirit of the Triune God!

D. S.
D. S.
6 months ago

Amen! Hallelujah for such a Spirit with our spirit for us to live the proper Christian life! Praise the Lord!

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
6 months ago

This holy anointing oil, a compound ointment of olive oil and four spices (vv. 23-24), is a full type of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the compound, all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit of the processed Triune God, whom Christ became through His death and resurrection (1 Cor. 15:45; cf. note John 7:39 footnote 1a and note Phil. 1:19 footnote 4d). The significances of the ingredients of this compound anointing oil are as follows:

flowing myrrh, a spice used in burial (John 19:39), signifies the precious death of Christ (Rom. 6:3);

fragrant cinnamon signifies the sweetness and effectiveness of Christ’s death (Rom. 8:13);

fragrant calamus, from a reed that grew upward in a marsh or muddy place, signifies the precious resurrection of Christ (Eph. 2:6; Col. 3:1; 1 Pet. 1:3);

cassia, used in ancient times to repel insects and snakes, signifies the power of Christ’s resurrection (Phil. 3:10);

the olive oil as the base of the compound ointment signifies the Spirit of God as the base of the compound Spirit (Gen. 1:2).

Since the number four signifies the creatures (Ezek. 1:5), of which man is the head (Gen. 1:26), and the number one signifies the unique God (Deut. 4:35; 1 Tim. 2:5), the four spices signify the humanity of Christ in God’s creation, and the one hin of olive oil signifies the unique God with His divinity.

Thus, the blending of olive oil with the four spices signifies the compounding, the mingling, of God and man, of divinity and humanity, in the compound Spirit (cf. Lev. 2:4 and note Lev. 2:43).

The olive oil and the four spices were all prepared through a process of either pressing or cutting, signifying that the Spirit of God became the Spirit of Christ (Rom. 8:9 and note Rom. 8:94a) through Christ’s sufferings (Matt. 26:36 and note Matt. 26:36 footnote 1).

Furthermore, the measure of the four spices, being three complete units of five hundred shekels each, the middle five hundred shekels being split into two parts, signifies the Triune God in resurrection, the second, the Son, being “split” by His death on the cross. Since in the Bible five is the number for responsibility (Matt. 25:2 and note Matt. 25:2 footnote 1), the five elements in the compound ointment and the three units of five hundred shekels of the four spices signify the Triune God in resurrection as the power, the capability, for bearing responsibility.

Since the numbers three and five are related to God’s building (see note Gen. 6:15 footnote 2), these numbers in the compound ointment signify that in the compound Spirit there is the element for God’s building. Based on the above significances, the compounding of the four spices with the olive oil to make an anointing oil signifies the mingling of the above-mentioned elements with the Spirit of God through the process of Christ’s incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension to produce the compound Spirit for the building of God’s eternal dwelling place.

Exodus 23:30, footnote 1 on “holy anointing oil”, Recovery Version Bible

A. K.
A. K.
6 months ago

Amen, thank you Lord for all the process you went through to become the life-giving Spirit. Now in our spirit mingled together and become one Spirit. Hallelujah for such a Spirit that makes our Christian life possible.