Christ the King will regain the earth through the church; the earth is the Lord’s!

Christ the King will regain the earth through the church; the earth is the Lord's!This article is a continuation of, the earth will be recovered and God will reign in Christ and through the church, in an attempt to go through the Psalms and see how God intends to and WILL RECOVER the earth! We, believers, do not believe in what we see and we do not trust what is going on. We believe in Christ, in His salvation, and in God’s purpose to recover the whole earth for His dominion.

We believe in the things which are unseen, and we believe even in things that seem impossible to us. We believe the Word of God. And the Word of God tells us clearly that man was created in the image of God to express Him and according to God’s likeness to represent Him and have dominion over the earth for God.

The earth is Jehovah’s and its fullness

Psalm 24:1 clearly tells us, “The earth is Jehovah’s, and its fullness, the habitable land and those who dwell in it.” The earth does not belong to Satan – though it seemingly does today – but to the God. God is the rightful owner, and “it is He who founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the streams” (v. 2).

Right now on the earth there is mainly one mountain – Zion, the church – where God can dwell and reign, and the ones who can ascend to the mountain of Jehovah are Christ and His brothers (see v. 3). The church is a stepping stone for Christ to return and take over the whole earth.

Have we realized that, in spite of all the corruption, problems, rebellion, and usurpation on the earth, God has one spot – His mountain – where He dwells? We need to not pay much attention to the things going on today but rather set our mind on the things which are above, where Christ is – sitting at the right hand of God.

When we set our mind on Christ and on God’s purpose we will realize that we as the church have the priviledge to be the beachhead, the stepping stone, for the Lord to return and take possession of the whole earth! The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness – with the land, the people, everything!

Open your heart and be lifted up!

Psalm 24:7 says, “Lift up your heads, o gates, and be lifted up, o long enduring doors; and the King of glory will come in.” We may be Zion today, the holy mountain of God, but we also need to be open to the Lord within. We need to be open, we need to be “lifted up”, and we need to let the King of glory come in all the way with His kingdom in our being.

If the Lord possesses our being and has us as open people on earth, He can use us corporately as a stepping stone to return and possess the entire earth. Praise the Lord! Daily we need to open to Him in this way and ask Him to open any doors and gain our cooperation for the King to come in!

God rules on the earth through the church

Psalm 47:2-3 says, “Jehovah Most High is awesome: a great King over all the earth. He subdues people under us, and nations under our feet.” When the church is being enlarged, strengthened, and uplifted to be the city of God, He can rule over all the earth through Christ and in the church! The psalm doesn’t say that God rules by Himself but that God does a lot of things through His people who have been perfected to become the city of God!

He needs the church to be strengthened to be the city so that the entire earth would be brought under God’s authority and God’s kingship in Christ. Lord, gain the church to be the city of God for Your kingdom!

God intends that Christ would possess the earth

In Psalm 89 we see that God intends that Christ would possess the entire earth. Christ is the unique One in God’s record (Psa. 87:6) who has become God’s holy One, God’s mighty One, God’s anointed One (Psa. 89:19-20; Isa. 9:6; Matt. 1:16). Christ has become the Firstborn and also the highest of the kings of the earth (see Psa. 89:27; Rom. 8:29; Rev. 1:5).

As such a Unique One and Anointed One, God will extend His territory so that He will possess the entire earth – His hand will be on the sea and His right hand on the rivers (Psa. 89:25; Rev. 10:1-2). From river to river and over the sea means that Christ will possess the whole earth! Praise the Lord!

Come, Lord Jesus! Come and bring in Your kingdom over all the earth! Recover the earth to be no longer under Satan’s usurpation but under Your rule! O, may any gates in us be lifted up! We want to give You the first place, Lord, and the preeminence in our being. Come in all the way as the King of Glory and establish Your kingdom and ruling in us. Gain all the saints in all the churches as a beachhead and a stepping stone for Your return to recover the earth!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from, Christ and the Church Revealed and Typified in the Psalms (chs. 5-6), and portions of, the life-study of Psalms, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on the Crystallization-Study of Psalms (2), week 23.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # When God wants to move, / He must gain an instrument; / Overcomers separated from the current age
    # Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, / In the city of our God, / In the mountain of His holiness.
    # I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast shown, / And I begin to see, / What Thou canst be to all Thine own, / What they may be to Thee;
  • Picture source: the earth is the Lord’s!
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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