Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His becoming the Lamb of God for redemption; through His crucifixion, Christ speaks for God to declare His love for us, His desire to redeem us, and His intention to bring us into an organic salvation by means of His judicial redemption.
Hallelujah for Christ being the Word of God speaking for God!
John 1 is a wonderful chapter in the Bible showing us how Christ, who is the Word of God, came to speak for God.
God is invisible, intangible, and mysterious, but here is the Word of God, Christ Himself, who came to express God, explain God, and define God.
If we want to see God, we simply need to come to Christ, for He is the embodiment of God to be the Word becoming flesh.
Our God is truly amazing; He is not just up there in the heavens and we down here on earth, giving us some laws and rules to obey so that we please Him and then He will reward us.
Rather, God created man with a particular intention, and at one point He Himself became a man.
How can the infinite God become a finite man? How can the Creator become a creature?
This truly is incomprehensible, but one day the infinite God was incarnated to be a finite man.
The bountiful God was brought into the human flesh, and Jesus Christ came as the tabernacle of God with man to make God enjoyable, experientiable, and touchable.
Those around Him saw God’s glory in Jesus Christ, and they could see what God is like, what God wants, and what God desires through Jesus Christ.
Christ made God real to us, and when He came, He came full of grace and reality.
When we look at the Lord’s incarnation and His human living, we see so much grace!
We don’t see condemnation, criticism, and anything evil; we simply see grace upon grace.
If we read the Gospels and open to the Lord in our reading, we will enjoy this wonderful person.
He shined forth God. He expressed God as life, light, holiness, and righteousness, and He made God real to us.
As we read and pray over the Gospels, we enjoy a most wonderful person, Jesus Christ, who came as God tabernacling with us, and He expressed God in many ways. Praise the Lord!
In His incarnation and human living, Jesus Christ as the Word of God speaks for God to make Him known to us and minister God as grace into us. How we love this dear One!
Christ as the Word of God Speaks for God in His Becoming the Lamb of God for Redemption
John 1:29 says, The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
This was John the Baptist’s word concerning the Lord Jesus.
Christ as the Word of God was not only embodied to become flesh and manifest God in the flesh; even more, He speaks for God in His becoming the Lamb of God for redemption.
On the one hand, Christ was the incarnation of the invisible God to make Him visible to man by partaking of man’s flesh and blood (Heb. 2:14); on the other hand, He did this so that He could accomplish redemption for the lost universe and bring in the New Testament age.
God created the entire universe through Christ, and everything was very good; however, God’s enemy came in, and he corrupted the universe.
The entire universe – including the heavens and the earth and all things in them – was contaminated by Satan in his rebellion against God.
The whole universe fell and was corrupted, becoming lost; therefore, all things on earth and in the heavens need to be redeemed by God (Col. 1:20).
Praise the Lord, Christ as the Word of God became flesh not only to express God in His human living but even more, to accomplish God’s redemption!
When we look at Christ’s death on the cross we see that He became the Lamb of God to speak for God, telling us how God came to accomplish His redemption judicially through His death as the procedure according to His righteousness.
God is righteous; though He loves man and wants to dispense His life into man, He is bound by His righteousness from doing this.
So God Himself became a man; God partook of man’s flesh and blood so that He may redeem the entire universe.
How can God redeem us? Through becoming a man with flesh and blood, God now has His own blood, and He purchased the church with His own blood (Acts 20:28).
When we look at Christ’s death on the cross we see how the Word of God became the Lamb of God for the redemption of the lost world.
Christ speaks to us how God accomplished His redemption judicially through His death as the procedure according to His righteousness.
God became a man; He was incarnated as the Word of God tabernacling among us, and He came to accomplish His judicial redemption.
The Gospels show us that God came to be a man by the name of Jesus with a human nature and with human blood so that He may redeem the lost universe back to a new age, the New Testament age. Praise the Lord!
Christ as the Word of God is revealed in His becoming the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world for the New Testament (John 1:29, 36).
When Christ was put to death on the cross, God considered Him as the Lamb of God, and all the sins of mankind were put on Him.
Christ became on the cross the Lamb of God taking away the sin of the world.
The phrase “the world” refers to the mankind.
Satan came to deceive man and then he entered into man to inject sin into the human race.
So the entire human race and the whole universe, of which man is the head, fell.
Therefore, Christ came as the Lamb of God to take away sin from mankind. Praise the Lord!
When Christ died on the cross, He dealt with sin (2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 9:26) and with sins (1 Cor. 15:3; 1 Pet. 2:24; Heb. 9:28).
How much we thank and praise the Lord for His death for us on the cross!
How much we appreciate Him for becoming the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world!
As we prayerfully consider the Lord’s death on the cross for redemption, we are filled with love and thanks for Him, for He took the final step of going to the cross to die, bearing the sins of mankind on the cross as the Lamb of God.
We can truly look upon Him and believe into Him as the Lamb of God, and our sins are taken away by faith into Him.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for coming as the Word of God to be the Lamb of God on the cross for our redemption! Hallelujah, Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His becoming the Lamb of God for redemption! How we thank and praise You, dear Lord, for not only being incarnated as the Word of God to express God but even more, for dying for us on the cross. Thank You for paying the ultimate price of Your very life to redeem us. Hallelujah, God died for us in the person of Jesus Christ, for God has blood through His incarnation to be a man in the flesh! Praise the Lord, Christ as the Lamb of God came to take away sin from mankind! We believe into You. We receive Your wonderful redemption. We exercise our spirit of faith to believe and receive all that You have accomplished for us. Amen, Lord, thank You for coming to speak to us about how God accomplished His redemption judicially through Your death as the procedure according to Your righteousness! Hallelujah, Christ is the Lamb of God taking away the sin of the world!
The Lamb of God Signifies the Word in the Flesh as the Fulfillment of All the Offerings to Accomplish God’s Full Redemption
In the Old Testament God called a people, the people of Israel, and they had a way to contact God and not die: the offerings.
The offerings were ordained by God for man to come to God, have peace with God, and be covered by the blood shed by the animals so that man can fellowship with God.
Today in the New Testament age, however, we do not have any outward offerings, such as lambs or doves or bulls, but we have one unique offering: Christ as the Lamb of God.
In the Gospel of John, we see Christ as the Lamb of God, signifying the Word in the flesh, who fulfills all the Old Testament offerings to accomplish God’s full redemption.
Our God is so wise. He ordained the offerings in the Old Testament for a time with the view of He Himself becoming a man to be the Lamb of God as the reality of all the offerings.
Christ is the totality of all the offerings (Heb. 10:5-10).
Through His one death on the cross, Christ is the reality of the sin offering, the trespass offering, the burnt offering, the meal offering, the peace offering, the wave offering, the heave offering, and the drink offering.
This means that we believers in Christ can apply and enjoy Christ as the Lamb of God, the reality of all the offerings, of our judicial redemption.
How can we enjoy God’s judicial redemption? By applying Christ as the reality of all the offerings.
When we sin, we can apply Christ and take Him as the reality of the sin offering for the sin in our nature and as the trespass offering for the sins we have committed.
We can take Christ as our peace offering for our peace with God and with man.
We can take Christ as our burnt offering, laying our hands on Him to take Him as our absoluteness before God.
We can take Christ as the meal offering, partaking of Him to be filled with Him and become a corporate meal offering for God’s satisfaction.
We can take Christ as the wave offering and the heave offering, and we can partake of Him as the drink offering.
He is the reality of all the offerings to be applied and enjoyed in our daily Christian life.
With Christ as all the offerings we have God’s full redemption, and today we can experience and enjoy this wonderful redemption!
How wonderful redemption is! Christ became flesh as the Word of God to be the Lamb of God for our redemption, and He speaks for God through His death on the cross.
Now we can take Christ as the Lamb of God, the reality of all the offerings, and we can enter into God to participate in His divine life and nature (John 3:14-15; 2 Pet. 1:4).
When we believe into Jesus Christ and His redemptive work on the cross, we can come forward to God to be acceptable before Him, and we are able to enter into God. Wow!
We can now boldly come to God and enter into God, knowing that He has no right to reject us, for we come to Him through the Lamb of God.
Standing on the Lord’s wonderful redemption, we take Him as the Lamb of God taking away the sin of the world, the reality of all the offerings, and we are enabled to enter into God to enjoy all that He is! Hallelujah!
May we daily have the experience of taking Christ as the Lamb of God, the reality and fulfilment of all the offerings, so that we may have a way to enter into God, enjoy God, and partake of all that He is.
May we have the boldness to come forward to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace, being assured that Jesus Christ has opened a new and living way through His death on the cross (Heb. 10:19-20).
In Him, through His redemption, we are acceptable before God, and God is satisfied; now we can enjoy God and enter into God.
With Christ as all the offerings, we have God’s full redemption, and we may experience and enjoy this redemption.
May we be those who enjoy God’s full redemption and come forward day by day to partake of the riches of Christ in our daily living!
Lord Jesus, thank You for coming as the Lamb of God, the Word becoming flesh, to be the fulfilment of all the Old Testament offerings to accomplish God’s full redemption! Amen, Lord Jesus, we believe into You and we take You as the Lamb of God today. We take You as the reality of the sin offering for the sin in our nature. We take You as the reality of the trespass offering for all the sins we have committed. Thank You for shedding Your blood for us; we apply Your precious blood and we believe that we are cleansed from every sin! Amen, Lord, we take You as our burnt offering; we lay our hands on You and we take You as our absoluteness for God. We take You as our meal offering; we partake of what You are so that we may be constituted with You. We take You as our peace offering for our peace with God and with man. Amen, Lord, You are all the offerings, and we take You and believe into You as the Lamb of God. We come forward to God to enter into God and enjoy all that God is, for the Lamb of God has taken away the sin of the world!
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References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ed Marks in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 4, “Crystallization-study of the Gospel of John,” ch. 2, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (2024 July Semiannual Training), week 6, Christ as the Word of God.
- Similar articles on this topic:
– The precious blood of Christ, a portion from, The Precious Blood of Christ, Chapter 1.
– Redemption from the vain manner of life, article via, Living to Him.
– The Lamb of God, a portion from, The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John, Chapter 4, by Witness Lee.
– Jesus the Lamb of God, via, Bibles for America blog.
– The pneumatic Christ in the Gospel of John, article by Ron Kangas in Affirmation and Critique.
– Redemption and Life for the Bride, via, New Jerusalem blog.
– The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb as the temple, a portion from, The Central Thought of God, Chapter 13, by Witness Lee.
– Lamb, Manna or Good Land—What Kind of Christ Do You Enjoy? More via, Holding to Truth in Love.
– Concerning Allegorizing the Bible, via, Shepherding Words. - Hymns on this topic:
– How wonderful redemption is, / My gracious Lord, in Thee! / Not seen, nor heard, nor e’er conceived / What Thou hast done for me! / Thou art divine, mysterious, / Beyond my grandest phrase! / Redemption is so marvellous, / Beyond all pow’r to praise! (Hymns #116 stanza 1)
– No blood of cow or goat / Could give us any hope. / Our sins would all remain / Still year by year the same. / A God-man, sinless, He must find / No other offering of His kind, / A spotless lamb for all mankind. / Come! Now enjoy His blood. / What access this to God! / Here wondrous cleansing power / Flows to us, hour by hour. / One sacrifice for all was made, / And peace our conscience does pervade. / Redemption’s price is fully paid! (Hymns #1109 stanzas 3-4)
– I’m a king and priest to God, / Hallelujah to the Lamb! / By the cleansing of the blood, / O glory be to God! / By the Spirit’s pow’r and light, / I am living day and night, / In the holiest place so bright, / Hallelujah to the Lamb! (Hymns #551 stanza 2)
Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 4, “Crystallization-study of the Gospel of John,” pp. 336, 339
John 1:29, footnote 1 on “Lamb of God,” Recovery Version Bible
Hallelujah, brother, Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
He came as the Word of God to speak for God in His redemption, and we can believe into Him and take Him as the reality of all the offerings so that we may enter into God and enjoy all His riches.
Jesus as lamb of God is the third stage of the great event in the history of the universe. God is the righteous judge to punish sin.
So, Jesus went to the cross by the will of God to die on behalf of us just to purchase and bring us back from the hands of the enemy by His precious blood.
All this long journey for Christ is to bring us to our original place where we were before the fall.
Praise the Lord for His mercy upon us.
Hallelujah, brother!
Our Christ who is the Word, and who existed since before the creation of time, stepped out of eternity into time in order to be the totality of all the Old Testament offerings for us.
John’s gospel is so unique, revealing that God Himself took away all our sinful deeds and our sinful nature so that we would be able to enter into Him and enjoy all that He is.
What a Christ have we.
Amen thank you Lord you are our redeemer to take away our sins and you are the reality of all the offerings for us to enjoy!
Praise the Lord! 🙌🙋🏼
As the Lamb of God, the fulfilment of all the Old Testament offerings, Christ accomplished judicial redemption as the procedure to redeem the lost universe back to the New Testament age in which we, as redeemed sinners, can enter into God, to come boldly to Him to partake of His divine nature without fear of rejection! Hallelujah!
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Amennnn! Thank you Lord you are the reality of all the offerings!
Our Christ has been manifested for the putting away of sin through the sacrifice of Himself so that the lost universe, the lost world, the lost mankind can be redeemed back to God. Christ as the totality of all the offerings affords us the means that we may experience and enjoy God’s full redemption.
Also we can enter into God and participate in His life and nature.
Thank You Lord for becoming a man in creation. Thank You for partaking of blood and flesh so You can accomplish a perfect and full redemption. Thank You for opening the life gate that we may enter in and participate in the enjoyment of all that You are, have, and have done.
Thank You Lord.