Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His creation; He created all things, all things came into being through Him, and Christ as the Word of God speaks for God by means of His creation. Amen!
Christ is the Word of God. In the beginning, was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1).
It is very interesting to see that Christ is the Word of God, for our words express us, define us, and explain us; similarly, Christ expresses, defines, and explains God.
God is invisible and intangible, and He dwells in unapproachable light; however, Christ came as the Word of God to explain, define, and express God.
When we seek God, we find Christ, for Christ makes God real to us.
As the Word of God, Christ speaks for God to make God real and approachable to us.
When we meet someone and do not talk to them at all, they have no way to know who we are, what our feelings are, and what our situation is.
But when we speak to them, and the more we speak to them, they get to know us.
The more we come to the Lord Jesus in His word, the more we open to Him as we read the Bible and pray over His word, and the more we know God.
Christ came not to speak His own words but God’s words, and He came not to do His will but God’s will.
In everything He did and said, in everything He worked, Christ expressed God.
When you see Christ, you see God, and when you hear Christ, you hear God.
Christ was so one with God that at least at two separate times the Father testified from the heavens that this One, Christ, is His beloved Son, and all should hear Him.
We believers in Christ need to come to the Lord Jesus in His word to enjoy Him, know Him, and partake of Him; when we open to the Lord as we come to His word, we know God and enjoy God.
We need to take the word of God not only as logos, the written word, but even more as rhema, the instant, spoken, living word of God.
When we exercise our spirit over God’s word, the Lord has a way to make His word living to us.
When we say Amen to His word, His word speaks to us, shines on us, and becomes living and applicable to us.
The written word of God needs to become the living word of God to be applied to our being in our daily life.
In this way we know God not only in letters or according to doctrine but even more, we know Him in life, in a living way, even in a practical way.
May we be such ones today; we may give ourselves to spend time with the Lord in His word so that we may know the Lord in an intimate, personal, and living way.
Christ as the Word of God Speaks for God through His Creation to Express and Manifest God
John 1:3 says that all things came into being through Christ, and apart from Christ as the Word of God not one thing came into being which has come into being. Amen!
When we say that Christ is the Word of God to express God, explain God, and define God, many things are implied in this matter.
Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His creation of all things, for even outwardly we can see in creation that it expresses God and manifests His characteristics.
Psa. 19:1-3 shows us that the heavens declare the glory of God and the expanse proclaims the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech and night to night tells out knowledge.
If you look at the days and nights, there’s no speech and no words, for you cannot hear their voice, but they express God and declare the glory of God.
If you look at God’s creation, you will be amazed; though there are no words, for the heavens and the earth do not speak, yet there is a clear manifestation of God’s characteristics in His creation.
The means through which all things were created is Christ, and Christ is the One who created all things and even upholds and sustains all things by the word of His power.
If we look at creation, we cannot but wonder how great God is.
Rom. 1:20 further says that invisible things of God, both His eternal power and divine characteristics, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being perceived by the things made, so that every man would be without excuse.
In other words, the invisible God is perceived by means of His creation, for Christ as the Word of God speaks for God in His creation.
If we look at the wonderful creation and pay attention to the created things we see something of God.
Both God’s eternal power and His divine characteristics are expressed in creation.
His power and divine characteristics express God’s intrinsic nature, and they are manifested in God’s creation. Hallelujah!
All the things created by God testify of Him.
We look at the heavens, the expanse, and we are amazed; who could have created such a thing and who can support it to continue existing?
If we look at the marvellous trees, the forests, and all the animals in them, we cannot but be amazed and realize that there is a Creator.
The fact that all things in this universe work properly, without any chaos, and there’s a proper order in this universe shows us that the God who created all things is a God of order.
The fact that all things created are beautiful and full of life shows us the God who created all things loves beautiful things and is full of life.
When we look at the sunrise and the sunset, we realize that God exists; even more, Christ as the Word of God expresses God in His creation.
The visible creation speaks concerning the invisible God.
The visible creation came into being through Christ, who is the Creator and the means by which all things were created, and all things are held together by Christ.
All created things show us that there is a creating God, and they speak without any words concerning the greatness, beauty, and awesomeness of God.
Just look at the stars: though they are up there, glowing in the sky, and though we try to figure out what is their name, their history, how they work, etc, yet God is the One who created them, and the stars speak of God as the Creator.
All creation speaks without words about the invisible God who created all things, and Christ as the Word of God expresses God through His creation.
When we see all created things we have no excuse not to believe in God and know Him, for the creation manifests God and expresses His divine characteristics and eternal power.
Lord Jesus, we praise You for being the Word of God expressing God in creation! Hallelujah, all things came into being through Christ, and apart from Christ as the Word of God not one thing came into being which has come into being! Amen, Lord, we praise You for Your wonderful creation! Wow, the heavens declare the glory of God! The expanse of the heaven proclaims the work of God’s hands. We praise You, Lord Jesus, for being the Word of God to express God even in and through creation. How marvellous is Your creation, and all created things are so beautiful, orderly, and full of life! Amen, Lord, Your eternal power and divine characteristics are clearly seen in the creation of all things. We behold Your wonderful creation and we worship You. What an amazing God we have! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for being the Word of God to express God through all these created things. May so many people today see the creation and believe into God, having a desire to know God intimately and personally!
All Creation Expresses God’s Divine Characteristics, His Wisdom, and His Divine Power
When we look at the things in creation we will realize that there is a God.
Just as the house we are in expresses the design of the architect and the skills of the builder, so the creation we see around us expresses the design of God and His skills in doing all things.
The chair we sit on did not come into being by itself; rather, a skilful person designed it and made it.
Similarly, the creation we see around us expresses God’s divine characteristics and His wisdom, and His skills and power are made visible.
The visible creation manifests and expresses the invisible God.
Psa. 19:1-3 indicates that the things in heaven and on earth speak day and night concerning the existence of God.
Their speaking is silent, without words, but it conveys true and reliable facts that can be seen.
Even a grain of sand, if we look at it, or a flower, though they are here today and tomorrow may be somewhere else, speak of a creating God.
It is foolish for someone to say there is no God, for the created things clearly express Him.
Only the fool says in his heart that there is no God (Psa. 14:1).
God left for Himself the witness – He gives rain from heaven and fruitful seasons (Acts 14:15-17).
Why is there a summer and a winter, and why are the plants growing and the trees bearing fruit? Who makes them do that?
All creation manifests the divine characteristics of God, and the created things speak of God’s divine power.
The things we eat and drink speak of a God who gives us these things.
The invisible God can not be seen with our physical eyes, but Christ as the Word of God expresses God through creation and makes Him known through the created things.
We human beings learned to sow and reap, for there’s a warm and a cold season; there are precise laws in the seasons and we cannot but be amazed and cooperate with what God is doing.
If we look at the created things in the universe we realize that everything is in good order, everything works wonderfully, and everything is held in place by God.
The created things express and manifest God’s wisdom, and it is Christ as the Word of God who expresses God through His creation.
Just as a steamship travels along a waterway because the captain steers it, the “machine” of the universe operates according to its laws and runs on schedule because there is a God who rules over it. Amen!
Just as a machine operates according to a schedule because there’s an operator running it, all created things are held by Christ and operated by Him to express God and manifest His divine characteristics. Hallelujah!
God made from one every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, determining beforehand their appointed seasons and the boundaries of their dwelling, so that they might seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him (Acts 17:26-27). This is so true.
Today so many people who do not allow themselves to be distracted by all the news in the world today and the flood of dissoluteness all participate in, when they look at God’s creation, they realize that there is a God.
Not only the outward created things in the universe but even we ourselves as human beings, if we look at the way we are made and how our human body works, we realize that there must be a God.
No matter how hard people try to make a robot that acts like a man, it is close to impossible; yet here we are, human beings that simply work and grow and do things, and God is our Creator.
We human beings express God, for we are outwardly created in God’s image to express Him. Praise the Lord!
We humans are proof of God’s existence, for He made from one every nation of man.
The universe is wonderful, the movement of the stars, the moon, the son, and all the celestial bodies, all are working together to express God and manifest Him.
Christ as the Word of God expresses God through creation, and there is so much wisdom and beauty being expressed by all the created things!
What is referred to in Acts 14:15-17 and 17:24-29 serves the same purpose of revealing Christ’s creation speaking for God (see Heb. 11:3; 1:2; Col. 1:15- 17; Hag. 2:7). Amen!
May we be those who pay attention to God’s creation and get to know God’s divine characteristics and divine power and design by looking at the things created by God.
May we look at God’s creation, get to know God in an intimate and personal way, and when speaking to others, may we use God’s creation to show them God’s divine characteristics and His divine power with His wisdom and marvellous design!
Lord, we praise You for Your creation. Your wonderful creation witnesses for You and testifies to the divine characteristics and Your marvellous design. Praise You, Lord, for what You are as being expressed through Your creation! We simply believe that there is a God, and we are amazed at what You have done and are doing in Your creation. Only You can make the “machine” of the universe work. Only You can hold all things by the word of Your power. Thank You for creating us through Christ as the Word of God. Hallelujah, God made from one every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and He determined each one’s boundaries of dwelling and appointed seasons. Amen, Lord, we seek You, for we want to know the One who made all these things. We grope for You so that we may find You. Reveal Yourself to us and reveal Yourself to so many who behold Your wonderful creation! Hallelujah for Christ as the word of God who expresses God in creation!
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References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ed Marks in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1932-1949, vol. 1, pp. 71-73, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (2024 July Semiannual Training), week 6, Christ as the Word of God.
- Similar articles on this topic:
– God and the Word, a portion from, The Secret of Experiencing Christ, Chapter 11, by Witness Lee.
– Seeing God’s Greatness in 4 Stages in a Hymn of Worship, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
– The manifestation of the divine characteristics through all the created things in the universe, a portion from, The Subjective Experience of the Indwelling Christ, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
– What Does God Want? More via, Bibles for America blog.
– Being Overcomers with a Vision, Not Idealists with a Dream, via, Shepherding words.
– New Creation, New Jerusalem, All Things New, via, New Jerusalem blog.
– God creating the old creation by His speaking, a portion from, The Practice of the Church Life according to the God-ordained Way, Chapter 4, by Witness Lee.
– What is the Focus of the Bible and the Center of the Universe? More via, Living to Him. - Hymns on this topic:
– The heavens God’s glory declare, / And the sky His work proclaimeth; / Day unto day their speech pours forth / To farthest reaches of the earth. / God’s attributes, eternal pow’r / By creation are thus made known; / Things human eyes can’t realize / By things He created are shown. / The living Creator of all / Did not leave Himself without witness, / With grace and harvest bounteous, / He fills our hearts with gladness. / Heav’n sends down rain, earth brings forth grain— / As bestowed from God, living, true; / Ye clothed, sustained, enjoying grace, / Be mindful of Him who made you. (Song on, The heavens God’s glory declare, stanzas 1-2)
– My Father God, when on Thy vast creation, / The wonders of the heav’n and earth, I gaze, / Things great and small, beyond enumeration, / Which manifest Thy pow’r in untold ways; / Then all my being sings in praise to Thee, / How marvellous! How great Thou art! / And this I’ll sing through all eternity, / How marvellous! How great Thou art! (Hymns #17 stanza 1 and chorus)
– Glory be to God the Father, / And to Christ the Son, / Glory to the Holy Spirit— / Ever One. / As we view the vast creation, / Planned with wondrous skill, / So our hearts would move to worship, / And be still. / But, our God, how great Thy yearning / To have sons who love / In the Son e’en now to praise Thee, / Love to prove! (Hymns #1 stanzas 1-3)
Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1932-1949, vol. 1, pp. 71-73
Rom. 1:20, footnote 2, Recovery Version Bible
Brother, God is invisible, but Christ as the word of God expresses God in creation. Look at all things created by God, they all express God’s wisdom, his divine characteristics and his divine power.
When we see God’s creation we simply see God being expressed without words.
The abundance of light in the universe shows that light is a divine characteristic that expresses God’s intrinsic nature are manifested in God’s creation!
Wow, the visible creation speaks!!! concerning the invisible God!
Through the creation of the universe and all things in it we see the eternal power and divine characteristics of God Himself through the visible creation! Praise Him!
These created things – in heaven and on earth, including the elements, seasons and even us humans, all testify that there is a God! Hallelujah!
Without such an excuse only a fool would say in his heart there is no God!
Praise the Lord, by God’s mercy we are not fools because we see that the heavens (and the earth) declare the glory of God!
Praise Christ the word of God who speaks of God through His creation!
Amen, the mountains are his the valleys are his the stars are his handy work too 🙏🏼
By looking at all the visible things, we can understand that there is someone, who causes them to exist as they are.
We need to understand, therefore, that all these visible things come from something, but not from nothing. Because of this, no one can have an excuse to deny the creator God.
We believers are not limited to knowing God only through His creation, but we also called to know Him and participate in His eternal economy.
Praise the Lord for His eternal economy with an eternal plan to build an organic body, the new Jerusalem.
Everything on Earth and in heaven operates according to laws and runs on schedule only because God rules over them.
The fool who says there is no God is without excuse.
We can know God through the things He has created and His creation should remind us to worship our God in spirit & truthfulness so that we would be free to enjoy & experience all His goodness and all the freedom He has made available for us to express & magnify Him.
Praise the Lord! 🙌🙋🏼
Praise the Lord that we are living today for we get a fuller understanding of His creation in His economy.
The Scripture says that all things we created by Him for His purpose and His good pleasure.
Praise You, Lord!!!
All things in heaven and on earth are proof of God, they are the visible existence of the invisible creator.
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