Christ saw A SEED as the issue of the travail of His soul and He was satisfied!

I was so encouraged to see the fact that Christ is Fully Satisfied with what He accomplished in His resurrection and ascension! Maybe we have heard many times that Christ in His resurrection became the life giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45), He was begotten as the Firstborn Son of God (Rom. 8:29), and He regenerated the believers for His Body (1 Pet. 1:3).

But as we are going through Isaiah ch. 53 I was filled with appreciation for what Christ accomplished in His resurrection! I especially enjoyed Isaiah 53:10b-12a, which says,

10. … He will see a seed, He will extend His days, And the pleasure of Jehovah will prosper in His hand.
11. He will see the fruit of the travail of His soul, And He will be satisfied; By the knowledge of Him, the righteous One, My Servant, will make the many righteous, And He will bear their iniquities.
12. Therefore I will divide to Him a portion with the Great, And He will divide the spoil with the Strong; …

Christ will see a seed – in His resurrection He regenerated us all the believers to be the corporate seed for His reproduction, His continuation, and the extension of His days! We are the corporate seed as the issue of the travail of His soul!

Christ right now sees a seed – the corporate outcome of His life-releasing death and His life-imparting resurrection, and this seed is the outcome of the travail of His soul! Never will we ever remotely understand the depth of Christ’s sufferings on the cross – only God the Father knows the depth of these sufferings, and in typology, the burning of the inward parts of the offering for God was an indicator that ONLY GOD fully knows the inward parts of Christ in the degree of His suffering!

The Lord knows what He suffered, and the Bible calls it “The travail of His soul” – but He will see an outcome that will satisfy Him! YES, He will be satisfied because He will see His Bride, His longed-for counterpart!

He will satisfied and will have His good pleasure! If we see this, we will be changed in our way of living, in our preaching the gospel, and in all our speaking and interaction with the others! Everything we do and say will be for the Son’s satisfaction and for the Father’s good pleasure!

As the Lord was on the cross, according to Heb. 12, He was looking forward towards the joy set before Him! We were all dead in trespasses and sins, enemies and sinners, but the Lord knew – among the vast number of sinners – there are God’s chosen and predestinated ones!

There was a joy set before Him, and He knew it – so even while being on the earth, He moved towards the cross with the face set like a flint! He could see it when He was on the cross! And on the third day, in His resurrection, He produced this Corporate SEED!

As the Lord serves us in the way of reproducing His heart in our heart and causing the desire of His heart to become ours, the more we will be simplified inwardly to the uttermost, and we will live and serve only for God’s satisfaction and pleasure!

Even our desire to be raptured and to be the overcomers is not first FOR US to escape the great tribulation or even to defeat the enemy – but it is to be presented to the Father as the firstfruits for His satisfaction! We want to be those welcomed by the Father who will tell us, “Welcome, you who lived one with Christ in resurrection for My good pleasure!”

Hallelujah, we become like Christ – living on the earth for God’s good pleasure! We are part of the corporate seed as the Body of Christ! Every regenerated believer is part of the issue of the travail of Christ’s soul – the corporate seed – and as the Lord touches us, as we grow, this seed in us gives us the longing and the sense to know the Body, honor the Body, live for the Body, and do everything for the Body!

Even our health, our family life, our marriage, our job, our studies – are for the Body of Christ! As Christ looks on us, He sees grains – He sees His Brothers, He sees us as Sons of God!

And He is satisfied with the result of His travail! He lived a life for the satisfaction of the Father, brought forth the many sons in resurrection for the Father’s satisfaction, and He is now being reproduced in us! We are His continuation on the earth, the extension of His days, living in the same way He did – a life for the satisfaction of God! [enjoyment from message 7 in the Crystallization-study of Isaiah(2)]

Amen, Lord, go on in this process of duplicating Yourself in us! Make us Your corporate reproduction on the earth! Be expressed in us and through us! Thank You for regenerating us with Your divine life! Thank You for making us Your reproduction, Your continuation! Lord, we just say Amen to Your intention! We are here for Your satisfaction! We are here on earth that You may be satisfied!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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14 years ago

The SEED gives us the longing to KNOW the Body, CARE for the Body.
We are the extension of His days!

The vision we need to see in this message :
"From Isaiah 53, we need to see the intrinsic significance of Christ’s resurrection, so that, in the Body, we, the corporate seed may live as His continuation for the pleasure of Jehovah. And we need to see the intrinsic significance of Christ’s ascension, so that, as the Body, we may proclaim the victory in His crucifixion and resurrection, and participate in the work of God for His new creation, the constitution of consummation of New Jerusalem. "

Praise the Lord for His victory!