Christ is the Shoot of Jehovah, a new development of Jehovah God into humanity: God became a man!

This morning I really enjoyed the verse in Isaiah 4:2 which says,

In that day the Shoot of Jehovah will be beauty and glory, and the fruit of the earth, excellence and splendor, to those of Israel who have escaped.

Christ is the Shoot of Jehovah (in His divinity) and the fruit of the earth (in His humanity). I was especially impressed as we got into some more details on what it means that Christ is the shoot of Jehovah.

It’s like this: Jehovah is a large universal tree, a big plant, and at one point there is a new development, a shoot, that is, Christ! This shoot is a new development for Jehovah to be increased and to spread through His incarnation into humanity!

Here are some more about this:

  • The Shoot of Jehovah typifies not only Christ’s divinity but also the sprouting and development of Christ’s divinity through the incarnation of God (John 1:1, 14; Heb. 1:1-3, 2:14) – in John 1:1 we see that Christ is God, and in v. 14 we see that He became flesh/man. Our God is full of vigor, full of growing and productive power, very potent! He is shooting forth in the incarnation of Christ.
  • The Shoot of Jehovah is a new development of Jehovah God for the Triune God to branch Himself out for His increase and spreading through His incarnation (Isaiah 7:14; Matt. 1:22-23) – He joined Himself with humanity for His increase and His spread.
  • In His incarnation, Christ as the Shoot of Jehovah branched Himself out in His divinity from the territory of divinity into the territory of humanity (John 1:114) – He used to be just God, just divine, but at one point He stepped into the territory of humanity and became a man. Now our God is a God in two territories: the territory of God and the territory of man!
  • In His incarnation Christ came from eternity into time; from ancient times, from the days of eternity, the Triune God was preparing to come forth out of eternity into time, to come with His divinity into humanity (Micah 5:2) – His goings forth are from the ancient times! He is continually going forth, from eternity into time, and still going on…
  • The sprouting and development of God in Christ as the shoot of Jehovah are for the expression of all the riches of divinity in Christ’s humanity, that is, for the rich attributes of divinity to be developed into the virtues of Christ, the God-man, in His humanity (Eph. 3:8) – The source of His virtues is His divinity; the riches of His divinity were being expressed through His high humanity.
  • The incarnated God, in His divinity, will be the beauty and glory of God’s chosen people in the day of restoration (Isaiah 4:2a) – The shoot of Jehovah is to be our beauty and glory! We are becoming more and more beautiful every day because we have the divine life and nature in us! When you enjoy Christ, you are the most beautiful person! And this is our genealogy: we are God-men, born of God in His life and nature! This development of God into humanity is ultimately consummating in our beautification and glory!

Wow… what a rich explanation of the Shoot of Jehovah – from the crystallization-study of Isaiah (1), message 3. What a rich Christ as the shooting forth of Jehovah in His divinity into humanity!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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