The Bible is so amazing, and as you study it in a prayerful way, with an exercised spirit and a clear mind, having a vision of God’s economy, you will realize that all things in the Bible are connected and make sense!
From Genesis to Revelation, God’s speaking is one, is full of meaning, and is completely connected to convey the same message – God’s economy, His dispensing, His desire to dispense all the riches of His being into man so that man would express God in a corporate way.
There are many mysteries in the Bible, and there are even more mysteries related to God – and we are not given in this age (or probably ever) to understand them.
But recently we have been enjoying how Zechariah 3:9 is related to 4:10 and Rev. 4:5 and 5:6, with bits and pieces from Matt. 21:42 and Acts 4:11, all to convey the same unique message in the same vision.
The Triune God is One yet has the aspect of Three for His dispensing into man, to infuse man with Himself and transfuse God into man so that man may become a duplication of God’s inner being in every possible way, for His corporate expression on earth.
Wow, how about that! For this, Christ is the Stone and He is the Lamb. God is Jehovah and the Stone. And the Spirit is the seven lamps of fire, the seven eyes of the Lamb, and the seven Spirits of God.
Lord, open our eyes to see Your economy, Your dispensing! Lord, infuse us with Yourself. We open to You and we turn our heart to You that we may see You with an unveiled face. Look into us and look at us, dear Lord, with Your seven eyes, that we may be infused with all that You are. Transform us to make us stones for Your building!
Christ as the Stone has Seven Eyes (the Seven Spirits of God)
A person’s eyes are not separate from the person itself; actually, to see how someone is feeling and to check on the state of their inner being, you need to simply look into his eyes.
In Zech. 3:9 we see that the stone (Christ) has seven eyes, which are the seven eyes of Jehovah running to and fro on the whole earth (Zech. 4:10).
This Christ is the stone which the builders rejected and which to God is precious, becoming the cornerstone of God’s building (see Matt. 21:42; Acts 4:11). On Christ as the cornerstone there are seven eyes, which in Revelation we see are the seven Spirits of God (Rev. 4:5; 5:6).
This shows us that Jehovah, Christ (the stone), and the seven Spirits of God are all one – they work together as different aspects of the same thing/person, so that God’s economy and His administration would be carried out. The stone, the Lamb, and God all have seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God – which is Christ as the life-giving Spirit intensified sevenfold to impart life into His people.
For a further study on this I would recommend brother Witness Lee’s messages in, The Revelation of the Mystery (see chapter 4) and the life-study of Revelation (see msg. 68).
Our Triune God is one in essence and one in work, but He has the aspect of three to reach us, search us, infuse us, and transfuse Himself into us, so that we may become living stones for God’s building. The fact that Christ, the Lamb of God, is the building stone with seven eyes reveals that the seven eyes of Christ are for God’s building! How wonderful!
Christ Infuses us to Transform us into Stones for God’s Building

Christ is the building stone with seven eyes, with the seven Spirits to transfuse Himself into us in order to transform us into precious materials for God’s building (Zech. 3:9; 1 Cor. 3:12a; Rev. 3:1).
As we read these verses and the footnotes in the Recovery Version, the best response we can have (besides doing our best to prayerfully understand) is to bring this to the Lord in prayer. We need to internalize these matters in a prayerful way, and then pray with these utterances, these specific words.
God didn’t just say, God wants man for the building of God! but He specifically and particularly chose terms such as the Stone, the seven eyes, the seven Spirits, the seven lamps, searching, building of God, etc. Let’s bring these to the Lord in prayer that we may be infused with Him and have Him transfused into our being.
Don’t pray for being more humble or more patient (these are prayers for self-improvement); rather, pray to the Lord for more infusion and more mingling for God’s building! Talk to the Lord as the Lamb-Stone-Savior – this will get His attention!
As we bring these things to Him in prayer, as we open to the Lord, He will infuse us with Himself and transfuse Himself into us for His building. We will realize that God does all these so that we may receive His infusion, His dispensing, through His seven eyes, and that this is all for God’s building, the Body of Christ!
We are not the center – it’s all so that we can be lost into the eternal corporate expression of the Triune God!
Spending time with the Lord in this way and opening to Him with these words will cause us to be no more self-conscious but rather be conscious of the Body of Christ, the new man, the holy city – New Jerusalem!
Keep Looking to Christ as the Stone-Savior!
We can see a lot of things with our two eyes, but Christ has seven eyes – He sees everything! Still, we shouldn’t be afraid or frightened by Christ as the Stone with seven eyes, because in His eyes we see His being, His longing, His love, His concern, and His forbearance…. and as we see this wonderful One, the most lovely One in the universe, our heat will be melted and we will give in to Him, love Him, and be joined to Him.
As we look to the Lord and allow Him as the Stone to look at us, He will search us, burn in us (as lamps of fire) anything that doesn’t correspond to His holy nature, purge us, and infuse us with all that He is.
In this infusion and transfusion happening in the looking to Him, we will become one with Him and we will pray the prayers that He wants to pray through us, just as Paul did in Eph. 3:16-19.
Our Christ is the Stone, and He is also the High Priest interceding for us and for all men, and He will bring us on in our prayer life to pray powerful prayers, prayers of authority in transcendence!
When we look at the Stone-Savior with the seven eyes, the seven Spirits intensify His organic salvation in us and will infuse God’s being into us, making our heart a duplication of God’s heart. We will then pray transcendent prayers in the divine and mystical realm, and we will pray the prayers of God, expressing the desire of our inner being.
We will eventually be so one with the Lord that we will pray the prayers of Zion in the Body of Christ, and we will honestly utter with a genuine inner yearning, Come, Lord Jesus! When as the Body we do this, there will not be the slightest reservation in our being, because we will be so one with Him that we would like the Lord to come right here and right now and take us to His throne!
Lord Jesus, we love You as the Stone-Savior with seven eyes. We may not understand You or about You, and we do not see You, but we love You and we open to You. Lord, we open as wide as we can to Your searching, burning, and purifying. In love, Lord, we open our inner being for Your shining, Your looking, Your searching, and Your infusing. Infuse us with Yourself, dear Lord. Make our heart a duplication of Your heart in every possible way. Make us Your reproduction by transfusing Your being into us in our personal and intimate touch with You as the Stone with seven eyes.
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired from brother Ron Kangas’ sharing in this message and portions in, The Revelation of the Mystery (ch. 4), and, The Conclusion of the New Testament (page 487),as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Crystallization-Study of Daniel and Zechariah, week 8 (entitled, Christ as the Stone with the Seven Eyes of Jehovah for God’s Building).
- Hymns on this topic:
# Just one touch of You, dear Lord, / Just one look into Your eyes, / Just one kiss from You, / You’re all I need, my Love.
# The Spirit of the Triune God / Is God’s economy; / The consummated Holy One / Flows on and on eternally.
# He’s the Spirit of Reality. / He’s the secret. He is one with me; / He’s in my spirit. God dispensed in me / From my spirit, soul and then, body, / Producing reality. - Pictures credit: both via, Inspiration Unlimited Facebook page, HWMR Daniel and Zechariah Quotes album.
O Lamb stone Jehovah, we love You. Look at us to search and judge everything that do not match you. Infuse and transfuse what You are into us to make us Your duplication for Your building so that You can come back.
'Our Christ is the building stone with seven eyes, with the seven Spirits to infuse Himself into us in order to transform us into precious materials for God's building'.
Zech 4:10 …These seven rejoice…they are the eyes of Jehovah running to & fro on the earth.
Rev 5:6 & I saw in the midst of the thrown… A Lamb…having 7 horns & 7 eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.
Lord Jesus, n resurrection U became t cornerstone & r searching us out & infusing more & more of Ur life n2 us that we become precious building materials 4 Ur eternal temple. From wood, grass & stubble n2 gold, silver & precious stones! (1Cor 3:12) Keep transforming us Lord!
Text format
In Zechariah 3, the seven eyes are upon the stone and Zechariah 4 says they are the seven eyes of Jehovah. This implies that the seven eyes of Jehovah are upon the stone. Who is the stone? The stone is Jehovah. The stone is Jesus, Jehovah the Savior, the redeeming Jehovah as the Lamb of God who removes our iniquities. The stone that was rejected by the Jewish builders (Matt 21:42) is the very stone with the seven eyes in Zechariah 3:9. Christ died as the Lamb, but in resurrection God made Him the cornerstone. On this stone there are seven eyes shining and burning to carry out God’s economy. In Zechariah these seven eyes are on the stone but in Revelation they are on the Lamb. And the seven eyes are the seven Spirit of God sent forth into all the earth. In brief, the seven eyes are the seven eyes of the seven Spirit of God for His building. Our Christ is the building stone with seven eyes with the seven Spirits to infuse Himself into us in order to transform us into precious materials for God's building. Christ in resurrection has become the Life-giving Spirit, who is also the sevenfold intensified Spirit of life imparting the divine life into us for the building up of God’s eternal habitation, the New Jerusalem.
God's desire is to infuse us with Himself, through the seven Spirits as His eyes, for His building! This revelation in Zechariah is amazing. I appreciate that the infusing of the seven eyes is the way that God gains His building. As we spend time under the infusing of the seven eyes, Christ as the Stone is built into our being. This is really wonderful.