John 15:1-2 tells us that Christ is the real vine, and the Father is the husbandman. We, the many believers in Christ, are the many branches in the vine – and we are set to go forth and to bear fruit! In this whole universe there is a vine-tree, a universal vine-tree: Christ as the […]
We are the branches in Christ as the vine (who is the organism of the Triune God)
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, God's economy, the Christian Life, the Triune God Tagged With: abide in Christ, abide in the vine, bear fruit, Christ is the vine, enjoy the rich sap, God increases, God is glorified, God is multiplied, God is the husbandman, many branches in the vine, the believers are the branches, the organism of the Triune God, the tree of life
the seed of man became the son of God!

This is actually our gospel, as Paul said in Rom. 1:1-4, 1. Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, a called apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 2. Which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures, 3. Concerning His Son, who came out of the seed of David according to the flesh, […]
Filed Under: Enjoying Christ, the high peak, the Triune God Tagged With: all-inclusive death, Christ died on the cross, God became flesh, God became man, God put on humanity, human seed becomes Son of God, humanity into divinity, incarnation, man becomes God, processed and consummated, the Triune God