sharing from the winter school of truth – the Triune God and the Person and the Work of Christ

In the Winter School of Truth there are both young people and some “serving ones”, some saints that willingly give themselves to serve and help with the younger ones. In the messages and the group times, we all participate in the enjoyment of the rich messages / rich speaking, and so we all enjoy and […]

what is in God’s heart for His people and what should our honest response be today

These days we started going through the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah (2), in the video training, and so here are some “gleanings” of what I enjoyed in the watching of the first message, entitled, Announcing the all-inclusive Christ, Jehovah the Savior, as the Glad Tidings. I was especially impressed in the opening word with this question […]

building up Christ in our experience so that we may enter into Him and abide in Him

These past few days we’re enjoying the fact that we need to daily work out our own salvation by building up Christ in our experience. Just like Noah built up the ark, we are building up a practical and present Christ today in the church life. Just like Noah entered into the ark after he […]

sharing from the 2010 Winter School of Truth – the Bible testifies concerning the Lord Jesus

The Winter School of the Truth is a one-week-long period of time when the young people come together to enter into the truth, blend together, and fellowship around the Word of God. In Europe until now the winter school has been in London, UK. This past year – year 2010 – we went through “The […]

as the church we are Christ’s Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all!

Our Christ is so much – He is the Head of the Body, He is the Body of the Head, He is the Beloved of the Father, He is all-inclusive, He is so rich, He is the embodiment of all that the Father is… and today I enjoyed Him as the One who Fills All […]

the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah (2) – the 2010 Winter Training Banners

In December 2010 there was the Winter Training (one of the seven annual feasts) – and so here are the banners for the second part of the training on the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah. To find out more updates and enjoyment from the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah, read the articles tagged with crystallization study of Isaiah, training […]

The economy of God is God’s household administration to dispense all His riches to us…

This morning I enjoyed afresh to see what God’s economy is – what is the divine economy! In the Bible we see several mentions of “the economy of God”, which phrase is sometimes translated as the “dispensation of God”, “the stewardship of God”, or “God’s dispensation“. Here is what 1 Timothy 1:4 says, Nor to […]