What God desires throughout the whole Bible is that He would be joined to man, and in the New Testament we see that this joining is possible by God becoming the life-giving Spirit coming into us to join Himself to our human spirit. The union of God and man is a matter entirely of the union of the two spirits. How does this union occur? This is a great mystery which we cannot explain or comprehend – but the divine Spirit (the processed and consummated Triune God) is joined to our human spirit to become the mingled spirit in us! Praise the Lord! [continue reading a sharing inspired from the morning revival today on, the focus of the Bible – the mingled spirit!]
the focus of God’s economy is the mingled spirit, the Spirit mingled with our spirit
daily growing in the divine life by having the element of God being added to us
Whenever we feel weak in our spirit, our mind, or our body toward the things of God, we need to call on the name of the Lord. When we call on the Lord’s name we actually breathe in the divine life, which is Christ as the embodiment of God realized as the Spirit. When we call on the name of the Lord, the entire Triune God is added to us in the Spirit, and we grow with the element of God which is added to us. This is to know God and experience Him in the way of life, daily, even moment by moment. In this way, God grows in us daily – and our Christian life and growth is normal, healthy, and proper. [read more online a sharing inspired from today’s morning revival]
the processed Triune God has come into us and dwells in us as the Spirit in our spirit
The Triune God is a mystery – we cannot understand with our limited human mind and understanding HOW CAN IT BE that God is One yet Three. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are One, co-existing (existing at the same time) and co-inhering (existing in one another). This is a mystery… But what we know from the Bible, especially from Romans 8, is that the Spirit who indwells us brings the entire Triune God into us! What we have in us is a mystery – the Spirit dwells in us, Christ the Son is in us, and God the Father is in us – the entire Triune God is in us, being made real to us and applied to us by and as the Spirit! [read more online about the wonderful indwelling Spirit]
The Center of Paul’s Gospel – Romans chapter 8, God’s dispensing, and the sonship
The center of Paul’s gospel is Romans chapter 8. Here he unveils the dispensing of the Triune God as life into the tripartite man. This is the focus of God’s economy: God coming into us to be our life so that we may be His corporate expression. This is experiential. The law of the Spirit of life (v. 2) is the Triune God operating in us. He first makes our spirit life (v. 10) then spreads to make our mind life (v. 6), then to impart life to our mortal body (v. 11) and to enable us to put to death all our natural living (v. 13). By this spreading of life within, we mature from children (v. 16) to sons (read more in 8:14, note 3). The goal of this expanding dispensation is our conformation to the image of God’s firstborn Son (v. 29). Lord, daily spread Yourself in our entire being until we fully express You. [guest post as the last part of the series, The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery, ITERO 2011]
having ordinary days in the divine dispensing for the building up of the Body of Christ
We all can testify that we cannot “feel” that the Triune God is in us in a spectacular or extraordinary way. There’s a living Person in us, and His speaking to us, His dispensing in us, is so normal and so fine. We should be blessed to be satisfied with ordinary normal routine days in the divine dispensing. We don’t know what’s really going on within us, but as we turn to the Lord, as we fellowship with Him, as we open to Him, and as we listen to His voice within us, there’s an increase of the element of God in our being daily. [continue reading online concerning our daily normal Christian life under the divine dispensing]
the focus of the Epistles in the New Testament is the Divine Trinity for the divine dispensing
What is the focus of all the 22 epistles in the New Testament? Have you ever considered that there’s something deeper in the Epistles, like an underlying structure, a focus? I personally haven’t, to be honest, but by enjoying the morning revival on, The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery, especially week two, I have been so impressed with this… The focus of the Epistles in the New Testament is not doctrines, teachings, Christianity, working for God, outward practices, etc – the focus of the Epistles is the Divine Trinity for the Divine Dispensing! [read online a comprehensive list of verses in the Epistles clearly showing us the Triune God dispensing Himself into man!]
Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in oneness!
What is is so good about the church life? What is it so good about brothers living together? It is the Triune God! Here we are fellow partakers, joint partakers, of the grace of life! We don’t insist on being right, but we obey the teaching of the anointing within (1 John 2:27) which teaches us to abide in Him! No matter what you say / what happens, the Triune God paints you with all the elements that are compounded in the Spirit! You may insist on something – as long as you’re in the church life, you are painted, and the ingredients of the processed and consummated Triune God are applied to you! [continue reading this portion online – inspired from message 10 in the 2011 winter training]