Seeing a Vision of God and His Universal Dominion: God is on the Throne Today!

Because Daniel was a faithful servant of the Lord, absolute for God, a prayerful person, and victorious, he was positioned to receive vision upon vision from God. The visions he received were not concerning small things but concerning God and His economy, including the earthly nations, the destiny of Israel (God’s chosen people), and even […]

Christ Needs to Increase in Us to Fill All in All Until He Fills the Whole Earth

God’s desire is to bring in His kingdom on the earth, but the earth is under Satan’s usurpation and what we see today is “a great human image”, the human government (which rebels against God, exalts man, and worships idols). But Christ as a stone cut without hands will return together with His overcomers and […]

Being in the Stream of God’s Move Today – Our God is Always Advancing and Going On

Our God is a God that always flows, moves, and advances. The book of Acts records the move of God in man in the first 67 or so years, and this book has no end because the unique stream of the work of God continues to flow throughout the ages! God flowed from the eternity […]

God’s Move Depends upon Our Moving: the Church must Match Christ in His Move

In Ezekiel 1:19-20 we see that there are four living creatures, each one having a great and high wheel, and wherever the creatures went, the wheels went also. The creatures followed the Spirit, the wheels went with the creatures, and the Spirit was in the wheels – so mysterious, yet so real in our daily […]

Giving God our Full Cooperation for Him to Move in the Principle of Incarnation

These past few weeks we have been getting into the matter of prayer – a man of prayer, persevering in prayer, and the need for more prayer. But why do we need to pray? What is the goal of our prayer? We need to see that without prayer we cannot be one with the Lord […]

Building the Church With and Becoming Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones

In 1 Corinthians chapter 3 we can see a profound revelation and a deep experience of God’s building and how to build up the church. We are the temple of God, and we need to take heed with what we build, so that we would not destroy God’s temple (and thus bring in destruction to […]

Seeing the Divine Stream, the Unique Flow of Life, in the Whole Bible

In the Scriptures, we see the concept of the divine stream, the flow of life, from Genesis all the way to Revelation. Everything that God does is in this living stream, which appears in the garden of Eden and also in Revelation in the New Jerusalem. In the book of Acts we also see that […]