Having the Divine Reality Wrought into us to Become our Reality, Life, and Living

The church life is nothing else but Christ Himself being enjoyed, realized, experienced, and expressed through the believers in Christ for God’s corporate expression. In order for the church life to be such a place, we need to have our soul subdued and saturated with Christ as the life-giving Spirit. If we all live in our […]

Seeing and Enjoying God’s Dispensing through the Ages until the Fullness of the Times

At the fullness of the times, all things will be headed up in Christ; today we are in the process of being headed up in Christ so that through the church God would head up all things in Christ. According to the Bible in God’s eyes there are four main ages in the span of […]

Blessing Others with the Triune God as their Enjoyment with No Natural Manoeuvring

Blessing, a word very much thrown around in Christianity today and yet so naturally understood, is nothing else than the Triune God dispensed into us to be our everything for our enjoyment. When Melchizedek met Abraham after he fought for his brother Lot and won, he blessed him with God the Most High. When God commanded […]

Jehovah Bless you, Keep you, Shine on You, be Gracious to you, and Give you Peace!

The real blessing is God Himself; blessing is not a thing but a Person – God in Christ as the Spirit to be everything to us for our enjoyment. When Jacob blessed his sons, God blessed them. In Numbers 6:22-27 we see a pattern of blessing – God commanded the priests to bless the people, […]

Christ Received Gifts in His Ascension and He Will Marry a Wife from the Gentiles

No one else in the Old Testament is such a perfect type of Christ in the things he went through and in his perfectness and reigning. Just like Joseph, Christ came to His brothers to shepherd them, but He was rejected, hated, and sold (betrayed) to be put into prison (death). Just like Joseph, Christ […]

The Significance of the Stone, the Pillar, the House of God, and the Oil in Gen. 28

The dream that Jacob had in Genesis 28 is the most crucial point in the whole book of Genesis and the most crucial word in the revelation of God. Jacob, a supplanter who ran away from his parents house for fear of his brother whose birthright and firstborn blessing he stole, was wandering in the […]

Seeing the Governing Vision in the Bible, the Vision of God’s Economy, Changes Us

The whole Bible is written and composed according to a governing vision, which is the vision of God’s economy. The governing vision in the word of God is the vision of God’s economy. This vision has been hidden throughout the ages in God, but He revealed it to His holy apostles and prophets in spirit […]