Did you know that in the resurrection of Christ the consummated Triune God was incorporated with the regenerated believers? This is the highest vision concerning Christ in His resurrection: He was glorified by the Father by releasing the divine life from within Him, He became the life-giving Spirit, He was begotten of God to be […]
Christ’s Resurrection Issued in the Son’s Vine and the Spirit’s Child (the New Man)
The Father’s House: the First Issue of Christ’s Glorification in His Resurrection

The most mysterious issue of Christ’s resurrection was the divine-human incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with His redeemed and regenerated believers. What really happened at the time of the Lord’s resurrection is that He was glorified by the Father, that is, the divine life within Him was released and imparted into millions […]
The Triune God and the Believers Became an Incorporation in Christ’s Resurrection

To try to understand God with our human mind is futile, but to exercise our spirit and pray over God’s word brings us into a deeper inward understanding of God and even in a union with Him. Man is a mystery, and God is, even more, a mystery. God’s incarnation is a mystery, Christ’s human […]
In His Resurrection Christ was Glorified, Became God’s Firstborn Son, and Regenerated us

One of the most mysterious and wonderful things that happened in the world is that a man called Jesus resurrected from the dead – He was raised by God from the dead, and He now lives forever! Even though this is so amazing, resurrection means and involves much more than this. According to the revelation […]
In His Resurrection Christ Released the Glory of His Divinity and Cast Fire on Earth

Starting from this week in our morning watch with the Lord we’re getting into the matter of, The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension. We need to first see a vision of Christ in His resurrection and ascension and then enter into some experience in a practical and subjective way. The […]
The Water that Flowed from Christ, the Rock, is the Water of Life in Resurrection!

In the book of Exodus we clearly see how God wants to change His people’s diet to the heavenly food and the living water coming out of the smitten rock. It is interesting in particular to see how both at the beginning and at the end of their journey through the wilderness the people of […]
God’s Intention is to be the Fountain of Living Waters for us to Drink of Him Today

This week in our morning revival we are enjoying the matter of drinking and flowing the water of life in resurrection. In Exodus 17:6, right at the beginning of their journey through the wilderness, the children of Israel were at the foothill of mount Horeb (which was Mount Sinai), and they had no water. It […]