In His Ascension Christ was Enthroned to Execute God’s Administration and Carry out His Economy

What Christ has accomplished and attained to in His ascension is colossal and monumental, and as believers in Christ we do well to dive deeper into the truth in the word of God concerning this matter. We need to see the heavenly scene and the heavenly Christ. After the Lord Jesus died and resurrected, He […]

Living in Resurrection by Living by the Divine Life within us for the Body of Christ

In order for us to be in the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ. What does it mean for us to be in the resurrection life of Christ? First of all, after Christ died and terminated all the negative things in the universe, in […]

The Spirit is the Reality of the Triune God, Resurrection, and the Body of Christ

Christ’s resurrection is of utmost importance not only in human history but also to our Christian life and faith. If Christ did not resurrect from the dead, our Christian faith is vain and empty, and all the believers would be miserable people. But Christ DID resurrect, and we believe in the resurrection of the dead; […]

The Truth concerning Christ’s Resurrection and its Importance to our Christian Faith

These past two weeks we have reviewed and enjoyed the matter of Christ’s resurrection, not merely in its aspect of Christ being raised from the dead (which is something amazing in itself) but in the aspects of the divine incorporation of the processed Triune God and the regenerated believers in Christ (see John 14-17), and in the […]

Growing in Life for our Transformation in Life to be Designated the Sons of God

The desire of God’s heart is to have many sons who are conformed to the image of Christ, His Firstborn Son. From eternity past, Christ as the second of the Godhead was the only begotten Son of God, possessing only divinity; through incarnation, Christ put on humanity, and in His resurrection He brought His humanity […]

In Resurrection Christ was Designated the Son of God in His Humanity to be God’s Firstborn Son

The central thought of the book of Romans is not justification, sanctification, or even glorification, but sonship – God desires to have many sons to bring into glory, and for this Christ Himself as a man in the flesh was designated the Son of God in power in His resurrection (Rom. 1:3-4) to be the […]

The Functions of the Father’s House, the Son’s True Vine, and the Spirit’s New Man

Many wonderful things took place in Christ’s resurrection; He was not just made alive by God but He also became the life-giving Spirit, He was begotten by God to be the Firstborn Son of God, and He regenerated the many believers to be the many sons of God (see 1 Cor. 15:45; Rom. 8:29). In […]