Man is Becoming God through Transformation by Participating in God’s Divinity

The Bible as the complete and only divine revelation given by God to man is a wonderful book revealing us mainly one thing: the economy of God. If we human beings have our own “economy” (both personally and as families, households, cities, countries, etc), how much more does God have an economy! In His economy […]

The Entire Bible is the Autobiography of the Triune God becoming our Autobiography

What is the present truth (2 Pet. 1:12)? What is the present revelation of God to us in this age? Each age has a particular “present truth”, and if we would have lived in the time of Martin Luther, we should have joined him and enjoy the blessings of being recovered back to justification by […]

Our Work must be to Minister God into others for Him to Build Himself into them

The Lord Jesus said, I will build My church (Matt. 16:18). How does the Lord build His church? First of all, the church is not that physical tall building with a cross on top of it; the church is the Body of Christ composed of all the believers in Christ, those redeemed by Christ, regenerated […]

A Priest lives the God-man life by Living in the Mingled Spirit to Express Christ

“The focus of God’s economy is the mingled spirit, the divine Spirit mingled with the human spirit (Rom. 8:4)” – this statement is of tremendous importance in our Christian life. Many believers have missed the aim of God’s purpose for their life simply because they don’t see that all our experiences of God are in the […]

A Priest is in the Process of being Mingled with God in his Daily Christian Life

According to the entire Bible, a priest is not one who mainly does things for God to serve Him but one who is absolutely and thoroughly mingled with God. When a priest entered into the tabernacle and passed through the Holy Place to enter the Holy of Holies in God’s presence, he was “smoked” with […]

Receiving the Flow of Life (priesthood) and being Brought under God’s Throne (kingship)

The matter of the priesthood and the kingship being for God’s building can be seen everywhere in the Bible, especially in the New Jerusalem, the consummation of all that God is doing and has planned. In the New Jerusalem we see the throne of God and of the Lamb in the center of the city, […]

Christ is a Kingly and Divine High Priest to Minister God to us and Save us Fully

The Bible clearly shows us that the priesthood and the kingship are for God’s building; in Hebrews, we see the heavenly Christ who is both the High Priest and the King (the King of righteousness and the King of peace), as typified by Melchizedek (see Heb. 5:10; 7:1-3, 28; 8:1-2). As the King, Christ maintains […]