Seeing the Divine Move of the Divine Trinity in the Conception and Baptism of Jesus

 It is so amazing to see the divine move of the Divine Trinity in the book of Matthew, especially in chs. 1 and 3 with the conception, birth, and baptism of Jesus! If we see the controlling vision of the divine economy with the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we will realize that […]

The Divine Economy with the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for the Church

 We need to see and realize that the central matter in the Bible is the divine economy with the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us, the believers in Christ, for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah! This week we come to […]

Being Saved from a Heart of Unbelief by Looking away unto Jesus to be Infused with Faith

We need to be saved from an evil heart of unbelief and open to the Lord to be infused with Him as our faith, taking the word of God as our faith to care for God’s interests so that we may be able to possess the good land. Joshua was such a one – he […]

Christ as the Word of God Speaks for God; now God is Contactable, Receivable, and Enjoyable

Christ as the Word of God speaks for God; He became flesh to make God contactable, touchable, receivable, and enjoyable, and He has become the Spirit for us to receive Him and enjoy Him! Hallelujah, what a Christ we have! The Gospel of John is an amazing Gospel, speaking not of an objective Christ or […]

Having the Subjective Experience of Christ as Life for the Building up of the Body of Christ

The Gospel of John, which is a book on the subjective truths, reveals that we should have subjective experiences of Christ; in this Gospel, we see so many ways for us to have the subjective experience of Christ as life. This gospel is not on objective truths that have nothing to do with our daily […]

Being in the Triune God and having Christ Living in us to be Perfected into one

As we are sanctified through the truth, we move out of ourselves and into the Triune God, Christ lives in us, and we are perfected into one to be in the enlarged oneness of the Triune God. There is so much division both in the world and in Christianity today, and the main reason is […]

Truth is the Triune God in His Word Realized by us and Infused into us to Set us Free and Sanctify us

Truth is the Triune God in His word being realized by us and being infused into us to set us free and to sanctify us. Two of the functions of the truth are that it sets us free from the bondage of sin and from all negative things, and it sanctifies us positionally and dispositionally, […]