In order for us to maintain the victorious standard of the church, we must be lovers of God; the Lord promised to give the crown of life and the inheritance of the kingdom to those who love Him, and we aspire to get the incorruptible crown as a prize at the end of our Christian […]
The Lord Jesus will Come as a Righteous Judge to award the Crown of Righteousness
Progressive Revelation of God in the Bible: the Bachelor God becomes the Married God

As believers in Christ, we have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, and now we walk in Him; the Christ in whom we need to walk is the Christ in His full ministry of three stages, and we need to see the progressive revelation of God in the Bible – from the “bachelor God” to […]
The Righteousness of the Bride: Christ as our Subjective Righteousness Lived out of us
![And it was given to her that she should be clothed in fine linen, bright [and] clean; for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of the saints. Rev. 19:8](
For the joy set before us, which is the Lord Jesus as our dear Bridegroom coming for His bride, we are today preparing to be the bride of Christ; there is the need for the righteousness of the bride, that is, the wedding garment that the bride wears for the wedding feast, which is […]
For the Joy set Before us there’s the Need for the Building and Maturity of the Bride

The joy set before the Lord Jesus is the church as the bride and kingdom of God, and the joy set before us is the Lord Jesus, the Bridegroom, coming for His bride, who has made herself ready; there’s the need for the maturity of the bride and the building of the bride for […]
Have the Maturity in Life and be Faithful in our Daily Duties to be Ready for Rapture

While we are waiting for the Lord’s coming and expect to be raptured, we need to be faithful in our daily duties, living a properly balanced human life while simultaneously living in the divine and mystical realm so that He may rapture us when He returns. Amen, we want to be raptured by the Lord […]
Being Daily Renewed and Freshly Transformed to Live a Life of the Altar and the Tent

As those who are being prepared for the Lord’s return, we need to live the life of the altar and the tent by having God’s appearing and consecrating everything to Him, and we need to be renewed daily by having a transformation that is fresh daily to grow in life until we’re matured. Amen! […]
Have a Revived Living to Live an Overcoming Life and Contact People to Care for them

As believers in Christ, we need to have a revived living to live an overcoming life and contact people to care for them in love. In order to make ourselves ready for the Lord’s coming, we need to maintain our victory by having a revived living, a living of being renewed day by day; […]