The kingdom of God is not only the realm of the divine life and of the divine dominion but also the realm of the divine species, in which are all the divine things; we need to live in the kingdom of God as the realm of the divine species in our daily living. Amen! We […]
As God-men, we are Living in the Kingdom of God as the Realm of the Divine Species
Christ is Glorified by the Church so that the Father is Glorified Through the Son

As the embodiment of the Triune God, Christ the Son is the Father’s glorification, and today it is by the church that Christ is glorified so that God the Father may be glorified through the Son. Wow, what a wonderful mystery and we are part of it! As we prayerfully consider the matter of glory […]
Divine-Human Incorporation: the Father’s House, the Son’s Vine, and the Spirit’s Child
![Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither [can] you unless you abide in Me. John 15:4](
In the resurrection of Christ, He produced an enlarged, divine-human, universal incorporation of the processed Triune God with the regenerated believers as the Father’s house, the Son’s vine, and the Spirit’s child, and we are all part of this divine-human incorporation! Hallelujah! It is really amazing to see that Christ did not just die for […]
How Christ as a Grain of Wheat was Glorified in His Resurrection to be Enlarged

Hallelujah, Christ as a grain of wheat was glorified in His resurrection to be enlarged and expanded, and we all are included in the divine-human incorporation of God and man! We can experience, enjoy, and express Christ as the grain of wheat; through His resurrection, Christ was glorified to become a life-giving Spirit, regenerate us […]
In the New Jerusalem we will See God’s Face, Enjoy His Shining and Shine Him Forth

In the New Jerusalem, God’s redeemed people will see God’s face continually, His name will be on their foreheads, and the unlimited glory of God will shine forth as light with Christ as the lamp through the New Jerusalem to the whole universe. Hallelujah, our eternal destiny as believers in Christ is to be under […]
The Seed of David became the Son of God: how we can Cooperate with God’s Intention

Jesus Christ is the seed of David, having a dignified human nature which was exalted and glorified along with His divine nature; the seed of David – Christ as the Son of Man according to the flesh – became the Son of God, implying that God’s intention is to make Himself man so that man […]
God’s Eternal Purpose is to Mingle Himself with Man to gain the Body of Christ

God’s eternal purpose is to dispense Himself into His people to make them the same as He is in life and nature but not in the Godhead for His enlarged and expanded expression. The answer to all questions is God’s economy, and His intention is to mingle Himself with man to produce the church as […]