We experience Christ in our spirit but we enjoy Him mainly in our soul; we need to learn to enjoy Christ in our soul by having one soul and having fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel in a corporate way. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, […]
Enjoy Christ in our Soul and Experience Christ in our Spirit for the Furtherance of the Gospel
We’re Regenerated with a Divine and Royal Life to Reign in Life as the Lord’s Overcomers

In order for us as believers in Christ to reign in life to be the Lord’s overcomers, we need to see that we have been regenerated with God’s life, which is a divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life; the kingdom seed was sown into us to grow and develop until it reaches the […]
Faith: Believe that God is and We are Not; He’s a Rewarder of those who Diligently Seek Him

Faith means to believe that God is and we are not and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him; He is everything to us and in us, and we deny ourselves and take Him as our everything – this is faith. Praise the Lord, God has allotted to each one […]
We’re Designated Sons of God according to the Spirit of Holiness as we Walk in Spirit

The Lord Jesus, who was, is, and always will be the only begotten Son of God in His divinity, became the Son of God in a new way in resurrection, for He was designated the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness. And today we are in the process of […]
The Meaning of Being Baptized into the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Matt. 28:19 presents the deep matter of baptizing people into the Triune God, that is, baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; there is only one name, but there are three persons – we are baptized and we baptize people into the Divine Trinity. This […]
Through we have Never Seen Jesus, we Love Him, Believe in Him, and Exult with Unspeakable Joy

As believers in Christ, we need to develop and perfect our faith in the Lord and our love for Him, the One whom we have not seen yet we love, into whom we believe, and to whom we’re organically joined to. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to a new topic entitled, […]
Tearing down any idols and being Filled with the Spirit to fulfill God’s economy

We need to tear down any idols in us that replace the Lord, be willing to sacrifice our relationship with others in order to follow the Lord, and seek to be filled with the Spirit, and we will be filled with the Holy Spirit to carry out God’s purpose. As we take a closer look […]