Seeing the Heavenly Vision and being Energised and Burdened to Carry out God’s Plan

We need to see the heavenly vision, be converted from everything else to Christ, be filled with Christ and be energised and burdened by the vision to carry out God’s plan, serving the Lord with a vision. In the book of Acts we see how the Lord appeared to Paul to bring him into the […]

We in the Churches are the Expansion of Christ and we’re Enlarging the Kingdom of God

The churches and the kingdom of God go together, for we today in the churches are the propagation and expansion of Christ, and we are enlarging the kingdom of God. We have entered the kingdom of God through repentance for forgiveness of sins and through being regenerated with the life of God, and now we […]

How to Enter into the Kingdom of God, Share it, Enjoy it, and Have it as a Reward

The kingdom of God is the spreading of Christ as life into His believers to form a realm in which God ruled in His life; we enter into this kingdom by repentance, we share in this kingdom in the church life, we aspire to have the reward of the kingdom in the coming age, and […]

In Acts the Disciples are Spreading Christ as the Development of the Kingdom of God

As believers in Christ we are the increase of Christ and we cooperate with Him to propagate the resurrected, ascended, and all-inclusive Christ as the development of the kingdom of God on earth. This week we focus on the matter of the development of the kingdom of God. In Matt. 5 the Lord Jesus began […]

Drinking the Humanity of Jesus and being Constituted with the Spirit of Jesus

We need to be those drinking the humanity of Jesus and being constituted with the Spirit of Jesus. As believers in Christ we need to experience and enjoy the Spirit of the humanity of Jesus for our gospel preaching, for the church service, for our daily walk, and for the Lord’s recovery. Many gospel preachers […]

The Spirit of Jesus is the Totality and Full Realization of the All-inclusive Jesus

The Spirit of Jesus, whom Paul experienced in Acts 16:7, implies the Lord’s humanity, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension; the Spirit of Jesus is the totality and the full realization of the all-inclusive Jesus. In Acts 16:7 Luke turns from the Holy Spirit (whom the apostles experienced in His forbidding them to go somewhere […]

We Experience the Spirit of Jesus to live a Proper Human Life and Endure Sufferings

As those who are learning to cooperate with the Lord for His spreading on earth, we need to experience the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of the incarnated Savior who passed through human living and suffering of death. Such a Spirit both supplied and led the apostles in their cooperation with the Lord for His […]