Feeding the Lord’s People at the Proper Time and Using the Lord’s Talents in Full

We all should feed the Lord’s people at the proper time and use the Lord’s talents in full, for we are faithful and prudent slaves of our Master, Lord Jesus (Matt. 24:45; 25:20, 22). In particular, we need to care for people – whether believers or unbelievers – with the loving and forgiving heart of […]

We Ask, Seek, and Knock in Prayer to Receive God’s Riches and Feed Others also

As we are contacting people and in dealing with them, we must ask, seek, and knock in prayer for the proper way to contact them; we must receive the divine supply and minister this supply to others. In Matt. 7 we see the way for us as kingdom people – as citizens of the kingdom […]

Christ is the Reality of the Cities of Refuge: as Mistake-Making Sinners, we Flee to Him!

In Num. 35 we see the cities of refuge, six cities among the cities of the Levites who were assigned to be cities of refuge; these typify the all-inclusive Christ as the embodiment of the redeeming God into whom mistaken sinners can flee for refuge. Today there’s such things as prisons, where the murderers – […]

Believe in Christ as the Reality of the Bronze Serpent and Enjoy His Sin-Dealing Life

The bronze serpent in Num. 21:4-9 is a type of the Lord Jesus, who was crucified in the likeness of the flesh of sin as our Substitute and replacement so that we, sinners who are bit by the serpent, might look at Him (believe into Him) and have eternal life. In Num. 21 the people […]

Receive Forgiveness of Sins and Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ in the Church Life

We need to fulfill our divine commission to help others receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those sanctified by faith in the Lord (Acts 26:18). Before we can help anyone else to be saved, repent, have forgiveness of sins, and enjoy Christ as their God-allotted portion, we ourselves need to go through this […]

Having a Clear Sky with the Throne Above it to bring Others under God’s Authority

Part of our divine commission is for us to turn others from the authority of Satan to God (Acts 26:18); for this, we need first to have a clear sky with the throne of God above it. We need to read and pray, pray and read much over this verse in the Bible, for in […]

Our Divine Commission is to Open their Eyes and Turn them From Darkness to Light

In Acts 26:18 we see the work that we must do today for the increase and building up of the Body of Christ, and in this verse we see the all-inclusive contents of our divine commission. In particular, today we want to see that we need to open their eyes and turn them from darkness […]