As believers in Christ, we need to contact the Lord, enjoy the Lord, and deal with many things so that we may labour on Christ to obtain a surplus of Christ to bring to the meetings of the church for the worship of God and the nourishing of the saints for the building up of […]
Gain a Surplus of Christ and Bring it to the Meetings to Worship God Corporately
Walk in the Body-Christ by Enjoying the Corporate Christ and Mutual Sharing of Christ

The Christ in whom we should walk (Col. 2:6) is “the Christ, Jesus the Lord”; this is the corporate Christ, the Body-Christ, the incorporated God, in whom we are baptized and in whom we need to walk daily. Our Christ is wonderful and all-inclusive, and as believers in Christ, we have been rooted in Christ […]
Receive the Divine Transmission of the Exalted Christ to become God’s Fullness

God gave Christ to be Head over all things to the church; today we need to see, believe and receive the divine transmission of the exalted and ascended Christ to enjoy all the riches of Christ and become His fullness, the church life, for the corporate expression of Christ. Amen! May we be those who […]
The Sacrificing Christ Lives in us to Energize us to Sacrifice Ourselves for Others

The vine is a type of the sacrificing Christ, the Christ who sacrificed everything of Himself, and out of this sacrifice He produced new wine to cheer God and man; such a One lives in us to energize us to live a sacrificing life to cheer God and man. Hallelujah! This week in our […]
For the Joy set Before us there’s the Need for the Building and Maturity of the Bride

The joy set before the Lord Jesus is the church as the bride and kingdom of God, and the joy set before us is the Lord Jesus, the Bridegroom, coming for His bride, who has made herself ready; there’s the need for the maturity of the bride and the building of the bride for […]
The Growth of the Body of Christ is the Building up of the Body of Christ in Love

The growth of the Body of Christ depends on the growth of God, the addition of God, the increase of God within us as the many members of the Body of Christ; the growth of the Body is the building up of the Body of Christ. Amen, how much we need the growth of […]
We need a Burning Spirit of Love to Love one another and Overcome any Degradation

In order for us to enjoy the Lord and thus grow in life for the building up of the Body of Christ, we need to love the Lord and love one another; love is the most excellent way to be and do anything in the church life, and we need to exercise our spirit […]