When we Drop our Concepts and Turn our Heart to the Lord, we see Divine Revelation

 God in Christ is shining today, especially through His Word, but the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of people, deceiving them and covering them to not see the light; we need to drop our concepts and turn our heart to the Lord in order to receive the divine revelation, even to […]

The Economy of God is According to the Gospel of the Glory of the Blessed God

 The glory of God is intrinsically related to the economy of God, for the Triune God is of glory and we have the gospel of the glory of the blessed God which shines forth Christ as the glory of God for us to believe into, be infused with, and be saved. Hallelujah! This week […]

We’re Commissioned to bring others into the Enjoyment of the All-inclusive Christ

 As those who have seen a vision of God’s eternal economy and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ, we are commissioned to bring others into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ today. Our vision of Christ, our enjoyment and experience of Christ, and our being converted from anything other than Christ to Him, will commission us […]

Enter into the Experience and Reality of the High and Perfect Gospel (Acts 26:18)

 Acts 26:18 reveals the contents of our divine commission to serve according to the heavenly vision of God’s economy; we need to see the high and perfect gospel, pray over the contents of the gospel, ask the Lord to make them our experience and reality so that we can bring others into this experience […]

Christ as the Speaking Spirit Sanctifies us by His Living Word to make us His Bride

 The divine, dispositional sanctification is carried out by Christ as the life-giving Spirit, who is the sanctifying and speaking Spirit; we are washed by the water in the Word to be sanctified in our disposition and be made holy, even as God is holy. Amen! In Eph. 5:26-27 we are told that Christ sanctifies […]

God Carries out His Economy by the Spirit’s Sanctification to Sonize us Divinely

 The divine sanctification is the holding line in the carrying out of the divine economy to sonize us divinely; we were “hooked” by God through His sanctifying work, and we’re being sanctified day by day until we are fully glorified to be the New Jerusalem, the holy city! Wow, Hallelujah! The more we read […]

Enjoy Sanctification and Sonship: Chosen to be Holy, Predestinating us unto Sonship

 Our becoming God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead was initiated by God the Father in eternity past; He chose us to be holy (the same as Him in His holy nature), predestinating us unto sonship (the same as Him in His life), and we can partake of this by […]