Christ as Living Water Flows as we Live a Crucified Life to Manifest the Resurrection Life

 The water in the good land flows forth in valleys and in mountains, which indicates that Christ as living water flows in different environments; as we are under the killing of the cross in the environments sovereignly arranged by God, we can live the resurrection life and be filled with life, drink Christ as […]

God in Christ as the Flowing Spirit is Reaching us as Living Water for us to Drink

 The all-inclusive Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit is a land of water brooks, of springs and of fountains, flowing forth in valleys and in mountains; the Triune God as the flowing Spirit is the living water for us to drink and be satisfied, and this living water flows to us wherever we are! Amen! […]

The Spirit is the Realization of the All-inclusive Christ, the Promised Blessing

 We as believers in Christ can today enjoy the Spirit as the realization of the all-inclusive Christ, the promised blessing of Abraham. Hallelujah! The Spirit as the realization of Christ in our experience is the good land for us to enjoy and partake of, and we can daily partake of the bountiful supply of […]

Eat and Experience Christ as Barley and Feed Others with our Experience of Christ

 In ourselves, we cannot meet our needs, but within us we have Christ as a barley loaf, a portion of the unlimited resurrected Christ, and He can meet our needs and produce a surplus; as long as we eat Him and experience Him, we can feed ourselves and also feed others by what we […]

We Follow the Limited Jesus by the Power of the Resurrected Christ in our Spirit

 We can follow the limited Jesus by the power of the resurrected Christ in our spirit, for the only way we can live the Christian life and remain in the limiting and constraining situations is by the power of the unlimited Christ in resurrection. Amen! May we all enter into the enjoyment and experience […]

Experience Christ as the Barley: the Resurrected and Unlimited Christ Meeting our Needs

The good land is a land of wheat and barley; whereas wheat signifies the incarnated, crucified, and buried Christ, barley signifies the resurrected Christ who is unlimited, nourishing, and powerful in us to bring us into the experience of His resurrection. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, we need to be brought on with the Lord […]

Experience the Incarnated and Crucified Christ to be Grains of Wheat full of Life

In the midst of the situations that limit us and press us, we may experience Christ as the grain of wheat by contacting the Lord moment by moment; we can experience the incarnated and crucified Christ to be grains of wheat full of life today. Amen! The first thing we experience of the all-inclusive Christ […]