As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ engaged in warfare against the spiritual forces in the heavenlies, we need to take up the shield of faith with which we will be able to quench all the flaming darts of the evil one (Eph. 6:12, 16). Amen! This week in our […]
Take up the Shield of Faith to Quench all the Flaming Darts of the Evil one
Men Full of Faith being Filled in Spirit who Practice Speaking for the Lord by faith
As believers in Christ, we need to be filled in spirit and spontaneously speak by the spirit of faith, speaking for the Lord and speaking Christ to one another; we need to drink of the Spirit, be filled in spirit, and flow the Spirit out for others to receive and drink Him. Amen! Our […]
Being the Overcomers Praying with Authority to Exercise and Apply God’s Authority
Praying with authority is praying the prayer of Mark 11:20-24; a prayer with authority has much to do with the overcomers who do not pray that God would do this or that but speak to the mountain and apply God’s authority. We need to learn to pray prayers of authority, prayers that are weighty […]
Learn to Pray the Prayer of Authority by Standing in Ascension in Oneness with the Lord
We need to learn to pray the most spiritual and crucial prayer, the prayer of authority, the commanding prayer, the prayer of binding and loosing on earth what has been bound and loosed in heaven. Yes, on the one hand, we need to pray for our needs and even pray for God’s need, praying […]
The Overcomers Experience the Divine Economy in the Church Life for the New Creation
As believers in Christ, we need to be the overcomers who experience the divine economy in the church life for the new creation to be produced out of the old creation. The divine economy is to produce the new creation out of the chaotic old creation, for God’s desire in His heart is to […]
The Central Subject of the Bible is the Economy of God, His Dispensing into man to gain the Church
The entire Bible is concerned with the economy of God, for the central subject of the Bible is the economy of God; God’s economy is His household administration, which is to dispense Himself in Christ into us, His chosen and redeemed people, so that He may have a house to express Himself – this […]
In the Lord’s Recovery we must have the Vision of God’s Economy and be Controlled by it
We in the Lord’s recovery must have a vision of God’s economy and be strong and unshakable in this vision; if we love the Lord and His recovery and if we mean business to practice the church life in the recovery, we need to endeavour to see all the visions concerning God’s economy and […]