Live by Faith Trusting in God and be Constantly under God’s Judgment to be Pillars

 The pillars of the temple were built of bronze, signifying God’s judgment; for us to be useful to God, we need to be constantly under God’s judgment living a life of trusting in God with no confidence in the flesh, even in the midst of complicated and intermixed situations. Amen! The materials for the […]

Exercise our spirit to Absorb the Riches of Christ into whom we’re Grafted Contrary to Nature

 As believers in Christ, we are branches of Christ, those grafted into Him as the cultivated olive tree to enjoy Him as the life-giving Spirit by denying the self to absorb the riches of Christ. Hallelujah! The types and figures in the Old Testament show us a picture of what we the New Testament […]

Having the Glory of Christ Carved into our Being and Sending our Roots into Christ

 We need to have the glory of Christ carved into our being through sufferings, and we need to send our roots deep into Christ to absorb Him and grow with Him, even to manifest His resurrection life. As believers in Christ, we are in the process of being made materials for God’s building; the […]

Allow the Crucified and Resurrected Christ as the Spirit to Build Himself into us for the Church

 In order for us to become suitable materials for God’s building, we need to experience Christ in His death (signified by cypress), Christ in His resurrection (signified by cedar), and Christ as the Spirit (signified by olive wood), being filled with the Holy Spirit and being in spirit for God’s building. Amen! This week […]

Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ in the Church and Dwelling in the House of God

 God’s thoughts and ways to build up the church as the temple of the living God are higher than ours; we need to forsake our ways and thoughts and return to Jehovah our God to take the way of enjoying Christ in the church and for the church. Amen! We may think we know […]

Build the Church in Peace in the Mingled Spirit with no Noise except Singing and Praising

 We can build the church in peace in the mingled spirit with no noise of criticism or judgment but with much singing and praising the Lord! The church is built in peace in the mingled spirit, without any noise of criticism or quarrel but with lots of singing, even as the temple was built […]

We need to Live in the Spirit of Resurrection in our Spirit to Build up the Church

 David received the blueprint of the temple and prepared the materials and ground for the building, while Solomon built the temple, we need to not only know the blueprint of God’s house but also experience the Spirit of resurrection (signified by Solomon) to build the house of God. Amen! David and Solomon typify Christ […]