The issue of our being brought back to Christ Himself is the genuine church life; the genuine church life is the issue of the enjoyment of the riches of Christ so that we may become His fullness, and it is Christ realized, experienced, and expressed by the saints in a corporate way. Amen, may […]
Enjoying and Experiencing the Riches of Christ issues in the Genuine Church Life
Learning from Paul to Shepherd the Saints in Love in the Church as the Flock of God
We need to learn from Paul to shepherd the saints in love in the church as the flock of God. We need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the apostle Paul, who shepherded the saints as a nursing mother and an exhorting father, taking love as the most excellent way to care […]
Shepherd People according to the Pattern of the Lord Jesus to Carry out God’s Economy
In order to make ourselves ready for the Lord’s coming, we need to participate in Christ’s heavenly ministry to feed His lambs and shepherd His sheep in order to take care of God’s flock, the church as the Body of Christ; we need to shepherd people according to the Lord’s pattern. May we be […]
Channels of Life Minister Christ to Others to Give them Food at the Proper Time
As believers in Christ who are preparing themselves for the Lord’s return, we need to be the faithful and prudent slaves who give others food at the proper time, being channels of life who prophesy for the building up of the church. The Lord is coming quickly; however, how soon He comes depends on […]
Being a Faithful and Prudent Slave by Dispensing Christ as Food to His Believers
As believers in Christ, we need to be a faithful and prudent slave in His house, dispensing Christ as food to the believers as members of God’s household to make ourselves ready for the Lord’s coming. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the matter of, Making Ourselves Ready for the […]
Read the Bible in a Living way to have a Shining Star Rise in our Spirit as we love God
As those who give heed to the prophetic word so that the morning star rises in our heart, we need to have an intimate relationship with God and read the Bible in a living way so that light would shine and Christ as the living star would rise in our heart. When we give […]
Pursue Growth and Maturity in the Life of Christ until we Arrive at a Full-Grown Man
As believers in Christ who have the life of God in their spirit, we need to pursue growth and maturity in the life of Christ until we arrive at a full-grown man, the church as the Body of Christ growing into a mature man. None of us can say that we have already arrived […]