Today we are in the age of intensification, and we are continually being saved from degradation by loving the Lord with the first love and by the speaking of the sevenfold intensified Spirit; Christ’s sevenfold intensified heavenly ministry will consummate this age and bring in the New Jerusalem. Praise the Lord! The New Testament […]
Cooperate with Christ’s Sevenfold Intensified Heavenly Ministry to be His Overcomers
Christ became the Life-giving Spirit and Regenerated the Believers for His Body

In His resurrection, Christ became the life-giving Spirit and regenerated the believers for His Body; we can set our mind on the spirit to receive and enjoy life and peace, and we will be men of life, men of zoe life! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord for Christ’s resurrection! First, Christ went through incarnation, then […]
Reigning in Life to be Brought into the Blending life of the Entire Body of Christ

When we are brought into the blending life of the entire Body of Christ, we can truly reign in life; we see this in the pattern of the apostle Paul in Rom. 16. Reigning in life is found in Romans 5, and this is the key to all the experiences of God’s organic salvation. […]
Reign in Life by being in the Fellowship of the Body, the Circulation of the Spirit

As believers in Christ who are learning to receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness so that we may reign in life, we need to imitate the apostle Paul to bring the local churches into the fellowship of the Body of Christ. We may not be the apostle Paul in […]
Reigning in Life Issues in the Real and Practical Body Life with the Highest Virtues
![I exhort you therefore, brothers, through the compassions of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, well pleasing to God, [which is] your reasonable service. Rom. 12:1](
The issue of our reigning in life by living under the ruling of the divine life, is the real and practical Body life expressed in the church life; for the Body life, we need to live a life of the highest virtues by reigning in life. Amen! The Lord Jesus was One who reigned […]
Building up, Conformed to Christ’s Image, and Glorified in God’s Complete Salvation

As believers in Christ, we experience building up as the joining and knitting together in the divine life in the Body, we are conformed to the image of Christ in the maturity of the divine life, and we will be glorified to enter into the full manifestation of God’s complete salvation. Hallelujah! The organic […]
God’s Complete Salvation is His Judicial Redemption plus His Organic Salvation

God’s complete salvation is of two aspects – the judicial aspect and the organic aspect; there is the judicial redemption and the organic salvation, and we as believers in Christ partake of such a wonderful, all-inclusive, complete salvation. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we come to a new topic, The Two Aspects […]