Stay in the Mingled Spirit: the God of Peace will Crush Satan under our Feet Shortly!

Christ has defeated and destroyed Satan on the cross, we can stand in His victory, and the God of peace will crush Satan under the feet of the built-up local church shortly, as we remain and live in the mingled spirit! Hallelujah! Even though God has judged Satan and condemned him through Christ’s work on […]

We Put on the Armour of God and Live in Spirit to be Victorious in Christ over Satan

As believers in Christ, we need to learn to be victorious in Christ over Satan; we shouldn’t be ignorant of his schemes but rather, put on the whole armour of God to be able to stand against Satan’s stratagems, be watchful, and live in spirit. The enemy is crafty and deceitful, and he has many […]

The Lord Jesus Defeated and Destroyed the Devil, Undid his Works, and Cast him out!

After rebelling against God, Satan has his own kingdom, the kingdom of darkness, where he rules; however, praise the Lord, the Lord Jesus was victorious over Satan at Golgotha, and He came to defeat him, destroy him, and annul his works and cast him out! Hallelujah! When we read the book of Job we can’t […]

Overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of our Testimony, and Not Loving our Soul-life

Hallelujah, we can overcome by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony, and by not loving our soul-life even unto death! The man-child consists of the overcomers who stand on behalf of the church, taking the position that the whole church should take, and do the work of the church; the […]

Our Prayer in the Position of Ascension is to Execute God’s Will and Administration

The position of prayer is the position of ascension; we need to be in ascension to utter prayers of authority, even authoritative commands before God, being one with Christ in His heavenly ministry to carry out His administration on the earth. There are many kinds of prayer, and we need to offer many prayers to […]

God is Gaining an Army Fortified and Equipped to Fight for Him by Speaking His Word

Our God fights not directly by Himself but through His servants whom He sends, and He fights through their speaking, which is actually God’s speaking; today God is gaining an army fortified and equipped to fight for Him by speaking the word of God. This week we come to a new Holy Word for Morning […]

The Church is both the Bride presented to Christ and the Corporate Warrior of God

Our desire and yearning is that we would be the bride of Christ, the overcoming ones in this age; one aspect of the bride is that she is a warrior, for the church is both the bride and the corporate warrior to defeat God’s enemy. When we think of a bride, we think of utmost […]