Being the Warring Church in the Midst of Sufferings one with Christ as His Bride

 David typifies the warring Christ in the midst of sufferings and Abigail typifies the warring church in the midst of sufferings (1 Sam. 25:2-42); if we desire to share in the stewardship of God, we must be prepared to suffer. On one hand, David typifies the warring Christ who suffered so much; on the […]

See the Warring Christ in the Midst of Sufferings and the Fighting One with His Bride

 David typifies the warring Christ in the midst of sufferings; He is not only the King and the Priest but also the Warrior, the Victor, both in His human life on earth and when He returns – He will be the fighting One with His overcomers against Antichrist and his armies. David is one […]

Abigail’s Wisdom in Appeasing David and being Joined to Christ as His Counterpart

 When we realize that our old man is crucified with Christ, we will be joined to Christ to be His counterpart and follow Him in His sufferings and battles. David is the most thorough type of Christ revealed in the Old Testament, and the New Testament also reveals that David typifies Christ; David’s wife, […]

Offering Ourselves Willingly to the Lord and being His Overcomers to Water Christ

 How amazing it is that we can be those offering ourselves willingly to the Lord, in the splendour of our consecration, and water Christ in the day of His warfare, and we can be like a brook from which He drinks as He fights the battle to obtain a footstool for His feet (see […]

Pray in Union with the Interceding Christ to Cooperate with the Fighting Spirit and Put the Flesh to death

 In order for us to deal with the flesh, we need to pray in union with the interceding Christ in order to cooperate with the fighting Spirit who indwells us; this is seen in type in Exo. 17, where Joshua, Moses, Hur, and Aaron were all involved in the defeat of the Amalekites. Amalek […]

Seeing that our Flesh is an Enemy of God’s Authority and is in Rebellion against God

 With Amalek there is a hand against the throne of the Lord; the flesh is an enemy of God’s authority, trying to overthrow the throne of God, and is versus the kingship, so the flesh needs to be thoroughly dealt with before the kingdom of God can come in. Wow! In each one of […]

As the Totality of our Fallen old man, the Flesh is Enmity against God and Cannot Please God

 In the eyes of God and according to the Bible, the flesh denotes the totality of the fallen old man, our entire fallen being; it is the living out and expression of the old man, and the flesh is enmity against God, not being subject to God’s law nor being able to please God. […]