Praying the Prayers of the Kingdom to Curb Satan’s Activities and Bring in the Kingdom

The church must pray to bring in the kingdom of God; we as the church must pray the prayers of the kingdom to curb Satan’s activities and bring in the kingdom of God. The church should no longer limit God in what He wants to do but cooperate with God in prayer to both curb […]

The Work of the Church is to Bring in the Kingdom of God and deal with God’s Enemy

The work of the church is to bring in the kingdom of God and to deal with God’s enemy; the church bears the responsibility of bringing the kingdom of God to the earth. The church was brought in by the gospel of the kingdom and with the power of the kingdom of God, and now […]

Praying to Bind the strong man, Release those Usurped by him, and bring in God’s Kingdom

In regards to bringing in and establishing the kingdom of God, in Matt. 12 we see that we need to bind the strong man and plunder his house, praying one with the Lord to bind Satan and release the fallen people from under his usurpation. The Lord Jesus came as the incarnated God to establish […]