When Man Echoes God’s Will back to Him in Prayer He can Accomplish His Will on Earth

Although God has a will, He doesn’t act independently; rather, when man echoes God’s will back to Him in prayer, He can do anything, and when God’s people agree with God’s will, He will carry out what He wants. This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Praying for God’s Will […]

Being Victorious over Satan’s attack of Death by the Resurrection Life of Christ

Satan’s attack against the church is mainly through death, but by the resurrection life of Christ in our spirit, we can be victorious over the attack of death upon the church. Hallelujah, the Lord Jesus is both resurrection and the life, and as we enjoy Him as life, resurrection operates in us to first deliver […]

Taking Christ as our Way to Live Him and Fighting to Remain in Christ and Enjoy Him

As believers in Christ, we need to take Christ as our way and live Him in what He is, which is to express Him and manifest Him; also, we fight the spiritual warfare for Christ as we remain in Christ. As we love God and fear God, being filled both with God as love and […]

We Possess the Good Land by Dealing with the Flesh, Exalting Christ, and Enjoying Him

In order for us to possess the good land, we need to deal with the flesh, enjoy the Lord’s table, enjoy the all-inclusive Christ, see a vision of Christ as our Captain, and exalt Christ according to God’s instruction. Amen! The Lord in His mercy and grace is bringing us on with Him; we are […]

We need to Walk in the Land and Fight the Spiritual Warfare by Faith and in the Body

God has given us the good land, but we need to cooperate with Him by rising up to possess the land, walk in the land, fight the spiritual warfare by faith in the Lord and in the principle of His Body, and be occupied with the Lord’s word to be the Joshua of today. The […]

Christ was Judged and Tried in His Living; we take Him as our Covering before the Enemy

Christ is the One who was judged and tried in His living and walk, and He is our covering; His feet are like polished bronze, and we can take Him as our bronze helmet to cover us before the enemy. Praise the Lord for our Christ, the One who is all-inclusive to be our good […]

Experiencing Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension for the Spiritual Warfare

We need to experience the resurrected and ascended Christ, living in resurrection and ascension to engage in spiritual warfare for the sake of God’s kingdom. Hallelujah for the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land! In this land we have everything we need and even more; here we enjoy all kinds of rich […]