The high peak of the God-ordained way to meet and to serve in the church is prophesying for the building up of the Body of Christ. We all need to learn to take the lead not only to enjoy the Lord, love the Lord, and experience life to minister life, but also to prophesy for […]
oh that all the Lord’s people would prophesy, speaking God for the building up!
so then death operates in us, but life in you – ministering life by dying
The Apostle Paul said in 2 Cor. 4:12, So then death operates in us, but life in you. Just like the apostles, we also need to minister life to others by dying. In order for life to work and operate in the saints, some need to allow death to operate in them. This is the […]
the deepest thought in the New Testament concerning the life of a Christian
What is the deepest thought in the New Testament concerning the life of a Christian? Before today I didn’t really know it, but I knew one thing: it is NOT doing good and rejecting evil, and it is NOT self-endeavoring to do what the Bible says. The deepest thought in the New Testament concerning the […]
Lord, please give me the experiences that I need that will produce this ministry!
In praying this we don’t want to be presumptious or greedy for some sort of a high position in the church, but rather we utter this deep prayer as the Lord enlightens us and inspires us for His building. For the church to be built up and for the building up of the Body of […]
being channels of life with a surplus of life to minister life to others
All the members of the Body of Christ are ministers of life, imparting life to the ones around them for the growth and the building up of the Body. In the church life, we all are learning to minister life – this is our only need. We don’t need more teachings, doctrines, do’s and dont’s; […]
dealing with our rebellion and our natural capability through the cross
Becoming a Christian is not an end in itself, rather, it is a beginning of a new life which is not according to our concept or our human disposition. This new life is all about taking care of the living Christ within us by turning to Him, fellowshipping with Him, and doing everything in oneness […]
imitating Christ and following the pattern of those who live Christ to magnify Him
The matter of imitating Christ or imitating those who follow Christ has been much spoiled throughout history, so much that many people don’t even recommend that anyone imitates a man – just follow Christ! But Paul gave himself as a pattern to the believers – he was a pattern of living Christ for His magnification […]