Allow Adequate Time for Prayer to Come to the Throne of Grace and Enjoy Mercy and Grace

 As those who love the Lord and seek after Him, we need to have adequate times of prayer to absorb the Lord and be filled with the Spirit, and we need to come to the throne of grace to receive grace and mercy to recharge our spiritual batteries. Amen! Three of the most wonderful […]

Singing and Psalming the Word with the Exercise of our Spirit to Enjoy the Living Word

 For us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly is pray-reading the word, sing-reading the word, psalming the word, singing the word, and doing all these by opening our being to the Lord and humbling ourselves to have His fresh and instant speaking in His living word. Thank the Lord for […]

When we Enjoy the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit, we Magnify Christ in our Living

 The key to our experience of God’s salvation is the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ; when we enjoy this supply, we are saved to the extent that we magnify Christ no matter the circumstances, and Christ is magnified in us whether through life or through death. This was Paul’s testimony in […]

Being Prudent Slaves to be Rewarded by the Lord not Evil Slaves who will be Cut Off

 As those learning to be faithful and prudent slaves of God, we need to beware of eating and drinking with the drunken (keeping company with the worldly people, who are drunk with worldly things) and spread the Lord’s word to give others food at the proper time so that we may be rewarded with […]

We need to be Watchful and Ready for the Lord’s Coming, crying, Come, Lord Jesus!

 We need to prepare ourselves for the Lord’s coming by being watchful and ready, not loving the present age but loving the Lord’s appearing, not storing up treasures for ourselves but being rich toward God, taking the Lord’s coming as a warning and encouragement, and crying out, come, Lord Jesus! Amen! May we be […]

Not being an Evil Slave who says, My Master Delays, but Loving the Lord and His Appearing

 On one hand, we need to be a faithful and prudent slave who gives food at the proper time to those in God’s household; on the other hand, we need to not be an evil slave who thinks the Master delays so he beats his fellow slaves and eats and drinks with the drunken. […]

Pray ourselves into God to be Filled with the Spirit and Flow out the Spirit to others

 As those who are learning to be faithful and prudent slaves feeding the Lord’s folks until He comes, we need to be sons of fresh oil who are continually being filled with Spirit and flow out the Spirit for the shining of the lampstand, the testimony of Jesus! Amen! In Matt. 24 the Lord […]