Man has Dominion to Subdue the Enemy, Recover the Earth, and Bring in God’s Kingdom

God gave man dominion over the earth for him to exercise God’s authority to subdue the enemy, and to bring in the kingdom of God on earth so that the will of God may be done on earth and the glory of God may be manifested on earth. It is so wonderful to know that […]

Having the One Accord among God’s People Formed as an Army by Living in the Spirit

In Numbers 31 we see a beautiful picture of the one accord among God’s people who had been formed into an army ready for battle; it is a picture of the one accord we should practice in the church life today. In the church life we experience something very similar to what the children of […]

We’re being Built into the Body and Formed into a New Army to Fight for God’s Interest

In Num. 26-27 we see how the children if Israel were renumbered, Joshua was set up as the new leader, and the people of Israel were formed into a new army ready to enter the good land; this typifies the believers being built up into the organic Body of Christ to fight with God and […]

Living Stars Rise up Early to Meet the Lord and are Filled with the Spirit to be Messengers

Christ is the Bright and Morning Star, and as we spend time with Him in His word, He rises in our heart as the star, and we ourselves are produced to be stars shining in this dark age. As the Lord’s faithful followers, we need to be produced as shining and living stars; this age […]

Being Enlightened by the Lord and Giving Heed to His Word to become Living Stars

As the Lord’s faithful followers, we are becoming shining and living stars; as those who follow Christ we become living stars like Him to be His duplication by giving heed to the prophetic word and by the Spirit. On one hand the Lord Himself is the living star, and the magi saw His star, followed […]

We must Realise that God is the Supreme Authority and we must Touch God’s Authority

In this universe God is the supreme authority; He has all the authority, and we need to know authority, submit to God’s authority, and also submit to God’s delegated authority. In our deeper study of the book of Numbers this week we come to the matter of Authority, Rebellion, the Vindication of Delegated Authority, and […]

Being Deeply Rooted in Christ by Spending Time with Him in the Word to Absorb His Riches

As believers in Christ we have been rooted in Christ and we need to grow in Him and be built up in Him by spending adequate time with the Lord in His word to absorb His riches. Christ has been allotted to us as the portion of the saints in the light; we have been […]