Our Christ in His ascension and enthronement is the Ruler of the kings of the earth, and He carries out God’s administration by the seven Spirits of God burning before God’s throne and sent to the whole earth! Amen! May the Lord enlighten us and bring us into a vision of the throne of God […]
Christ as the Ruler of the Kings of the Earth Administrates by the Seven Spirits
Seeing the Spiritual Scene behind the World Situation and Persevering in Prayer
Behind the world situation there is a spiritual scene which includes both good and evil spirits that are engaged in an invisible spiritual war; however, as this struggle is taking place, God is in control, and He manages the world situation to carry out His purpose. Daniel was a man of prayer; even from early […]
Christ with His Overcomers will Destroy Antichrist and Bring in the Kingdom of God
The corporate Christ – Christ with His overcomers – will appear as the God-cut stone to strike the feet of the great human image, crushing the human government and increasing on earth to become a great mountain, the kingdom of God. Hallelujah! However, before this takes place, the Antichrist will come in Europe and will […]