Christ as the Ruler of the Kings of the Earth Administrates by the Seven Spirits

Our Christ in His ascension and enthronement is the Ruler of the kings of the earth, and He carries out God’s administration by the seven Spirits of God burning before God’s throne and sent to the whole earth! Amen! May the Lord enlighten us and bring us into a vision of the throne of God […]

Seeing the Spiritual Scene behind the World Situation and Persevering in Prayer

Behind the world situation there is a spiritual scene which includes both good and evil spirits that are engaged in an invisible spiritual war; however, as this struggle is taking place, God is in control, and He manages the world situation to carry out His purpose. Daniel was a man of prayer; even from early […]

Christ with His Overcomers will Destroy Antichrist and Bring in the Kingdom of God

The corporate Christ – Christ with His overcomers – will appear as the God-cut stone to strike the feet of the great human image, crushing the human government and increasing on earth to become a great mountain, the kingdom of God. Hallelujah! However, before this takes place, the Antichrist will come in Europe and will […]

Serve God by bearing others’ condition before Him to Speak with a Burden from the Lord

We need to come to the Lord with our toiling and burdens, and He will give us rest; we need to take the Lord’s yoke (the Father’s will) which is easy and His burden (the work to carry out the Father’s will) which is light, and always serve with a burden from the Lord. First […]

Christ gave us His life of Submission; we Learn from Him and God Operates in us

As believers in Christ, we need to come to the Lord with all our toils and burdens and He will give us rest, and we need to take His yoke upon us, being submissive to do the Father’s will even as He did, for Christ’s life of submission is ours. God desires to bring us […]

Becoming the Israel of God to Represent God and Execute God’s Government on Earth

When we do the will of God in the kingdom of God under the government of God, the issue is the church as the Israel of God, the church that represents God with His authority to deal with His enemy and bring in the kingdom of God on earth. Amen and amen! May the Lord […]

Repenting to the Lord and David’s Experience of Repentance in Psalm 51 – Young Adults Truth Series 1

This is part of the Young Adults Truth Series, which started in May 2020, while the coronavirus quarantine is in full swing, and the first session is on, Repentance in Psalm 51 (Truth Series #1). What a mercy from the Lord that we can use this time and the technology available to enjoy the […]