God needs our Cooperation in Persistent Prayer to Execute His Economy and Judgement

The persistent prayer that we have today will consummate toward the end of this age with much crying with a loud voice, asking God to come and avenge the blood of those who have been martyred and to vindicate His name on the earth. In Luke 18 the Lord gave a parable showing that we […]

Praying Persistently and Trusting our Sovereign Lord who is a God who Hides Himself

Our God is a God who hides Himself; He seems not to act when we pray, and He seems not to judge when we ask Him to vindicate us, but we need to bother Him with our persistent prayer until He does what He wants to do. We need to pray persistently, and our prayer […]

We Pray Persistently and Not Lose Heart to be Mingled with God and be One with Him

In Luke 18 we see how the Lord told a parable to the end that we should pray persistently and not lose heart; in a sense, we are like a widow in the present age because Christ (our Husband) is apparently absent from us, and Satan is our opponent, but God seems to be an […]

As the Church we can utter a Prayer with Authority by being one with God’s Will

In Mark 11:20-24 the Lord taught us to pray in a very particular way, a prayer not directed toward God but toward “this mountain”; the church can have a prayer with authority by having full faith, being without doubt, and being clear that what we do is according to God’s will. In order for a […]

We need to Learn to Pray by Faith for Executing God’s Will according to His Economy

We need to learn to pray by faith for executing God’s will according to His economy; this means that we need to be one with God for Him to become our faith, and when we pray according to God’s will we need to believe that we have received what we have asked for. Amen! This […]

Being Faithful to Cooperate with God’s Ultimate Move by Standing for the Recovery

The ultimate move of God today is to have Christ enter into us to be our life so that we may become His living members as His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all; we need to cooperate with God’s ultimate move. We need to know what age we are in, […]

The Divine History within the Human History is the Mystery of the Triune God in Humanity

We need to have a clear view of the divine history within the human history, realizing that the outward human history has a kernel, which is the mystery of the Triune God in humanity, the divine history within the human history. This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, The Universal […]