Praying the Prayer of the Age and Exercising Christ’s Lordship and Headship in Prayer

We as the Body of Christ can exercise the authority of Christ to deal with any frustration and problem, and we can pray to exercise the lordship and headship of Christ to deal with anything negative, anything that frustrates the fulfillment of God’s purpose. There are many kinds of prayers that we can utter to […]

Being in Ascension as the Body of Christ to Pray and Exercise the Authority of Christ

As the Body of Christ, we are joined to our ascended Head who has authority over all things and who has the lordship and the headship; we share His authority, and we can pray the prayer of the age to exercise the authority of Christ for the fulfilling of God’s economy. This week in our […]

Being Faithful in Service to God by Exercising our Spiritual Gift in Resurrection

In Matt. 25:14-30 the Lord likened Himself to a man going abroad and delivering His possessions to His slaves; we as the Lord’s slaves were entrusted with His possessions, we were given a gift according to our own ability, and we need to use our gift in our service to the Lord, being faithful in […]

Being Watchful and Beseeching that we Prevail to Escape the Hour of Trial and be Raptured!

In Luke 21 the Lord Jesus told us to take heed to ourselves lest our heart be weighed down and that day will come as a snare upon us suddenly, and also to be watchful and beseech that we would prevail to escape the great tribulation and stand before the Son of Man. Our aspiration […]

May we Lose our Soul-Life in this Age to Participate in the Rapture of the Overcomers

If today we lose our soul-life in this age, we may participate in the rapture of the overcomers; if today we overcome the stupefying effect of man’s living and do not preserve our soul-life, we will properly answer the Lord’s call when He comes, and we will be raptured. This is such a warning to […]

If we Lose our Soul-Life, our Soulish Enjoyment, in this age, we will Gain it in the Next

In following the Lord as His disciples, we need to lose our soul-life, that is, forsake it and not seek to have the enjoyment of the soul in this age but, for the Lord’s sake, put it aside and enjoy the Lord and seek His purpose. This week we come to a new topic in […]

Seeing the Signs of the Lord’s Second Coming and are Preparing ourselves for His Return

The Bible doesn’t leave us in the dark regarding the Lord’s second coming; rather, there are many signs of the end of times, signs that will take place toward the end of the age to show us that the Lord’s coming is imminent. The first and most important of these signs is the preaching of […]