Recognize our Measure in the Body and Know our Need for the Function of other Members

We need to have a sense, a consciousness, of the Body of Christ as the one new man, and we need to recognize our measure, not go beyond it, be blended with others, not consider ourselves more highly than others, but have a Body-consciousness and allow the Body to rule out any individualistic thought and […]

The Reality of the Body is the Corporate Living of the Overcomers by God’s Life to Express God

The Lord urgently needs the overcomers who have a corporate God-man living to be the reality of the Body of Christ expressed in the local churches; such ones live a crucified life by the resurrection life of Christ, and they express Christ for the building up of the Body. God needs a small number of […]

Being the Overcomers who Live in the Reality of the Body and Stand in Christ’s Victory

What the Lord is looking for today is the overcomers who live in the reality of the Body of Christ, those who consummate the building up of the Body in the local churches to bring in the holy city, New Jerusalem, as God’s dwelling place for eternity. God chose the church, but the church as […]

Pray in Harmony to Release God’s Will on Earth and to Prepare the Glorious Church

We need to pray in harmony to release God’s will on earth and to prepare the glorious church for Christ. In the church as a house of prayer, we pray in an executing way by asking in harmony; we bind on earth what has been bound in heaven, and we loose on earth what has […]

Our Prayer in the Position of Ascension is to Execute God’s Will and Administration

The position of prayer is the position of ascension; we need to be in ascension to utter prayers of authority, even authoritative commands before God, being one with Christ in His heavenly ministry to carry out His administration on the earth. There are many kinds of prayer, and we need to offer many prayers to […]

In the Church as a House of Prayer we Pray for the Fulfilment of God’s Economy!

Our prayer in the church as the house of prayer should be for the fulfillment of God’s economy; the prayer that is pleasing to God is the prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus that asks for the accomplishment of God’s will and for the fulfillment of is interest on earth. The church as […]

Living in the Body one with the Head to Exercise Christ’s Authority to Bind and Loose

The prayer of the age is not the prayer of individual believers (no matter how spiritual they are) but it is the prayer of the church as the Body of Christ, a prayer in which we bind and loose on earth what has been bound and loosed in the heavens. We need to live, act, […]