Prayer is the Mutual Contact between Man and God to Absorb and Express God in Prayer

 In order for us to pray with God as our faith, we need to know the meaning of prayer; prayer is the flowing between man and God and the mutual contact between man and God, and a praying person cooperates with God and allows God to express Himself through his prayer. This week in […]

All Spiritual Blessings and Divine Facts are Realized by Faith: Amen to God’s Word!

 All our spiritual possessions in Christ are actualized and realized by faith; when we claim the divine facts in God’s word by faith, the Spirit will apply to us all the graces that God has accomplished for us in Christ, making them real to us in our life. Wow! Faith is our “secret weapon” […]

Being Seated with Christ in the Heavenlies, we Stand in His Victory and Withstand the Devil

 We must exercise our spirit of faith to believe that the Lord’s ascension put Him far above the power of Satan, therefore we can withstand the devil by standing in the victory of Christ and declaring the accomplished work of the Lord. Hallelujah! We are believers in Christ, and we are such ones not […]

Being the Lord’s Overcomers in this Age by Finding Grace in the Sight of God Daily

 May we be the Lord’s overcomers in this age by finding grace in the sight of God daily and even moment by moment. No matter how low man fell, there were always some who found grace in the eyes of the Lord to be His overcomers; though the flesh as the presence of Satan […]

Pray to be One with Christ, Put the Flesh to Death one with the Spirit, and Live in Spirit

 For us to deal with the flesh, we need to pray to be one with Christ, put the flesh to death one with the Spirit, and live in the mingled spirit. The main purpose of the record of Genesis is not to show the fall of man but to show how much God’s grace […]

Being the Consecrated Ones and having a Proper Attitude in Listening to the Lord’s Word

 We need to learn from the pattern of Samuel to be faithful to God in what He has given to us and have a proper attitude in listening to the Lord’s word so that we may have His speaking and serve Him according to His divine revelation. May we learn the holy warnings we […]

We Reject any Oldness and Staleness and Keep ourselves Open and Fresh with the Lord

 As believers in Christ, we need to reject anything of oldness and keep ourselves empty, open, and new and living with the Lord; we need to be intimate with God, have His present speaking, and treasure and have a high regard for what God speaks to us and is giving to us. This week […]