The Reality of the Divine Trinity for the Constituting of the Kingdom in Matthew

The reality of the Divine Trinity is revealed in Matthew for the constituting of the kingdom of God; from the first to the last chapter of this book, we see the Triune God moving, working, speaking, and doing all things in oneness to gain man, constitute man, and fill man so that man becomes part […]

We Repent for the Kingdom and are being Baptized to be Immersed into the Triune God

We need to repent for the kingdom of God, taking Christ as our King and Lord, and we need to be baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit to be immersed into the Triune God and enjoy all that He is. Amen! It is very interesting […]

Repentant People are Baptized in Water and in Spirit to become the Kingdom People

The meaning of baptism is that repentant people are baptized in water outwardly and in Spirit inwardly so that they may become kingdom people. Through baptism we as repentant people are brought out of our old state into a new one, for our old life is terminated and we’re germinated with the new life of […]

We Go to Disciple all the Nations having the Lord’s Authority to Bind and Loose

Because all authority in heaven and on earth was given to Christ in His resurrection, we can go with His authority to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; we go with the Lord’s authority to bind the strong man and […]

All Authority in Heaven and on Earth has been Given to Jesus Christ in Resurrection

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus Christ, the Son of Man who died and resurrected, and now He is the Head of the Body, transmitting this authority to the Body of Christ so that we may go and disciple all the nations and baptize them into the Triune God! […]

The Parable of the Sower: Christ makes His Home in our Heart for God’s Building

The parable of the sower illustrates how Christ makes His home in our heart for God’s building. The Lord as the Sower came to sow Himself as the seed of life into our heart, and God strengthens us with Himself as the element while we afford the Lord the nutrients for Him to grow in […]

The Lord Jesus is our Rest: come to Him, Take His Yoke and Find Rest for your Souls

The Lord Jesus is our rest; we can come to Him as we are, with our toil and burdens, and He will give us rest, and we can learn from Him, for He is meek and lowly in heart, and we will find rest for our souls as we take His yoke upon us. Amen! […]