The Spirit of Jesus is the reality of Jesus, and this Spirit should become our constitution so that our work would be the expression of this Spirit; the Spirit of Jesus needs to be real to us by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus! Amen! Praise the Lord! If we look at the […]
What Kind of Spirit are we Guided by? The Spirit of Jesus is the Reality of Jesus!
We can Enjoy the Supply of the Spirit of Jesus in our Sufferings and Persecution

The Lord Jesus today is the Spirit, in particular, the Spirit of Jesus with the suffering element and the suffering strength to withstand persecution; today we have the all-inclusive Spirit of Jesus in our spirit to supply us in our Christian life. Hallelujah for the Spirit with our spirit! We believers in Christ often do […]
God Obtained the Church Through His Own Blood – the Blood of the Incarnate God-man

God obtained the church through His own blood, for through His incarnation He became a God-man with genuine human blood to redeem us and obtain the church; today we can enjoy the Lord as the Holy Spirit – in particular, as the Spirit of Jesus leading us, limiting us, and guiding us in all things. […]
The Triune God was Involved with Christ’s Ascension and the Pouring of the Spirit

Even as the Divine Trinity is the framework of the entire New Testament, so the Divine Trinity is the structure of the book of Acts; in particular today we want to see how the Triune God was fully involved with the Son’s ascension and the pouring out of the Spirit. Amen! This week we are […]
Seeing the Intrinsic Significance of Living in the Church as the Father’s House

Knowing that we as believers in Christ are the many abodes in the church as the Father’s house, we need to see the intrinsic significance of living in the church as the Father’s house today in our daily life. First, we need to see what is the Father’s house, then we need to realize that […]
Triune God is Making an Abode with the Believers for the Building of His Habitation

John 14 shows us that the Triune God is making His abode with the believers for the building up of His habitation; He visits the believers who love Him and abide in His word, speaks to them, and builds Himself into them to make them God’s habitation, the Father’s house. Amen! May our heart not […]
We have a Standing in God and in the Body of Christ by Living in our Spirit today

As believers in Christ, we all have a place in God and a place in the Body of Christ, and now we should live in the place prepared for us through the death and resurrection of Christ; we have a standing in God and in the Body of Christ, and we are in God and […]