The unique ground of God’s choice is the proper ground of oneness of His people; in the Old Testament this ground was Jerusalem with Mount Zion where the temple was built, and in the New Testament it is the ground of oneness – the one universal church being expressed in many localities standing on the […]
The Proper Ground of Oneness is the Unique Ground of One Church for one Locality
Enjoying Christ day by day as the Reality of all our Necessities in our Spirit

Our all-inclusive Christ is the reality of everything positive in the universe; we need to enjoy Christ day by day as the reality of all our necessities, for Christ is our breath, our drink, our food, our light, our clothing, and our dwelling place. Everything we need, He is. The gospel of John shows us […]
We’re being Transformed in our Soul to Live a God-man Life as Christ’s Reproduction

Hallelujah, we believers in Christ are being transformed in our soul so that we may live a God-man life by allowing Christ to live in us, and we are becoming Christ’s reproduction! When the Lord Jesus saves us, He comes into us as the One with the human virtues filled with the divine attributes to […]
Living Stars Rise up Early to Meet the Lord and are Filled with the Spirit to be Messengers

Christ is the Bright and Morning Star, and as we spend time with Him in His word, He rises in our heart as the star, and we ourselves are produced to be stars shining in this dark age. As the Lord’s faithful followers, we need to be produced as shining and living stars; this age […]
We Live the Kingdom Life in the Church Life by Living and Walking in the Spirit

The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age; we as believers need to live the kingdom life in the church life by living and walking according to the mingled spirit. The church comes into being when the authority of the kingdom is exercised over a group of people, and when we allow […]
Living in the Fellowship of the Body of Christ is the Reality of Living in the Body

Since the Body of Christ is uniquely one universally, the fellowship of the Body of Christ is also uniquely one universally, for there is one circulation in the Body of Christ, which is the stream of the divine life. For us to live in the Body of Christ, God in His economy gave us one […]
We should Offer a Sacrifice of Praise to God even when we Suffer and are Afflicted

The nature of praise is an offering – we need to offer a sacrifice of praise, even from our suffering, pain, and loss; when we praise the Lord in every situation, we display Christ’s victory and we overcome spiritual attacks. When the Bible speaks of praise, it says that we need to offer up through […]